Roman's Advanced miniature painting class, a class that takes the students deeper into Roman's brain, after his famous Beginner's Class.
The themes and topics plus schedule is getting more complex in this class and after Roman took about 2,5 years to work on the concept, made thoughts, collected stuff, thought about how to explain something easily, break information and steps down to a level that everybody can understand and follow what Roman tries to explain in this class. You can believe, when we say that Roman - even as a very experienced teacher - was nervous about the concept premiere, but several private coachings and a second run with the advanced class in a group showed how helpful this class can be for your painting skills.
Main topics for MV's Jar's Advanced Class:
- Learn to paint atmosphere in a Miniature Project
- Learn to keep all harmonic
- Doing a small conversion to make your model unique
- Learn simple, but very effective rules for a gaming base
- Learn to paint skintones - Learn to paint black and white
- Advanced Color Theory
- Advanced Blending Techniques
- Advanced Happy Painting Methods - and more!
Augsburg, german language
Augsburg, german language


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