Hello Jungle,
this is important News, please take your time to read it properly.
In September 2014 Massive Voodoo is celebrating its 5th Birthday.
Yes, five years of the painting jungle blog. Unbelievable how fast time runs, eh?
We are constantly trying to bring our readers interesting miniature painting related content, do creative competitions, write our own painting experience in form of articles and tutorials and enjoy and share the bright side of happy painting with you all. That is what Massive Voodoo is and always will be.
But, a blog is nothing without its readers and the ladies and gentleman who are showing their interest in what drops in to the blog. So this honest "Thank you" goes to all of you who read it right now. We even go a step further instead of just saying "Thank you" or throwing more free stuff and gifts at you.
Instead we ask for your help!
The Massive Voodooo Umbrella?
Well, some of you might already have recognized that in the past few weeks a new blog author arrived in the jungle, his name is "Massive Voodoo". This author stands for the whole MV-Team, which is a big family under the jungle canopy. With his blogposts the Team speaks, everyone involved in the team and the plan is to put more official Massive Voodoo stuff, announcements, reviews, tutorials and more under the Massive Voodoo Umbrella.
The personal accounts will not be closed, don't you worry.
Massive Voodoo will still stay personal and further plans will put the Team as a whole more in focus in future days ahead.
We are in the middle of "Testing" with this way of blogging to find out in which topics it makes sense to speak as the team and in which not. Here is were you come into play by giving us feedback. If you read a blogpost on the blog, check for its author in the upper right corner on top of the post. If you think some posts sound strange when they are written from the Massive Voodoo Team or in this particular content the new author does not fit, give us your feedback via email to:
Why do we ask you and not just do what we like?
Well, as said before a blog is nothing without its readers and we want our readers to be happy while they read. Let us know what you think and help us in this case.
Thanks for taking your time reading this!
Your MV-Team
i read you everyday, i became addict to your philosophy.
i can just encourage you to keep the same motivation. Everything you do is made by heart. Massive Voodoo has transformed the miniature world, ans it transformed the life.
just a suggestion : can you seen more pictures of your display cabinet ? I remembered many photos in some "Kong's WIP", but not in the lasts. It's great to see many and many miniatures together, like a great family.
congratulations fot the five years, and for the very well written articles. I don't have an perfect understanding of english, but your writing style is a hapiness, between a nice newspaper and a poetry.
I follow the blog for 4 years, I found a lot of advice, and I will continue to follow you as long as I can hold a brush in my hand.... :)
Hy Jungle kings
just had a look to the last blog entries ,and here are my thoughts to it :
I don`t think that anything sounds strange no matter who writes it , but it's clear to me that the author of the contest stuff has to be MV , in my eyes also the private Coaching have to be written by MV . At least there are two things which aren`t clear to me the miniatures unpacked are done by Roman but the newpaper turtorial is also a Project done by Roman ?but written by MV ( here I think it depends if you guys write article series and wanna repead them as an author )
Last but not least I like this blog a lot and I got to say that I always have a look on who did write the articles so I have somebody to Name while doing a post here , but at least I think in some ways it would be easier to you guys not to personaly Name every article ,so that you can share those answers to the community between you .
Hope my formulations aren`t to distracting
i like your blog as it is. i follow it almost since its beginnings back in the dim past.
and it has evolved into something realy cool, what i don´t want do miss in my miniature hobby.
but trying out something new, is always good. which is typical for MV. but in this way trying something new with the blog"technic".
i say, try it!
if it works, its cool. if not, try something else. no harm taken.
as long as you don´t outsource articlewriting to someone in, let say in india, i think everything will work out fine.
Hi MV,
First off congratulations on the soon to achieve five years!
You guys have been my inspiration to start my own blog.
About the MV-team user, I think it is good to use it for announcements, MV news or contests. For all the other things I like the personal touch of a name at the end of an article
Hi MV-Team,
I read your Blog every week since years. In all my devices is a bookmark to MV and I can't count the miniatures I painted with the inspiration I found here. Sometimes its like reading painting-stories from long friends although we never met (except Roman and Raffa on a workshop). Anyway thanks for this Blog!
For me it is totally fine if you use a team user for anouncements, give-aways and so on. But on painting articles I like to know who was writing it, because its stays on a personal level in my opinion.
Keep up the great work Guys!
thank you but who will I ask my stupid questions to and the guys from my club will also be disappointed because told them about and this includes a World Grand Master of your Greg Di Franco . I hope to talk to again sometime in the future .