Emanuel says:
"Paint chipping from the wall of my staircase, sunbeams reflecting on different kind of surfaces and the proportion of pupil to iris while looking into other people eyes are just a few things which I'm recognizing now more intensive than before, especially when it comes to painting miniatures. Our class spend about 30 hours with Roman through the whole weekend in an epic vaulted cellar. Roman has not only teached us some fancy painting techniques and theorie about light, contrast and colours. He teached us about motivation and being attentive for all the influences which are surrounding us day by day. Painting something on a miniature works much better if you got an understanding of how it works in reality. Pretty easy conclusion you might think but tough when it comes to its realization. So Roman has guided us on our first steps of that journey and I guess everyone of us is now well prepared for his own path thru the massive painting jungle."
Hey Jungle Painters,
another one of MV's Jar's Beginners Class took place two weeks ago.
This time in Berlin again. Massive Voodoo travelled to Berlin for the second time
as we did the first class in Berlin in 2011.
This time we have to thank Battlefield-Berlin and the Zitadellen Schenke for organising a great venue for us painters. Thanks for your great help and the superdeluxe home you prepared for us during the weekend! The place was located in Berlin/Spandau in an old castle and yeah ... just wow!
The entry to the castle ...
Beautiful view all around ...
The Zitadellen Schenke itself ...
Such a cool place, you can have medieval parties here, medieval food and brunch, just too cool and tasty, but best of it all is the athmosphere!
First things first,
thanks goes out to Daniel, who supported this review with some of his photos!
Thanks to Mati + his family and Georg who both were great hosts and showed big hospitality to Roman during his stay in the capital. Thanks for the cool time we did spent together! It was also nice to see Ben and Jakub again.
Big thanks to everyone of the twenty-five participants, who attented to the class and made it possible. You were great students and it was a joy for Roman to hold the class and spent the time with you! Thanks to those who took the class for the first time and also to those who repeated the class! Many thanks to those who travelled far for the class (one came from Switzerland by bus!) ...
Many thanks to the sponsors of the class who help providing great basing material for all students:
Our place was well chosen, as the sun was hot outside but we were located in a dungeon. 15°, perfect painting temperature. Jungle Painters arrived and prepared their workspaces!
Friday night was spent with basing work, theory and preparation ...
While everyone was working the big table looked like a spaceship ... from outter space!
A miniature painter needs light! Many miniature painters need much more light!
Saturday morning arrived in a hurry and we prepared some more, had more practical exercises with Roman and before lunch went for priming! Sun again, after spending time in the dungeon.
For lunch we were served soup, but a lot of it, great self-baked bread and all in a medieval athmosphere! Thanks to the great and friendly team of the Zitadellen Schenke we felt like home every minute!
After lunch we started painting.
Explanations by Roman, followed by concentration and fun.
Many techniques were new to many of the students and Roman's aim is definatly to bring fun to a miniature painters workbench. Colours are friends and light and shadow guide the way!
A base with color ...
This table looked so fascinating ...
Time flew by on Saturday and everyone was busy, until they served us our dinner.
This was just WOW! WE felt like kings in a castle and it was ultratasty!
... no time to rest yet, after tasty yumiyumi dinner, everyone was forced back on their miniatures!
Saturday was a though day, for students and teacher alike, but the efforts invested paid out. Students and teacher alike. We started Sunday morning with some painting time and did head for supertasty brunch for lunch. It was hard to get the students back to their tables.
Well, they had to. And paint on we did. Sunday was packed with further detail work and effect fun and in the end everyone's project grew to what he first saw in his vision. Colors, light and shadow and Roman as a guide. We also managed to make photos on Sunday late afternoon, shorty before the official end of the class ...
Oopps, wrong photo ...
Results are in ...
Well, many thanks to all of you for making this weekend what it was. A big painting party! Thank you all for your fun and will in learning from me. Keep your brushes wet and your painting muscles will grow!
Keep on happy painting!
Some souvenirs Roman did find during his stay in Berlin.
"Paint chipping from the wall of my staircase, sunbeams reflecting on different kind of surfaces and the proportion of pupil to iris while looking into other people eyes are just a few things which I'm recognizing now more intensive than before, especially when it comes to painting miniatures. Our class spend about 30 hours with Roman through the whole weekend in an epic vaulted cellar. Roman has not only teached us some fancy painting techniques and theorie about light, contrast and colours. He teached us about motivation and being attentive for all the influences which are surrounding us day by day. Painting something on a miniature works much better if you got an understanding of how it works in reality. Pretty easy conclusion you might think but tough when it comes to its realization. So Roman has guided us on our first steps of that journey and I guess everyone of us is now well prepared for his own path thru the massive painting jungle."
