Posted by Raffa, Picster, Capuchin,....

Hey everyone,
as almost every hobbiest has heard by now Games Workshop replaced their whole white-metal miniatures with resin cast ones.
This is what Games Workshop says about their new Miniature line.
To find out if this is true and we can paint next level miniatures from GW from now on i bought a Emperors Champion in metal and in finecast.
This is what you get... i think the new packaging looks much nicer, it has a picture on the front so the color decision will be much easier for uncreative people ;)
This is the content of the packages. On the right side you can see the new finecast casting.
After some minutes of cutting you can already play with the miniatures if you really like to.
There is no noticable time difference in the assembly of the figures.
This is the leftover trash... environmentally the old metal miniatures clearly win ;)
Now i started to compare the two casts.
On the finecast miniature there are clearly less mold lines as on the metal miniature.
Those bubbles really are annoying... i found them all over the miniature...
Here's a big flaw... the space between the helmet and the shoulder pad is filled with resin on the finecast version while the metal version is correctly casted.
More bubbles....
Another bubble.
Ok so after my first inspection i'm not too glad... the metal version has some more mold lines but the resin version has many bubbles i need to fill. The positive thing is that the resin is much much better to work with and so the mold lines can be easily removed while on the metal version it's a stupid and exhausting long work.
After i removed the mold lines i assembled and base coated the two guys... as Roman and i wanted to paint those two on last night Roman already started with the conversion, sorry for this :(
hmmm ok, let's look closely and be honest.. there is no visible difference...the quality of the details is 99% the same.
Let's summarize it:
After all i can say i like the new finecast because i love resin.
But i'm very confused about Games Workshops marketing strategy, let's be honest, small companys like Studio McVey, Smog, SmartMax, JMD, Figone etc are producing lightyears above GWs quality while GW announces the next level in minature quality with super extra special resin.. oh, and a price increase while the production costs are lowered. I think this is the thing that most people find disturbing about this whole Finecast story.
And while i was in the GW store i saw many many blisters with miniatures inside that no reputable Miniature Company that i know would dare to sell....
So, what's your opinion about Finecast?

Hey everyone,
as almost every hobbiest has heard by now Games Workshop replaced their whole white-metal miniatures with resin cast ones.
Our Citadel Finecast models are the latest step in hobby evolution, providing you with incredibly detailed, high-quality resin kits to bolster your army. Painting and modelling Citadel miniatures has never been as rewarding as this.
This is what Games Workshop says about their new Miniature line.
To find out if this is true and we can paint next level miniatures from GW from now on i bought a Emperors Champion in metal and in finecast.
This is what you get... i think the new packaging looks much nicer, it has a picture on the front so the color decision will be much easier for uncreative people ;)
This is the content of the packages. On the right side you can see the new finecast casting.
After some minutes of cutting you can already play with the miniatures if you really like to.
There is no noticable time difference in the assembly of the figures.
This is the leftover trash... environmentally the old metal miniatures clearly win ;)
Now i started to compare the two casts.
On the finecast miniature there are clearly less mold lines as on the metal miniature.
Those bubbles really are annoying... i found them all over the miniature...
Here's a big flaw... the space between the helmet and the shoulder pad is filled with resin on the finecast version while the metal version is correctly casted.
More bubbles....
Another bubble.
Ok so after my first inspection i'm not too glad... the metal version has some more mold lines but the resin version has many bubbles i need to fill. The positive thing is that the resin is much much better to work with and so the mold lines can be easily removed while on the metal version it's a stupid and exhausting long work.
After i removed the mold lines i assembled and base coated the two guys... as Roman and i wanted to paint those two on last night Roman already started with the conversion, sorry for this :(
hmmm ok, let's look closely and be honest.. there is no visible difference...the quality of the details is 99% the same.
Let's summarize it:
Finecast PRO:- Easier to do conversions, remove mold lines
- Lighter -> better to hold while painting
- Detail is better visible inside the packaging
- Nicer looking Packaging
Finecast CONTRA:- Price increase
- No promised detail improvement
- Lot of casting errors and bubbles
- Lighter - > loss of quality feeling
- No cool blister sponges inside the packaging
- Bent swords etc
After all i can say i like the new finecast because i love resin.
But i'm very confused about Games Workshops marketing strategy, let's be honest, small companys like Studio McVey, Smog, SmartMax, JMD, Figone etc are producing lightyears above GWs quality while GW announces the next level in minature quality with super extra special resin.. oh, and a price increase while the production costs are lowered. I think this is the thing that most people find disturbing about this whole Finecast story.
And while i was in the GW store i saw many many blisters with miniatures inside that no reputable Miniature Company that i know would dare to sell....
So, what's your opinion about Finecast?
Much the same as yourself, with the added concern over finecast's sensitivity to heat. It appears it is quite prone to distortion.
I've been looking at the rather lengthy discussion on Bell of Lost souls,
and the opinion seems more negative than positive, but then, every change generates more negative comment initially. I think it will take GW some months to iron out the kinks with finecast, but ultimately it will be accepted by the community.
My findings in a side by side comparison were very similar. Less bubbles than you saw, but none of the extra detail we were told to expect.
Thanks for your review. I just placed an order for some Dark Eldar Mandrakes. I've needed these for a while and specifically waited for finecast. I will be cutting them in half for the upper torso so the finecast really appeals to me for the ease of cutting.
I've read alot of negative reviews but this review seemed very fair. The negativity has been killing me. Yes GW should have done better but I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt that it will improve over time.
I think we can not order GW resin online now.
Some molds are already at the end of their life and the quality is bad. (VERY BAD sometimes).
