Today, I would like to share the amazing Miniature Worlds of Matthew Albanese with you...
Matthew says the following about his work:
Strange Worlds
"My work involves the construction of small-scale meticulously detailed models using various materials and objects to create emotive landscapes. Every aspect from the construction to the lighting of the final model is painstakingly pre-planned using methods which force the viewers perspective when photographed from a specific angle. Using a mixture of photographic techniques such as scale, depth of field, white balance and lighting I am able to drastically alter the appearance of my materials." - Matthew AlbaneseEnter Wonderland here...
Why is his work important and what can we learn from this?
It is extremely interesting to see what a Symbiosis of Miniatures and Photography can do!
Not all of us can travel to meet other Painters and see dozents of Miniatures (e.g. to the World Expo, Monte San Savino, the Herzog of Bavaria, a Games Day or other Competitions / Painters over the World) every year... Our communication is sometimes very limited to Pictures, Photography, rarely to Video Footage of the Miniatures... Most of you will already have experienced how much of a difference a Picture can make compared to seeing the Miniature in flesh ("live"... both to the better and the worse...)... Also, taking a picture of a Miniature is the result of a lot of decisions we make (about the Light, the Frame, the Tonality, the Contrast, Sharpness, Saturation, Hue etc., etc. ...)... A lot of these decisions are taken away from us by High tech gear and Automated Setups of Cameras...
Still, I think that Matthews work really shows how much one can achieve using so little, simple material -that can also be alered in a direction he chooses- in order to create an atmosphere that really blows your eye and mind... That´s why I think that it is important to always keep the head out of the box, get inspiration from "different" fields then the usual Miniature World (with all it´s pre - set imagery, ideas, dogmas... conventions... history...) and explore new techniques...
Learn about Photography, about Scenography, Film, Art, Classical Painting... The List is Endless... Although I don´t know where our peculiar journey is leading us, I know it will be well worth and merry traveling the Path...;)...
Wow this is great. Thanks for sharing this amazing work.
This is great indeed, but I think it blurs the line a bit too much between painting some piece of lead, and Special FX. Like, the pieces of Matthew Albanese only work when displayed two dimensional after some post processing. When I see a miniature, I want to see what the painter has actually done. There are worlds between these approaches.
Again, this is really great. =)
Thanks for sharing... his art is brilliant and inspiring.