posted by roman, jarhead, kong
... to good music, joyful moments and painting just doesn't stop - just rocking me away during this dance with the muse - bunny queen hop hop til Sunday - i've got to work right now - Work in Progress impressions, home sweet home :)
Today i did say goodbye to an old friend - my wallet who i was carrying with me for the last 7 years. Today there came a new one, not mainly destroyed as the old warrior was, fresh and new so the old one was to be left behind - this is a shot inside of everything left after the relocation ...
Keep on happy painting and may your weekend be blessed with sunshine!
Best Wishes
... to good music, joyful moments and painting just doesn't stop - just rocking me away during this dance with the muse - bunny queen hop hop til Sunday - i've got to work right now - Work in Progress impressions, home sweet home :)
cheap jewelry
tiny heroes
Hop hop Bunny Queen, hop hop to post-apocalypitc epicness - swwiiffffftttlyy!!
Review of some really cool Secret Weapon stuff ahead:
Dam! Dam! Dam!
Today i did say goodbye to an old friend - my wallet who i was carrying with me for the last 7 years. Today there came a new one, not mainly destroyed as the old warrior was, fresh and new so the old one was to be left behind - this is a shot inside of everything left after the relocation ...
Keep on happy painting and may your weekend be blessed with sunshine!
Best Wishes
We had no sunshine yesterday, but the rain stopped right in the moment we started our music. Thats was a joyfull evening with happy friends and pleasent foreigners - > this evening is the sunshine for my weekend, hope you will find yours!
Happy painting
Thanks @Marthoq - i found mine in a joyful painting night with Raffa :)