But the news blister is good to see if the cast is buyable or not.
Thank you for this good review.
The resin will not make me buy GW stuff... I still haven't got one to paint, too much great stuff on the other range !
I bought the Librarian in Terminator Armor, and I have to say it's very nicely detailed and as no bubbly issue. But, as was your experience, a lot of the other blisters I looked at were simply horrible.
"And while i was in the GW store i saw many many blisters with miniatures inside that no reputable Miniature Company that i know would dare to sell...."
I'm curious as to what these miniatures are, and why you label them the way you have.
Hi Raffa,
Great review. I bought a Astorath the Grim. Very nice model with great details. I got almost the same problems like you. lots of bubbles on the model. The resin is easy to work with.
Now i am painting the model and because of al the great details it is a little harder to paint.
Keep up the nice work.
greetz Georges
Great Review my friend - and thanks for such a nice painting time on the Champion ;)
Indeed great review, indeed I find it that I'm spending less time with the resin than the metal versions (resin bubbles vs metal mold lines :/ )
I was inspecting the blisters at the local shop today, and I have to say there was a disturbing number of models that looked like they'd had the tops of their skulls removed and then been brained.
Other issues were claws/talons largely missing or bubbled to hell to the point they would have to be replaced with greenstuff, etc.
Therefore, the guy running the shop decided that a good number needed to be returned to GW, and hopefully the next batch would be less shite.
It's a shame, because I was hoping for an improvement, such as using the plastic "resin" that Privateer Press uses, but no such luck.
GW, finecast (resin) and quality. yop. it's a joke.
I get my cast yesterday. i have also metal and now reisen champion and mi cast is real good. no bubbels smal lines. but it took me 10 min to find that one in bunch of many others. i have also elf with long sword. i took him just beacous mold wos amazing. i real enjoy my mcvay minis and the quality is much better then gw.price increase for mass production minis is real confusing
Fair review.
There are a lot of people that saw some bad casts and were quite aggressive with their critique so it's good to see the opinion of someone who knows what he's talking about.
I have a Finecast model of the Inquisitor Coteaz here right now. The level of detail is really amazing. The mini has bubbles but there is some flash / mold lines on the eagle and the hand that will need some fine work with a modelling knife. And one mold line next to the cloak that is a bit tricky ...
Can't really compare it to metal minis because I only have few. But some of those that I have needed quite a lot of attention, too. And deflashing a metal mini with lots of mold lines and lots of overhang / excess is no fun!
I think "we" were used to the work associated with metal minis and thought that Finecast is THE ANSWER ... like we wouldn't even have to do any work on them. At least I think that a lot of people didn't even have a clue about Resin before. Some people critized the "rough" texture of resin - sorry, but this is nothing new!!
I have a Death Korps army - 125+ Resin miniatures. I know how bad Resin miniatures can be! That's why I said "GW won't dare to touch Resin" when Finecast was rumored. I also said that they'd need a superb customer service like Forge World that is as obliging and quick to ship out replacements in case of mis-casts - or a much better quality control than that of FW.
But on the other hand, you can buy tem in a shop instead of ordering them over internet, it's a clear package and you can see problems before buying the pack in the store.
Hey, thanks for all your very good comments. This is an interesting discussion...
In my opinion GW just needs a much better Quality assurance and 1-2 Resin Experts.
The molds don't look like someone is thinking very much about the mold design and the bent swords (eg.) are an indicator that the minis are removed too fast from the molds.
With an expert in resin cast they would save a lot of money and would have much happier customers.
Without that they could get a Problem with online orders.
Nobody dares to buy Finecast online because of the vary of the quality.
Maybe this is intented so that customers have to go into the next GW store to buy them there... but who knows.
Well, we know bend swords from FW. It's a common problem with Resin.
I don't know if there's really a chance to avoid it by waiting a little longer before getting the mini out of the mold.
Oh, one thing regarding the price increasement:
If GW would pass the price increase for the metal onto us, the minis wouldn't be any cheaper.
Hey Torben,
the problem with bent swords is easily avoided by waiting longer before removing the miniature from the mold.
When you remove the resin before it's fully cured, it will bend.
Look at other miniature manufacturers and you will see perfect swords and fine details in resin without bubbles and some manufacturers don't even have mold lines.... and no manufacturer is as big as GW... so why is the quality so bad? And about the price increase... many other manufacturers that also produce in metal didn't have any price increase, sure metal increased in it's price but the pure material costs for a miniature is very very small, so a price increase is not neccessary.
I had a cast of "Isabella" from CMON on my workbench recently. Its a 28mm resin model. The most detailed model I ever held in my hands - and guess what - not 1 single mold line, not 1 single bubble. Pure quality. So it can be done and a big company, not to say THE BIGGEST company in minature business should be able to make perfect miniatures, and leave the experiments behind them, before they present the miniatures to the buyers. Sorry, but GW sucks atm.
Hello all, it seem's there's people for finecast and against. I went out and got the jump pack chaplain to form an opinion of my own. First off oh shit at the cash register, 10$ more than I expected. Once I got home so many bubbles and imperfections. Thamk goodness I put a plasma pistol on all my chaplains because the bolt pistol on the model was fu*ked beyond salvage. Sure metal had bad mould lines, but for ten bucks extra this model is completely flawed. What the fu*k games workshop?
When they are charging more than a McVey resin model which require absolutely no prep, then you get a Finecast and you have to start sorting out bubbles and miscast details and you think to yourself why am I paying an extreme premium price for this, the situation needs addressing ASAP.
Not particularly impressed on how they have handled Wayland Games either, they did a check of stock and found 40/50% needed returning to GW.
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