Hey everyone,
we just got up at Philip's and the first thing I wanted to do is to tell everyone what a great event it was!
Thank you for the great time and all the good talks.
Now as a little thank you, here is a list of the Golden Demon winners.
If you have any corrections for this list, please send me a mail to: picster (at) massivevoodoo (dot) com
My deepest respect to all winners, thank you for all the joy that my eyes had yesterday!
And for sure, my best wishes and biggest respect to my Bibab Roman who finally finished his project and it payed out! Yeeesss!!!
More photos and stuff will be posted the next days!
Best wishes,
we just got up at Philip's and the first thing I wanted to do is to tell everyone what a great event it was!
Thank you for the great time and all the good talks.
Now as a little thank you, here is a list of the Golden Demon winners.
Golden Demon Germany 2013
Scratch Demon
Michael Stillmader
Young Bloods
Bronze: Florian Wienand
Silver: Arnold Ludger
Gold: Floyd Drescher
(left: silver, middle: bronze, right: gold)
Open Category
Bronze: Andreas Ulrich
Silver: Łukasz Grzyb
Gold: Daniel Huber
(left: gold, middle: silver, right: bronze)
40K Single
Bronze: Łukasz Grzyb
Silver: Manuel Wenkert
Gold: Michal Pisarski
40K Unit
Bronze: Jonathan Garthier
Silver: Benedikt Sedlmair
Gold: Marco Bariselli
(left: gold, middle: silver, right: bronze)
40K Vehicle
Bronze: Cedric Lurkin
Silver: Mathias Paaschburg
Gold: Thomas Kyrsting
(left: silver, middle: gold, right: bronze)
40K Large Model
Bronze: Ben Komets
Silver: Markus Würdinger
Gold: Christoph Eichhorn
(The left figure is not the correct 3rd Place, middle: gold, right: silver)
WHFB Single
Bronze: Sean Damm (Georg Damm)
Silver: Adam Halon
Gold: Mo Ganji
(left: gold, middle: silver, right: bronze)
Bronze: Christoph Eichhorn
Silver: Rafael Garcia Marin
Gold: Ben Komets
(left: gold, middle: silver, right: bronze)
WHFB Large Model
Bronze: Adam Halon
Silver: Philip Prinz
Gold: Rafael Garcia Marin
(left: bronze, middle: gold, right: silver)
Bronze: Harald Moosmann
Silver: Christoph Eichhorn
Gold: Elias Alonso
(left: gold, middle: bronze, right: silver)
Bronze: Christop Blumenthal
Silver: Micha Pisarski
Gold: Roman Lappat
(left: silver, middle: gold, right: bronze)
Lord Of the Rings
Bronze: Christian Hardy
Silver: Adam Halon
Gold: Fausto Palumbo
(left: gold, middle: silver, right: Christian Hardy)
Forge World Best of Show
Tomasina Damien
Slayer Sword
Roman Lappat
If you have any corrections for this list, please send me a mail to: picster (at) massivevoodoo (dot) com
My deepest respect to all winners, thank you for all the joy that my eyes had yesterday!
And for sure, my best wishes and biggest respect to my Bibab Roman who finally finished his project and it payed out! Yeeesss!!!
More photos and stuff will be posted the next days!
Best wishes,
Massive congrats to Roman. We all know how much he suffered to try and get that piece finished. And I must say it was well worth the wait. Hope to see better pictures of it soon.
Congrats to all winners! It was a pleasure to see all of these awesome painters again and a honor to win in this hard category. Thx to all!!!
Excellent collection of picture. whish this was always possible
Thanks and again, but here, congratulation to Roman for a well deserved and long due win of winners!!!
Congratulations to Roman and thank you for the pictures.
Congratulations Roman, you deserve it :)
sorry but the right name of Forge World Best of Show winner is Tomasina Damien
Aphorys Dtstudio on facebook
congratulation for all
Congratulations Roman, please upload more pictures of that diorama, looks stunning.
Congrats dude!
Congrats on your win Roman, you deserve it1
Great! Thx for sharing /Hans
Congrats for the Sword, Roman! Looks like a well deserved win.
127 minis? are you crazy? CONGRATS, you have made History.
Congratulations to Roman and all the other Winners!
40K vehicles: Silver is left, Gold in the middle, and bronze on the right.
Danke für Bilder!
Und herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Schwert, ich bin schon sehr gespannt auf Close Ups und bessere Bilder von deinem Meisterwerk, Roman :) .
Gratulation!!! an alle natürlich.
Echt ein sehr geiles Teil geworden Roman, nach 5min betrachten hab ich immer noch neue kleine Details entdeckt.
Jetzt heißt es entspannen und dann mit frischem Schwung an neue Projekte.(zB. nen Workshop in Trier ;-) )
Grüße aus der 5th Dimension, Michael
Glückwunsch. Ein tolle Arbeit.
Congratulations for the awards Roman, the diorama is great...a great job for a great satisfaction....
Great event, and was great to see everyone again. Congrats to the Kong once more for the diorama.. a worthy winner for the sword in all accounts.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch - das ist wirklich ein atemberaubendes Gerät! Ich freue mich schon auf weitere Bilder - gibts eventuell auch noch einen Werkstattbericht zu dem Diorama? Detailfotos? WiPs? (ich weiß, ich bin unverschämt!)
Congratulations, Roman! Well deserved!
Congratulations to you, Roman, and of course to all the other winners :) What great project! I can't wait to see more photos :)
Congrats Roman... You, for sure, deserved it! Well done!
Now...! Roman you can go on and berserk around with a sword. So all the hard work was really well invested time, sweat and heartblood. Cordially congratulations!
Congartulations to all the Deamon winners too!
40k single gold should be Michal Pisarski (who got also silver in Diorama) not Daniel Huber. Please correct the mistake
That's a whole lot of Tyranids! Congratulations Roman and Great Work!
An absolute massive piece of voodoo you made there Roman!! Great job and a well deserved sword! Next project would be a swordrack for the both of you i guess :)
Thanks to everybody amd congratz to everybody who won something ... I'll speak more when I find more words again ...