Friday on a Wednesday ...
yeah well, sounds strange, but the jungle drums hit so hard these days and we are busy as hell. One bad thing that really hurts my heart: In September we missed MASSIVE VOODOO's birthday. Completly. How stupid, but somehow we did not find the time nor the energy to rock the Jungle bells.
Well it was MV's 4th year - blogging since 2009 straight out of the deep jungle canopies.
4th Birthday.
And we missed it. The last years we celebrated the Birthday always with a cool event and something to win - for example the second workspace gallery. Really cool was the first one too. Last year we arranged the start of one of the biggest online contests ever - MV Bananalicious Painting Contest - with way too many figures to count and a lot of happy participants. The contest reached into the year 2013 with a lot of work to finish it for you all who painted like madmen for it. During that time Raffa and I also were in the middle of the progress of finishing our Artbook-Project and the jungle was ultrabusy.
Seriously ultrabusy?
Enjoying many contests this year so far was great too.
Bruessel's Painting Crusade was the bomb. The Apes have been to Chicago to the Crystal Brush, enjoyed a sunny Duke of Bavaria, Spring Angel in Moscow, Miniature show in Kulmbach was nice too, we went to Games Day Germany and many other smaller events, plus will see the Scale Model Challenge and Monte San Savino soon. Seems like we have seen a lot this year - but if you compare this to all the great offers of events the miniature scene got, it is not much. So many figure shows around Europe, Russia, USA, etc. ... I mean seriously, I think I won't be able in my whole life to visit all of these amazing days of passion and hobby sharing.
This year we enjoyed five MV beginner's painting classes, one in the Netherlands is yet missing as it takes place in December (really looking forward to that!!), three super-BAM-classes made BAMALANG! at some german wetpalettes and some serious private coaching in our studio took place, where still two more will follow this year. A lot of "teaching". Well this always sounds strange, but as the feedback from other painters often says "Thanks for the help, I learned a lot!" we must do something right.
As this year was busy so far and still will be madly occoupied with our brain's and brushes working twentyfourseven to bring you a very interesting year 2014, I am still searching for the right excuse why we did forget the Birthday of the jungle and find none. Maybe it was because of big or small projects, big or small articles, big or small plans, big or small explosions or fat white sharks, no one can tell.
We missed the birthday cake party, I can tell, but let's not dive in the past. Enjoy today and charging the future ahead. We are looking forward to this with you!
There is one thing I can tell for sure: Massive Voodoo is not just those ladies and gentleman here on the blog. It is all of us. Without the support and trust of our readers the jungle would be an island with just one palm tree, maybe two. Massive Voodoo's jungle is all the painters out there who feel what we do, who start sharing too to their friends, who infect more and more people with painting figures. You can call it even a virus and that virus is us, Miniature painters that help eachother, enjoy and spread a hobby that is one of the greatest on this planet.
Really? One of the greatest hobbies out there?
The jungle made new friends this year, saw many old friends again, found family here and over there, some friends turned into members of the jungle gang, some of the jungle gang found a serious work, we meet many painters here and there and saw a thousand great figures by our own eyes. Important for us always is to share it. Sharing emotional ups and downs during projects, sharing new ideas, sharing newly made experience when it comes to painting and so on ... sharing is what we do! But not only us, it is you in the end too, because you read here, because you tell your friends what you learned from painting this and that trick, you will share your experience in the future, you will recruit new painters, you will charge the future. Sounds epic and it is. Massive Voodoo is like an ocean, everybody is a drop of it.
Deepest thanks to all our followers, supporters, close friends, friends and all the friendly painters who we were able to meet, to everybody who shares his painting, to everybody who spreads the word about miniature painting, to everybody who paints small little soldiers with passion from the depths of his heart! You rule!
Painting Crusade was a blast!
Good Memories from Chicago!
The real Mister Justin ... in real life!
Two Monkeys in Moscow ...
Thumbs up for a great speech in front of the elevator!
Yacki-Di-Yack at the Duke of Bavaria, with legends!
Carl recieving some individual coaching ...
painting with the austrian pumpkin-painter gang ...
Beautiful memories of burgers at the painting class ...
Mjam, mjam ... plus painting, mjam, mjam ...
Still laughing after one of the coldest classes ever!!!
You know this crazy guy there?? Do you?
Dirty palettes ...
Painting class in Schoeppenstett ...
Meeting the Buddha and the ape brothers in the Miniature Mekka
Dirk painting a beauty during private practice ...
Painting class in Detmold was a lot of fun!
Batmans ...

