Good Monday Morning Jungle,
today Massive Voodoo takes a closer look on Roman's recent Jar's Beginners Class in Augsburg, Germany which took place in the middle of January.
The class was special as it was held in english language. Many thanks to all the students of this seminar who travelled far and short to come to this class and have Roman as a teacher on their miniature painting skills. Special thanks to Michael who travelled from Czech Republic and to Fulya and Levent who travelled all the way from warm Turkey to cold and snowy Germany.
Thanks to Ron, who took part in the class and also filmed here and there to provide a wonderful interview video with Roman in the future.
We did meet up in Roman's old school, where he studied to become a teacher. It is a great workshop venue for such events.
Thanks to the supporters of this class who made the class wonderful due their help in sponsoring some of their products, beside Roman's crazy material collection:
The word 'beginner' might be confusing to many first time participants of this class.
It is not a class for 'only' beginners. In fact it is a class for every person, at every age interested in figure painting, whatever their experience level is.
'Beginners class' means here that Roman aka jarhead gives an introduction into his way of thinking while painting, in detail a lot of important theory is explained while doing a walk through Art History and is used in practical exercises. During the weekend you will not only learn to improve your painting skills, you will also learn the 'Why?' behind everything explained and with that you will be able to teach yourself in your own hobby future by just recognizing what nature has to offer.
The theory parts contain:
- Learn to see your world with different eyes
- Introduction into basing composition
- Learn how to feel harmony in different aspects
- Important contrasts for figure painting
- Explanation about how to paint a light situation on your figure
- Understand colour theory and learn how to use it properly
- Learn about different materials, their unique properties and learn to paint them
- Learn to lose fear of doing something wrong
- much more!
We did start Friday night with basing, a lot of theory on different aspects, cleaning and preparing the models: A demonette.
Basework in Progress
... and more basework!
Saturday is always the longest day of this weekend class. Several hours spent in front of a project can make this experience very intense for everyone and Roman was very happy to see everyone working concentrated and with joy on their individual setups.
Many thanks to Sebastian, a true veteran of Roman's classes who helped Roman and the other students with his generous help during the class.
Miniature's were primed during noon and ready to go!
Pfft! pfft!
More theory and even more theory.
Questions, answers, jokes and explanations.
Following explanations of Roman works best with hands on!
More explanations from the teacher.
While Saturday pushed everyone forward in his project, Sunday was the day of mainly going into detail work. Roman explained, helped everyone on their individual learning curve and managed to push his students to really beautiful projects.
Thanks to Sebastian once again for taking many photos of the class and poviding them to Roman for this review. Roman himself wasn't able to shoot much photos as he was busy all around.
Thank you all for a great weekend!
Roman left the class exhausted and as a proud teacher. He hopes that all of you paint on with joy and always remember: Learning never stops!
Keep on happy painting and thanks for your support!
Thank you Roman for this great workshop, all the helpful input/infos and the jokes. Keep on happy teaching!
Makes me look even more forward to class in Copenhagen!
Thanks for the kind feedback Martin. Yes, indeed it was a very funny weekend, but also a lot to learn for all of us on the other hand.
Indeed. I do too.
I wish Beckingen MK on english... :)