Remember: The BANANALICIOUS Painting Contest - Episode 2 is on!
With this update we bring you the first prizes of the random prize pool!
Thanks to our sponsors there will be big random prize pool. By entering the contest you are taking part in the random lottery of the random prize pool. Every participant has the chance to win one time in that lottery. The random prize pool will be updated until the end of the contest with truely awesome prizes.
From now on you will find regular updates on the random prize pool on your MV blog and see it linked to the contest rules.
The contest is also linked up to the upper right corner of Massive Voodoo.

First of all we want to thank our sponsors for helping us with their support.
Without their help it would not be possible to bring you this bananalicious event with these bananalicious prizes once again. The list of supporters is huge and MV is thankful about that fact. The bananalicious random Prize pool will be epic this time!
You want to support this contest too?
Need more information? Check this link!
You want to help us by translating the rules in your own language?
Feel free to contact us via: mv---at---massivevoodoo---dot---com
H. M. (friendly Jungle Painter)
... to be continued!

Best Project in the Contest
The one who enters the miniature/diorama/base/bust/sculpt/single piece/etc. which impresses us the most will recieve a very unique Massive Voodoo Brush Box.
Best of: Standard Categories
The best overall display of Fantasy Standard or Historical Standard will win a
Big Bruddha Membership in the Painting Buddha Academy.
Best of: Master Categories
The best overall display of Fantasy Master or Historical Master will win every issue of the great Figure Painter Magazine.
Best of: Sculpting
Thanks to BeeSPutty.com and Massive Voodoo the best sculpt in the sculpting category will recieve five boxes of BeeSPutty Plastic, two funny cool miniatures and the Sculpting Reference book called "Masters of Anatomy".
Best of: Base
Thanks to the help a jungle painter friend who wants to stay anonymous and we just call him "H. M." we are able to present you the prize for the best basework in the whole contest (not only special category). A box filled with some true wood candy that you can use for cool future bases.

