Our all passion is dangerous ...
welcome to another one of our MV Quests!
Sanding resin parts, breathing milliput dust, using many different glue sorts, working with multiple component putty or resin, sanding white metal in different qualities, sniffing strange colours smells ... eeeeecceeettaaarrrraaaa!!! Not the best conditions to grow old so it is good to check for your respiratory systems once in a while and take care to keep them away from danger. That is what this quest is about! It's breathing mask time!!
Many thanks to Dragonlord Games which is supporting not only the Article section with their banner, but also sponsoring a big load of figure candy to this Quest, for you to win!
Thanks for the support to
So, a dangerous passion it is.
We think everybody who loves Miniature Painting should have a breathing mask at home to have a longer life and paint more and more figures! If you already got one at home you are prepared for the upcoming quest that we ask of you. If you have none so far, get one, not only for this quest, also for your health.
Quest Rules
- Make a cool photo* of yourself** on your workbench while wearing your breathing mask
- Sent the photo via mail to jarhead---at---massivevoodoo---dot---com
- Name the mail like this "MV Quest - Respiratory System check - *your name*" to take part
- Sent your photo until 1st of December 2013
- we are judging the coolest photos, craziest ones, funniest and impressive ones, etc. - may the most creative of you win!
*entries will be made public on Massive Voodoo
** you can also make a photo together with your friends, pets or alien friends but everybody has to wear a breathing mask. If you enter a photo with multiple persons you are handled as a single entry. If you might win something with a photo of multiple persons you win as a group.
WIN one of those three prizes, sponsored by Dragonlord Games:
Now it is up to you! Show us your creativity and do something for your future health. When you did sent your entry you will recieve a confirmation mail by me. I will try to do so as soon as possible after the arrival. Hope to read you soon!
Keep on happy questing!
Your MV-Team
i dont understand. where to send email?
Please, tell me.
Sent the email to:
I wrote it so strange because of spambots attacking my eamil if I won't. Tip: Write it as you read the email adress. jarhead@ etc ... dot means point on your keyboard.
Hope you will succed ... if not let me know, I'll try to help you out!
I've never used such things! However, that won't stop me thinking of something...
This will be fun!!! J and I will work on this together :D
Really looking forward to :)
I've now entered with my custom steampunk respirator!
Good luck everyone