Hello Jungle Painters,
to sign the petition click here!
You all know our Massive Voodoo studio is located in a place called "Kulturpark West" in Augsburg. This is a big place which gathers around 1400 musicians and artists. With its size it is a very unique area in Europe among others, BUT ...
In the year 2017 these three big buildings will vanish as the ground they stand on will be used to see new houses and flats growing. Sad but true. At the moment many plans are made to find new homes for all the people there, but so far nothing is safe yet.
Now there is a campaign were the artists of the "Kulturpark West" collect signatures via a petition to maybe keep these houses at their place. Well, we all do not know if it works, but at least we try.
We need your help now!
Please sign the petition, spread the word and help us reach
our goal of 5000 signatures!
This is the original petition text:
Kulturpark lives.
Kulturpark is of use.
Kulturpark stays.
YES to the preservation of the creative quarter in Sommestraße, Augsburg!
For 7 years now painters, musicians and artists have been turning Augsburg's barracks area
in Sommestraße into an oasis of creativity. The cultural users' diversity provides for a vivid arts and cultural scene, that inspire one another, provide new impetus and facilitate a life in creative industry.
KULTURPARK is of use.
The artists of the Kulturpark create a multitude of art options and cultural offers. Concerts, exhibitions and various events cater for all tastes and ages and provide for entertainment. Creative workshops from dance to aerobatics, art and music classes as well as professional coachings create a wide range of cultural offers for Augsburg.
Self determination, nonprofit structures and ‚bottom up' do work. The creative users are there already – they have made themselves a home here and they advocate the preservation of Augsburg's self-governed creative project 'Kulturpark West' that is unique in all of Germany. Over 200 rooms and 1,500 artists should remain in Sommestraße next to the city's cultural center Abraxas! The 'creativity belt' blends perfectly into the planned zoning map for the Reese
area. What is more, the waiting lists for the Kulturpark emphasize Augsburg's need of an extension of the Kulturpark by the Gaswerk.
With my signature I support the preservation of the Kulturpark.
Initiators of this petition: KUKI Musikkultur für Augsburg e.V. and Achtunddreißigvierzig – Die Künstler im Kulturpark West.
Raffa, Roman and Bene took their time in the past weeks to create a video collecting impressions of the daily life inside the Kulturpark and we hope you enjoy it. Sadly the translation function of youtube is of little use, but we hope the athmosphere we want to preserve is transported:
Please sign the petition, spread the word and help us reach our goal of 5000 signatures! (Page 2 will ask if you want to donate, that's to the petitions page, not to Massive Voodoo or this particular cause, if you see that page you have already signed and can close the page safely)
Thank you for your help!
to sign the petition click here!

You all know our Massive Voodoo studio is located in a place called "Kulturpark West" in Augsburg. This is a big place which gathers around 1400 musicians and artists. With its size it is a very unique area in Europe among others, BUT ...
In the year 2017 these three big buildings will vanish as the ground they stand on will be used to see new houses and flats growing. Sad but true. At the moment many plans are made to find new homes for all the people there, but so far nothing is safe yet.
Now there is a campaign were the artists of the "Kulturpark West" collect signatures via a petition to maybe keep these houses at their place. Well, we all do not know if it works, but at least we try.
We need your help now!
Please sign the petition, spread the word and help us reach
our goal of 5000 signatures!
This is the original petition text:
Kulturpark lives.
Kulturpark is of use.
Kulturpark stays.
YES to the preservation of the creative quarter in Sommestraße, Augsburg!
For 7 years now painters, musicians and artists have been turning Augsburg's barracks area
in Sommestraße into an oasis of creativity. The cultural users' diversity provides for a vivid arts and cultural scene, that inspire one another, provide new impetus and facilitate a life in creative industry.
KULTURPARK is of use.
The artists of the Kulturpark create a multitude of art options and cultural offers. Concerts, exhibitions and various events cater for all tastes and ages and provide for entertainment. Creative workshops from dance to aerobatics, art and music classes as well as professional coachings create a wide range of cultural offers for Augsburg.
Self determination, nonprofit structures and ‚bottom up' do work. The creative users are there already – they have made themselves a home here and they advocate the preservation of Augsburg's self-governed creative project 'Kulturpark West' that is unique in all of Germany. Over 200 rooms and 1,500 artists should remain in Sommestraße next to the city's cultural center Abraxas! The 'creativity belt' blends perfectly into the planned zoning map for the Reese
area. What is more, the waiting lists for the Kulturpark emphasize Augsburg's need of an extension of the Kulturpark by the Gaswerk.
With my signature I support the preservation of the Kulturpark.
Initiators of this petition: KUKI Musikkultur für Augsburg e.V. and Achtunddreißigvierzig – Die Künstler im Kulturpark West.
Raffa, Roman and Bene took their time in the past weeks to create a video collecting impressions of the daily life inside the Kulturpark and we hope you enjoy it. Sadly the translation function of youtube is of little use, but we hope the athmosphere we want to preserve is transported:
Please sign the petition, spread the word and help us reach our goal of 5000 signatures! (Page 2 will ask if you want to donate, that's to the petitions page, not to Massive Voodoo or this particular cause, if you see that page you have already signed and can close the page safely)
Thank you for your help!
Signed. I hope you are successful in stopping it. There's few things that makes me as sad as this. Culture is so damn important for people and Countries but it's so often treated as something without value, and it needs to change.
I will definitely sign. Right now I am study the real value of artistic works for society. We are trying answer what is the benefit to society for having works of arts, parks, monuments, and cultural sites. What people do not realize is that art is an important part of our information cycle because it is a message that is not always so clear, so the information in the piece of art interacts with the brain often to form something new and useful. New useful information is created by this interaction. Many valuable things can then spring from it. It can help social cohesion, inspire new inventions, and help bring about social change. Many people know this, but we are trying to measure this by the use of energy, and then work to convert this to dollars to get an monetary value people can understand.
signed! let´s Keep the fingers crossed.
Signed. We must share this more.
Signed - Good luck with the petition my friends
Signed. Nuff said.
Signed! And best of luck. Massive Voodoo must endure!
Signed !! Good Luck.
Signed. It's a truly worthy cause! I wish you all the best!
Signed, good luck to all
Signed :)
Signed auch wenn er denkt, dass ich aus USA komme :-)
Signed auch wenn er denkt, dass ich aus USA komme :-)