Goooood day to everyone!
For some time now, as you may know, we have a trainee in our studio, the charming and talented Sanne. At least once a week (usually on tuesday) she is with us in the studio and she works on her figure projects. Her first project was painting a zombie figure and her second project was sculpting a bust. She is very accurate when doing stuff and really tries to do her best to learn and improve.
As we really want to show her as many facettes of the industry and the hobby we decided to take her bust sculpting project a bit further.
So what is the usual process of a sculpt when you don't do it just for yourself or as a hobby?
She finished sculpting the bust a while ago and I showed her how to prepare it for casting.
Next step is sending it to a caster (we won't do this ourselfes as we want high quality casts) who does a specific number of casts. The casts get sent back to us and we need to find a painter for the promotional paintjob (shouldn't be a big deal ;-) and then you could theoretically advertise and sell the bust.
So, as she doesn't own a "real" company (by now) we will do a little experiment.
But before writing the next senteces I want to show you some photos I took of the bust:
So, this is Jason! Yes, I know.... a very unusual bust, not the typical fantasy barbarian chick with big breasts and tiny armor.... but I think it is something very interesting to paint and it's for sure pretty well sculpted!
So, the experiment is that we will ask here on the blog who is interested in a "preorder" of this bust so casting will be "self payed" and Sanne can have a resin copy to really see the whole progress of such a project.
You can preorder this bust (size is around 4cm width, 5cm height so he's pretty big) for the price of just 12 € + shipping (2,40 € Germany / 3,45 € international).
If you want to preorder, write a mail to:
with the subject "JASON preorder" including your adress and PayPal adress.
The preorder time window will be two weeks from now... you can order until the 23-february-2014
Whe will notify all people who preordered at the end of the time window with information about the delivery date and will send out invoices for payment.
If you have any further questions, feel free to put them in the comment section of this post!
I hope you take part in this little experiment and show Sanne that not only typical big titted fantasy girl busts can have a little success ;)
Best wishes,
For some time now, as you may know, we have a trainee in our studio, the charming and talented Sanne. At least once a week (usually on tuesday) she is with us in the studio and she works on her figure projects. Her first project was painting a zombie figure and her second project was sculpting a bust. She is very accurate when doing stuff and really tries to do her best to learn and improve.
As we really want to show her as many facettes of the industry and the hobby we decided to take her bust sculpting project a bit further.
So what is the usual process of a sculpt when you don't do it just for yourself or as a hobby?
She finished sculpting the bust a while ago and I showed her how to prepare it for casting.
Next step is sending it to a caster (we won't do this ourselfes as we want high quality casts) who does a specific number of casts. The casts get sent back to us and we need to find a painter for the promotional paintjob (shouldn't be a big deal ;-) and then you could theoretically advertise and sell the bust.
So, as she doesn't own a "real" company (by now) we will do a little experiment.
But before writing the next senteces I want to show you some photos I took of the bust:
So, this is Jason! Yes, I know.... a very unusual bust, not the typical fantasy barbarian chick with big breasts and tiny armor.... but I think it is something very interesting to paint and it's for sure pretty well sculpted!
So, the experiment is that we will ask here on the blog who is interested in a "preorder" of this bust so casting will be "self payed" and Sanne can have a resin copy to really see the whole progress of such a project.
You can preorder this bust (size is around 4cm width, 5cm height so he's pretty big) for the price of just 12 € + shipping (2,40 € Germany / 3,45 € international).
If you want to preorder, write a mail to:
with the subject "JASON preorder" including your adress and PayPal adress.
The preorder time window will be two weeks from now... you can order until the 23-february-2014
Whe will notify all people who preordered at the end of the time window with information about the delivery date and will send out invoices for payment.
If you have any further questions, feel free to put them in the comment section of this post!
I hope you take part in this little experiment and show Sanne that not only typical big titted fantasy girl busts can have a little success ;)
Best wishes,
First: great Bust, realy like it. My first thought was "hey thats John Candy" :-D
Zweitens in deutsch ^^: ich habe aus diversen Gründen eine Abneigung gegen Paypal. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit die Bezahlung auch per Vorkassen-Überweisung zu machen?
What Sebastian said.. very nice work.. can see John Candy in it ( yay fellow canadian! ).
Mail sent ;) Congrats once more Sanne for this work, and good luck with the casting process.
@Sebastian: Ja, schick mir einfach eine Vorbestell-Mail und wir machen das dann am Ende mit einer Überweisung :)
@M R Lee: Thanks :)
Hi there very nice bust, I will order a copy. But something I have to mention is the text "not the typical fantasy barbarian chick with big breasts and tiny armor", the word "typical" implies that most of the miniatures out there are sculpts of women with big breasts and not much clothes to cover them. Well I think there are actually a lot more muscle packed male miniatures and busts out there, with more or less clothes on. Also there are a lot of heavyweight guys as miniatures out there and some as busts. I think there are some heavyweight women sculpts out there as miniatures, can't remember one as bust. So this might be a nice project for the future!