Every participant of the BANANALICOUS Painting Contest 2 has the chance to win one of these prizes by a random lottery, which will be done after the contest. You just have to take part in the contest with at least one entry to be in the lottery.
Random Prize #01:
Massive Voodoo is sponsoring "Kaheron", limited model of 2014's World Expo in Stresa.
Model is in 54 mm, by Sgt. Blackart.
Random Prize #02:
Kromlech brings you some SciFi madness with these five cool models.
From Aliens to Orc doctors to massive bulky Orc machines.
Random Prize #03:
Savaged Forged Minis throws a mad bunny,
a Fallout Stalker and two lady-busts in the random prize pool lottery.
Random Prize #04:
Putty&Paint throws issue number 9 of the Scale Model Handbook into the Random Prize Pool.
This is definatly a good read!
Random Prize #05:
Morland Studios hands out tons of miniature- and hobby candy. This is the first set of their sponsoring. A great mix of different sized, beautiful miniatures, some basing material and a plinth.
Random Prize #06:
The Bent Bristle throws three handmade, beautiful plinths into the random prize pool.
Random Prize #07:
Mantic Games brings you two awesomely cool models from their range as random prize #07.
Random Prize #08:
Three cool resin busts settle in as random prize #08. Sculpted by the talented Giorgos Tsougkouzidis you can find the a big goblin bust and two monkeys.
Random Prize #09:
Sebastian - a friend of the jungle and a growing painter himself - drops something very rare into the prize pool: The 54 mm Demonette by JMD, not available anymore. Really rare!
Random Prize #10:
Big Panda V is supporting the contest with a cool pack that includes a plinth, colours, sculpting tools, superglue, brushes and some basing material.
Random Prize #11:
This pack of three cool resin models is sponsored by Kaha Miniatures, a company from France with truely unique models. There is even a Ninja Turtle!
Random Prize #12:
Secret Weapon takes care of your details in your basing work and brings you some cool basing equipment in this random prize.
Random Prize #13:
FiguriniIstanbul - a team of turkish painters - throws three "Anonymous busts", sculpted by Alfonso Giraldes into the pool! How cool!
Random Prize #14:
Battlefield-Berlin - the online shop for all your hobby joy throws in a collection of cool miniatures. More to come from the Battlefield in Berlin. Stay tuned!
Privateer Press brings you a big monster model from their Game "Hordes".
Random Prize #16:
A drunk dwarf and a drunk Barbarian. Two beautiful and very loud companions, directly out of the bar by Imbrian Arts.
Random Prize #17:
Morland Studios hands out tons of miniature- and hobby candy. This is the second set of their sponsoring. A great mix of different sized, beautiful miniatures, some basing material and a plinth.
Random Prize #18:
Lasercut Rocking horses and a cool postapocalyptic model in 54 mm by Kellerkind-Miniatures is our random prize number 18.
Random Prize #19:
Arnaud Stranger brings in a big and cool bust of a fantasy crocodile with his "Amun". You can find a review on this one here!
Random Prize #20:
Now it is Marrow Productions again bringing you two of their Resin Models and some demon gates from their game Journey!
Random Prize #21:
Wonderlands Projects brings in six miniatures from their cool and funny range.
Random Prize #22:
Raul Garcia Latorre (MProyec) was so kind to throw some very rare and limited mini-demons in the random prize pool.
Random Prize #23:
And Kromlech again with some serious Orc war gear!
Random Prize #24:
Mantic Games brings you some very cool gaming table scenery with this random prize.
Random Prize #25:
Battlefield-Berlin - the online shop for all your hobby joy throws in a collection of cool miniatures. More to come from the Battlefield in Berlin. Stay tuned!
Random Prize #26:
Not yet available online but already a random prize. Win three exclusive MV Insta-bases!
Brought to you by Massive Voodoo.
Random Prize #27:
The second bag of cool Savaged Forged Minis is in da house!
Random Prize #28:
Ayora Studio has a cool crocodile miniature for one lucky winner!
Random Prize #29:
Kaha Miniatures brings in the second bag full of miniature goodies to you!
Random Prize #30:
Morland Studios hands out tons of miniature- and hobby candy. This is the third and last set of their sponsoring. A great mix of different sized, beautiful miniatures, some basing material and a plinth.
Random Prize #31:
Gameforces Magazine is sending three cool and inspirational issues for the random prize pool.
Random Prize #32:
Sockelmacher brings you three wonderful plinths for your new future projects.
Random Prize #33:
Pigments, Masking Tape and some Snow Effects are inside this prize, sponsored by PK-Pro.
Random Prize #34:
Massive Voodoo is giving away one bust sculpted by Sanne, called Jason and two exclusive Miniatures from an old Figone Kickstarter, sponsored by Max.
Random Prize #35:
Victoria Miniatures throws in a full unit of dangerous future prisoner soldiers.
Random Prize #36:
Our brand new sponsor "Mindwork Games" supports the prize pool with a brand new, funny and evil clown figure.
Random Prize #37:
Our fellow blogger Mr. Lee Painting Emporium brings in some rare loot for you to win!
Random Prize #38:
27rosso brings you a cool Goblin bust, packed with love from Italy!
Random Prize #39:
More plinths for your future projects - this time by 27rosso - with cool resin parts to build up your scenery. Again packed with love from Italy!
Random Prize #40
A cool chopped off Dragon head and three different 54 mm Figures by our friends from NorthStarModels.
Random Prize #41
Four fine brushes and brush soap to keep them clean and alive for a long time - brought to you by Broken Toad.
Random Prize #42
Putty&Paint brings you one issue of Figopedia- Light & Colour, including stickers and a T-shirt.
Random Prize #43
Fischy Miniatures brings you two cool busts for your painting joy!
Random Prize #44
Eureka! - a great hobby blog throws in mucho miniature candy in this big candy box!
Random Prize #45
Space adventuring is dangerous, but this guy is seriously looking forward to it. A cool bust from 2dreamers for you to win!
Have to admit after seeing last year's winners I was ready to throw the towel in. But with how often I've turned to your tutorials for ideas and inspiration...well, sod it. Time to push myself.
That's the true spirit. Enjoy preparing yourself and your cool entries to the contest!
Honestly, trying to focus on what to do is the hardest part. Doesn't help with all the great stuff being released at the moment too.
I complete understand you ... btw: Roman here. Too much different and great miniatures outthere to focus the heart on some. Well, hard task but managable if you focus on it and choose wisely :)
Cheers Roman. Fingers crossed I can choose a couple that I enjoy and make me want to try harder with them rather than just get them finished :D
Is there a theme or miniature we have to use this time round again?
Sorry I did not understand your question.
Wow. This is some of the best prize support I've ever seen. My shopping list is seriously growing every time you update it.
@Roman. Hope to see you getting inspired soon too.