posted by roman, jarhead, kong
After I talked about after a computer game called Mass Effect 3 lately, which inspired me to do the bust of Old Commander Shepard it is time to talk about another computer game.
First of all I don't want you do think I am a person who is only gaming. Second, the game I am talking about now is a first person shooter and I don't want you to think I am somehow fascinated by guns or tanks. The game I am talking about is Battlefield 3 by EA, which I play now since its release. My profile there is
... and I love to drive a tank and do tricky mine surprises. Please don't write me friend requests in the game because I am Roman from Massive Voodoo - I won't respond. I play the game with people I know from real life only. Playing this game with my friends is truly pure fun. We sometimes play very tactical, sometimes very stupid, sometimes the game is total stress and sometimes weird, but in the end it is always fun and sometimes you find moments that fit to the games great soundtrack:
I want to thank one of my fellow warrior friends, Bene aka "BenjiTheKing" with making the following figure a gift to him. Figure comes from Hasslefree and is meant to be painted that way, isn't it? I hope you like it!
The figure's color were inspired by the Artwork by EA.
The figure was primed black, followed by some work with the airbrush. Mainly dark blue tones to it. After this I worked my way back into the shadows with gentle glazes of black. After this I worked on the lights of the blue and added the basic area of the OSL with the use of the airbrush and Forged Monkey Dayglow Pigments. Now it was time again to get the transitions between dark and bright areas smoother and I worked with a mix of blue/black, more blue to the lights. After this it was time for some detail work on the edges.with adding more and more white. During this step I worked further on the OSL and made the areas of it clearer and sharper. I have no idea if this describtion can help, inspire or whatever, just was in the mood to write it ...
Rock on and happy painting!
Plow! Plow!
After I talked about after a computer game called Mass Effect 3 lately, which inspired me to do the bust of Old Commander Shepard it is time to talk about another computer game.
First of all I don't want you do think I am a person who is only gaming. Second, the game I am talking about now is a first person shooter and I don't want you to think I am somehow fascinated by guns or tanks. The game I am talking about is Battlefield 3 by EA, which I play now since its release. My profile there is
... and I love to drive a tank and do tricky mine surprises. Please don't write me friend requests in the game because I am Roman from Massive Voodoo - I won't respond. I play the game with people I know from real life only. Playing this game with my friends is truly pure fun. We sometimes play very tactical, sometimes very stupid, sometimes the game is total stress and sometimes weird, but in the end it is always fun and sometimes you find moments that fit to the games great soundtrack:
I want to thank one of my fellow warrior friends, Bene aka "BenjiTheKing" with making the following figure a gift to him. Figure comes from Hasslefree and is meant to be painted that way, isn't it? I hope you like it!
Hasslefree, 28 mm
The figure's color were inspired by the Artwork by EA.
The figure was primed black, followed by some work with the airbrush. Mainly dark blue tones to it. After this I worked my way back into the shadows with gentle glazes of black. After this I worked on the lights of the blue and added the basic area of the OSL with the use of the airbrush and Forged Monkey Dayglow Pigments. Now it was time again to get the transitions between dark and bright areas smoother and I worked with a mix of blue/black, more blue to the lights. After this it was time for some detail work on the edges.with adding more and more white. During this step I worked further on the OSL and made the areas of it clearer and sharper. I have no idea if this describtion can help, inspire or whatever, just was in the mood to write it ...
Rock on and happy painting!
Plow! Plow!
Being an avid BF3 player myself I SOOOO want one of those. I'll think I'll head right over to Hasslefrees site to get me one.
Hah! Good stuff. I am in the midst of writing a tank guide over on my blog... It is a bit long at this point, but what can you do? I'll post it in a day or two. Seriously great game... Maybe the best balanced MP game I've seen.
See on the other side of the crosshairs soon again ;)
i wana buy. one. were
Hasslefree Miniatures.
Well, duck and cover my friend.
Hey there, thanks for the plug. Glad you liked the mini and that is an excellent paintjob! :)