Monkeybrother Mati finally sees his sculpts painted ...
Laughing hard at Games Day ...
Games Day Germany 2013 - now I call that a gang-shot!
There is that guy again ...
Models in Cologne ...
Valérie paints with paranormal activity and mind control ... Meeting great Karol ...That guy again ...
Matt and Matteo ...
Always great to see Anna ... and that guy again!
life is full of contrasts ...
The Bananalicious Prize Pool ready to hit the road ...
Apacolypse Wet-Dirt-Palette ...
first MV Studio Quest was a cool journey ...
Signing over 900!!! books was another journey ...
Felt like this ...
because they were so many ...
Documentary books ...
... but we found pride while looking at the books. Thanks to all our campaign supporters!
Wet palettes recieved stickers ... around the globe!
Great figures at the Painting Crusade X ...
Skyscrapers are scaring the hell out of me ...
Us and Mr. Officer ...
Boring yet?
The heads of CMON ...
Found friends in a great place!

We saw a tent full of figures at Kulmbach!

While I was preparing this post latest reports already bring some impressions of the Scale Model Challenge 2013 ... thanks to Phil for some great photos ...
Mad skills in propeller and jets here!
Submarine ahoi!
More to come this year, like I said Monte San Savino show and a painting class in the Netherlands. Additional to that we are already preparing to enter the year 2014 with strong ideas about Happy Painting. Thanks to everybody we were able to meet and enjoy the hobby together.
What I am trying to say here is ... Man we missed the Jungle's Birthday because of traveling way too much and keeping up with daily work... stupid us, but somehow this reason still seems worth it: Meeting as many fellow miniature painters, friends and hobby lovers as possible. Thanks so much to everyone we meet, who supports us, who cares about the passion, who is a part of the jungle!
Thanks to you! Yeah you! You reading this wall of text ... you!
Let's raise the glasses high to welcome a new year of Massive Voodoo - let's see if the Jungle grew older meanwhile ;)
Thanks to everybody!
Now make the jungle roar, show us who is reading here and post a comment to celebrate with us! There is nothing to win if you do ... Raffa and I were just doing bets on how many comments this post might reach ... now roar!! Let us know what is in your mind after reading this big wall of text and reached the end of this post ... let's try not to forget MV next birthday :D
Keep on happy painting!
The Massive Voodoo Team
Oh no... wie really missed it... :-/ but thanks to your nice review there´s a small celebration of the last year! YEAHHHHAAAOOOROOOOAAAAAAAAAAAARRRR :)
Happy Birthday guys. Wish you only the best and a lot of fun for the next year!
Epic post :D Happy Birthday to all of us! And THANKS to the endless support of our friends and all the hobbyists!
Really it we that should thank you! Thanks for awesome tips and tricks, inspiration and tutorials, fun reads ang groovy tunes.
All the best and here is to another year, CHEERS!
Happy birthday. Thank you for 4 entertaining and informative years and to many many more
Impressive compilation! Congrats :)
Impressive compilation! Congrats! :)
Happy birthday! All the best and more for you all, thanks for all the inspiration :)
Shake up those Banana Trees! :D
Wie immer kackfrech auf deutsch......allet Jute an die Junglecrew zum Vierjaehrigen. Zu diesem Anlass gibbet demnaechst ein paar Spezialribs von mir ;-)....mehr dazu aber spkaeter.....
Bappy Hirthday Monkey Business!
Cologne (Mo)del :)
Happy Birthday Apes :-)
All the best for the fifth year. May your colors always wet :-).
Happy Painting
I haven't painted a miniature since my early teens... and it is not until I see MV last year, I started painting again (or more correctly, learning how to paint) after a 10-year hiatus. You guys are awesome! Thanks for everything.
Boom! What a nice little bunch of pictures. Good memories, good times.
Who is dat guy who keeps popping up in your photos... he must be crazy or something :)
Congrats on 4 yrs.. wish we had known while in Hamburg.. could have done a small pre-celebration there also. Looking forward to 2014 and all the activities that you have planned.. maybe more photos of dat guy will be seen also? Will check with his accountant ;)
Enjoy and congrats once more!
Awesome post Roman! Congrats MV and thank you for everything you did for the community.
Congratz guys!
Thanks for all the inspiration and fun :) You are amazing monkeys!
gelukkige verjaardag!!!
happy birthday, monkeys
Happy birthday Massive Voodoo crew!
Wishing you many more years of happy painting :)
Happy birthday MV !! Thanks for all these good vibrations ! RRRRRROOOAAAARRRRR !
Uga Uga
Congratz! Looking forward to our pre-holiday weekend in Sprang!
And super nice compendium of last year :-D
congratulations from California! keep up the fantastic work.
Really happy for you guys! Looking forward to many more years!
All the good in all the universes to you!
Happy birthday MV, thank you for what you do and keep it up.
Best wishes
Best wishes from Polnad! :D
Soooo viel gelernt von euch in 4 Jahren MV, Danke!
Happy birthday monkeys!!!! Thank you so much for all your art, tutorials and colors!
Long live MV!!
Keep up the good work, guys! Your blog is a source of inspiration.
Yay! Happy Belated 4th Birthday to the MV gang :) Your site never fails to inspire, make me laugh, make me cry and make me happy. Here's to many, many more years in the Jungle xx
Happy Birthday!
It is just one "little" blog between millions, but it is a hughe step for the miniature community ;)
And all the best for the ongoing journey!