I don't want to start a discussion about sexism in the miniature scene, but I just wanted to point out that there are more other miniatures to discover out there than there are "the typical fantasy barbarian chick with big breasts and tiny armor" kind of miniatures. Don't want her to get the wrong picture of our beautiful hobby...
Hey Klaus,
thanks for the preorder and the nice discussion.... Sanne already kinda made up her mind and the miniature scene is, in fact, pretty ..... onesided (to use a word that isn't too extreme). If you look at the figures with the right eyes it is really VERY hard to actually find for example realistic female sculpts (and I am talking about realistic, not "not-comic-styled"). It's a petty and it is a problem that, in my opinion, really needs a change if the hobby wants to be able to reach a bigger audience.
I absolutely agree that nearly all femal sculpts out there are over exaggerated into the direction of big breasted lightly clothed sculpts. But for the male sculpts it's nearly the same. Statisticwise I would say as there are a lot more male sculpts then female sculpts and the percentage of realistic sculpts to over exagerrated sculpts is the same for male and female. Statisticwise I would say due to that there are a lot more male sculpts then female sculpts, the number of realistic female sculpts should be very, very low, near to none existent.
But that doesn't excuse the reality that there are nearly no realistic female sculpts. So I definetly agree with you on that point, that we need more of them.
Hoping to see some of them sculpted by you!
Well done, Sanne! Something rather unusual, but a very convincing sculpt. Love to take one of the casts.
I thought the same thing as Mr. Lee. Hey, that looks like John Candy. I must order one - for Canadian pride if not the coolness of a normal bust character rather than a far out fantasy or sci-fi character. You should sculpt a line of these "ordinary" folks. One by each massive voodoo member and call them: The normals. :P
The recent Raging Heroes Kickstarter and the Top Sellers of Companies like Banelegions / Mierce sadly show very strongly, where the preference of the Hobbyists / Gamers / Some Painters lies: Boobs, Thongs, Nipples and Asses... The Bigger the better... As this is true for the Main Part of the Hobbysists *at the moment*, companies have to deal with that, if they like it or not... It´s a simple fact, sadly... I completely agree that it should change at some point, but it will be a slow and long process to get people involved into the Hobby, so it can truly evolve into the broad spectrum Art of Painting Miniatures it could one Day be...
to bring this discussion into another direction:
sanne, is there any way, you write a tutorial about your first (really your first? - very impressive) sculpt?
- what putty did you use?
- how soft was it during work?
- did you work in layers?
- did you add extra putty for nose, mouth, eyes or just pulled the putty in place that was there?
- etc
- and the question i find the most interessting: how did you get his skin so clean without destroying the sculpt?
wieauchimmer, hut ab :)
Hey guys!
First of all thanks for your interest in my bust! I feel very honored and I'm glad about the orders.
Interesting discussion! I think the number and type of design of the female characters in the scene doesn't necessarily have anything to do with sexism, but simply with the interest of the modelers.
I also like the comic style and exaggerated forms, but I come from the classical art area, that's why I automatically work in another style. How nice that this isn't met with total rejection!
Haha, I should write a tutorial? How does that work? ;)
The putty is called Super Sculpey. For the basic form I've applied it straight to the “Unterbau”(sorry, but I really don't know the englisch word) which was still warm from baking. By heat modeling goes much faster and easier. Working with this putty was really fun for me because it can be shaped easily, while it remains supple. But previously, I've only worked with plaster and clay, and have almost no experience with putty.
Yes, I've been working in layers. Jason has become a lot bigger than I would have thought at the beginning. :) The basic volume went quickly, but then I applied more and more layers to represent the correct head shape and the realistic mass of the body. Especially on his double chin I've added repeatedly mass.
For the face I used both techniques: the basic face shape is achieved by pressing and moving the mass and you attach additional mass for the raised areas like the forehead, nose, cheekbones and chin. For the eyes, Raffa has shown me a special technique in which you form small balls and incorporate them into the eye sockets.
For the modeling of the skin, I've just smoothed everything with a scalpel and then really made everything smooth with a brush dipped in orange turpentine. Also Raffas trick. That's great fun because it's so easy going. But you mustn't use too much orange turpentine because it makes the putty very soft and otherwise merge the forms.
I hope I've answered all your questions. Thank you for your interest!
Best regards,
Hi again
The bust arrived...and I like it sooo much.
Not the standard heroic guy....great designer choice.
The casting is also wonderful