Hello fellow Jungle Painters,
the time has come to announce my second workshop, taking place at Battle Bear in Kaiserslautern.
Unfortunately it is of a bit short notice, but I was not able to announce it earlier. I had loads of fun in the first workshop, and I am looking forward to see a lot of you guys mid of October.
The Workshop will be held in Kaiserslautern at our store Battle Bear
If you're interested, you can book/enroll the workshop directly in our webshop.
The workshop will be held in German language.
The workshop will be based on Romans Beginner Workshop, but it will feature a different miniature. The workshop is aimed for beginners and will cover topics like:
- Contrast
- Light & Shadow
- Color Therory
- Priming
- Painting different Materials
I am really excited and hope to see you in person!
Keep on Happy Painting
PS: I can only recommend you to take part as Kilian is a trainee of mine and I help him to teach in high quality! (Roman)
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