posted by Raffa, Picster, Capuchin,...
Hey there!
Some days have passed since the last blog post and i sculpted like a mad man :)
As i will soon be self employed i decided to make a online shop for miniatures and miniature related stuff soon... here are some sculpts and wip :)
And finally a Forgeworld Chaos Dwarf, a small gift for Edgar :)
It was a very fast paintjob but i hope he likes it anyway!
Hey there!
Some days have passed since the last blog post and i sculpted like a mad man :)
As i will soon be self employed i decided to make a online shop for miniatures and miniature related stuff soon... here are some sculpts and wip :)
Brekk 'The Lion'
And some finished Miniatures :)
A fire mage from Red Box Games.
The model was very much fun to paint :)
The pillar is self made from a set that will be released in the shop :)
I used the snow form Secret Weapon, it's a bit grainy but the effect is very nice as you can see!
A commission work, a Forgeworld model with a little conversion painted as a Deathwatch marine.
The shells on the ground are from Secret Weapon and the Base is a plaster copy of a base i once made as a prototype.
The shells on the ground are from Secret Weapon and the Base is a plaster copy of a base i once made as a prototype.
I tried to paint a very small OSL effect from the claw, nothing too eye catching :)
It was a very fast paintjob but i hope he likes it anyway!
Uhhhhm, and now something not miniature related, a birthday gift for a very good friend.
Painted with water color and a little help from the airbrush :)
Hope you like some of the stuff!
...great sculps, especially Brekk. I also like the Fire Mage.
You are like Obelix. Except you fell into a pot of awesome.
Good luck with your self employment.
Amazing work all around! Love the Sekani sculpt.
Great sculpts and the Deadwatch terminator is great with all his simplicity very effective!
Great Stuff, Man... Love the Rhino Bust and the Water Colour Painting, beautifully Executed...
The Rhino really rocks, love the skin.
Beautiful watercolour. It really *glows*.
Raffa, wenn du abgüsse von dem Khan und dem Rhino machen solltest!? Ich nehm dann welche;-> Ich liebe den Kahn erinnert mich an meinen Teufelstiger vom Vampire!*G*
Come on folks, it isn't that hard talking english ;-)
I love Sekani and Brekk. Need to have some castings of them - urgently!
RAFFA!!! RAWR! I love the FireMage! That looks awesome man! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Brekk character! GREAT sculpture work ont hat one indeed. All the pieces are great btu these two stand out the most to me. Of course I am somewhat biased to the FireMage. :)
More unformed sculptingmaterial is on its way ;-) ...
Das Nashorn wäre gekauft ;)
Great Paintwork as ever, but i love the Rhinoman! May i ask how big the Rhino is?
you're a very "complete" artist...thanks for sharing your work, such a great one
I would love to be a good friend and received such a lovely painting...Thanks
You are awesome!
Awesome work! The Rhino sculpt is great and the Fire Mage a very good piantjob, esp. the base!
Btw, anything new about the spider web tutorial you announced some time ago?
I love the paintjobs and i so want one of that Khan when you make the copys *pretty please with sugar on top* :)
taht are som really goood news and the stuff youve shown here is already looking great! Looking forward to your grand opening!!
Regards Count_Zero