Hello jungle and hello weekend!
MV is making testruns to find a great way to explain some miniature painting techniques for future videos, which were never seen before. This is a testrun with a newly invented device called
After this first testrun, we have already figured out what we need to change to make it better for future videos. For you and for us.
We'll work on that :)
So far, keep on happy painting
and enjoy your weekend!
MV is making testruns to find a great way to explain some miniature painting techniques for future videos, which were never seen before. This is a testrun with a newly invented device called
which definatly needs improving for future, more serious videos. We are on it! Oh dear!
No explanation blablablubb, just painting fun for the testrun right here,
but maybe inspiring for some of you miniature painters outthere!
This video shows Roman enjoying painting the bust called "Handsome Jack" by MrLee'sMinis:
This is part A from the first take.
Part B is following soon.
which definatly needs improving for future, more serious videos. We are on it! Oh dear!
No explanation blablablubb, just painting fun for the testrun right here,
but maybe inspiring for some of you miniature painters outthere!
This video shows Roman enjoying painting the bust called "Handsome Jack" by MrLee'sMinis:
This is part A from the first take.
Part B is following soon.
After this first testrun, we have already figured out what we need to change to make it better for future videos. For you and for us.
We'll work on that :)
So far, keep on happy painting
and enjoy your weekend!
Echt klasse. Bin schwer begeistert. Was ist mit einer Stirnhalterung? Ist das nicht einfacher? Oder ist dann der Winkel doof?
Really cool test! Do you have the chest device? It could be interesting to test it while painting.
Very miniature. A Real pleasure to see jungle painting madness at work
This is insane! In a good way. I've fallen in love with the way you sketch wet n wet light situation just roughly in the beginning and work your way up from there.. it just makes the painting FUN, mostly because you already see the "end result" after five minutes. There are many ways to paint for sure, but this is for me (in combination with many other techniques)!
I grasped this concept from your excellent articles already, but the video was really ensuring I wasn't doing anything wrong :) This wet n wet really helped me to stop stressing about painting and trying to make everything correct slowly and carefully (what many painters are still doing - which is fine as long as the results are okay, but maybe just too much work & stress. Painting should be fun!) Looking forward to see more videos. This is excellent even out of focus.
Roman answering:
Stirnhalterung ist blöd, ich guck immer soviel durch die Gegend und dann wackelt die Figur und man ist evtl. unscharf oder so. Die Figur und das was auf ihr passiert sollte das wichtigste sein. Zumindest ist es das in unseren zukünftigen Videos.
No I do not own the chest device yet. I might try this in the future but I am scared that the moving of my breathing chest and my hands working with the brush might not keep the miniature in focus.
Thank you very much for your encouraging words and the feedback to what I thaught you so far with my way of painting. I hope you enjoy it even more in the future! Keep on happy painting!
Wow! Real Magic!
Ich bin absolut fasziniert vom "Prozess des Werdens".
Ich hab das zwar auch schon probiert und war auch schon bei Deinem Einsteigerkurs, bin aber immer daran gescheitert und das Ergebnis war in der Regel schlammfarbiges Geschmiere aber jetzt muss ich mich auf jeden Fall wieder da dransetzen und üben.
Gerade bei diesem Thema wäre es super ab und an einen Blick auf die Palette werfen zu können, bezüglich der Konsistenz der Farben, die ja einen nicht unerheblichen Teil der Technik ausmacht.
Die Zeit ist beim Betrachten des Videos nur so verflogen.
Wie lange sind denn diese 13 Minuten in Echtzeit?
Vielen Dank und ich freue mich schon auf weitere Ausflüge in die Welt der bewegten Bilder.
Roman answering:
Habe auf jeden Fall vor hier ein ausführlicheres Tutorial zum Thema Wet in Wet zu machen, sobald alles mit der Kamera Einstellung geklärt ist. Freut mich, wenn es gefallen hat, vielen Dank für das tolle Feedback - da machts gleich doppelt soviel Spaß dran zu bleiben.
Die 13 Minuten in Echtzeit... mmh, ich hab die Geschwindigkeit des Videos auf 300% gestellt, d. h. 100% ist normal, 200% schneller. also ca. 39 Minuten.