Hey Jungle Painters,
another one of MV's Jar's Beginners Class took place two weeks ago.
This time in Berlin again. Massive Voodoo travelled to Berlin for the second time
as we did the first class in Berlin in 2011.
This time we have to thank Battlefield-Berlin and the Zitadellen Schenke for organising a great venue for us painters. Thanks for your great help and the superdeluxe home you prepared for us during the weekend! The place was located in Berlin/Spandau in an old castle and yeah ... just wow!
The entry to the castle ...
Beautiful view all around ...
The Zitadellen Schenke itself ...
Such a cool place, you can have medieval parties here, medieval food and brunch, just too cool and tasty, but best of it all is the athmosphere!
First things first,
thanks goes out to Daniel, who supported this review with some of his photos!
Thanks to Mati + his family and Georg who both were great hosts and showed big hospitality to Roman during his stay in the capital. Thanks for the cool time we did spent together! It was also nice to see Ben and Jakub again.
Big thanks to everyone of the twenty-five participants, who attented to the class and made it possible. You were great students and it was a joy for Roman to hold the class and spent the time with you! Thanks to those who took the class for the first time and also to those who repeated the class! Many thanks to those who travelled far for the class (one came from Switzerland by bus!) ...
Many thanks to the sponsors of the class who help providing great basing material for all students:
Our place was well chosen, as the sun was hot outside but we were located in a dungeon. 15°, perfect painting temperature. Jungle Painters arrived and prepared their workspaces!
Friday night was spent with basing work, theory and preparation ...
While everyone was working the big table looked like a spaceship ... from outter space!
A miniature painter needs light! Many miniature painters need much more light!

Saturday morning arrived in a hurry and we prepared some more, had more practical exercises with Roman and before lunch went for priming! Sun again, after spending time in the dungeon.
The food was just so tasty and now bowl returned not completly empty!
After lunch we started painting.
Explanations by Roman, followed by concentration and fun.
Many techniques were new to many of the students and Roman's aim is definatly to bring fun to a miniature painters workbench. Colours are friends and light and shadow guide the way!
A base with color ...
This table looked so fascinating ...
Time flew by on Saturday and everyone was busy, until they served us our dinner.
This was just WOW! WE felt like kings in a castle and it was ultratasty!
... no time to rest yet, after tasty yumiyumi dinner, everyone was forced back on their miniatures!
Saturday was a though day, for students and teacher alike, but the efforts invested paid out. Students and teacher alike. We started Sunday morning with some painting time and did head for supertasty brunch for lunch. It was hard to get the students back to their tables.
Well, they had to. And paint on we did. Sunday was packed with further detail work and effect fun and in the end everyone's project grew to what he first saw in his vision. Colors, light and shadow and Roman as a guide. We also managed to make photos on Sunday late afternoon, shorty before the official end of the class ...
Oopps, wrong photo ...
Final speech of a proud teacher, but also a tired one ...
Results are in ...
Well, many thanks to all of you for making this weekend what it was. A big painting party! Thank you all for your fun and will in learning from me. Keep your brushes wet and your painting muscles will grow!
Keep on happy painting!
Some souvenirs Roman did find during his stay in Berlin.
Mati and his son build Mad Max Lego cars.
An afternoon spent in the sun ...
Truly awesome!!! Hope I can attend one in the future...
I was one of the students (beard and long hair) and have to say a big “thank you” to Roman! The way I see and paint a miniature now has changed over that single weekend. Roman’s mantra was “everything happens because of a reason” and that alone let me bring the paint more happily onto the miniature. And thanks to the knowledge of the color circle much less random :)
Seeing somebody painting a smooth blending and feeling the right consistency of the paint (I never could understand what “milky consistency” should mean) is so much different to reading about it or even watching a video.
I strengthen my “painting muscle” with every miniature I have under my brush. Last week that was a group of cannon fodder for a wargame, where I normally put on base colors and do the rest with washes. But now I painted a quick wet-in-wet blending here and there just for training purpose. What could go wrong?
Thanks again Roman and I hope to see you again on the next workshop!
If somebody is interested in reading about the workshop from my point of view (in german though), please have a look at my blog.
It truly was a fantastic experience. Great surrounding, great people, learned a great deal about painting. But most importantly: i didn't know painting could be so much fun!