Happy Accidents
Sometimes things are not going the way we want them to. Accidents are a normal thing in every day life and also in your hobby journey. I am not talking about accidents that you can avoid, rather the ones you can`t avoid. And how to deal with them.
Let me explain what I mean while I tell you the story of the base i created as a special mega prize for the MV Challenge 2017.
I started with a clear vision in my mind.
A snow and Ice covered river is wanted in the end . Here is a WIP photo:
A snow and Ice covered river is wanted in the end . Here is a WIP photo:
Pretty "COOL" eh?
Everything looked like my plan would work out really well... till I poured my resin... Somehow the hardener part of my resin product got contaminated by something and the resin changed its color to a slightly more yellowish color than clear. As i mixed in a cold green color i didn't recognise it till the resin was poured in my base. The yellow reacted with the blue and turned my snow scene into a warm more Caribbean like scene.
What to do now? First i was frustrated. After a short time i decided to take the challenge and try to make something out of it. Long story short: I am pretty happy that little accident happened to me in the middle of my Project. Let little happy accidents like this not ruin your motivation and joy for a Project. Let them Challenge you! They are often a good way to learn and improve.
I would love to hear your happy little accident story.
Best wishes
Would love to hear how you took the challenge, what you learned and improved on this one. Some more info on what happened after the accident :)
Hi Marcel :-) As the resin was on the base already i had no other chance then to just let it dry like that. I sat down and thought about what story the little scene could tell now instead of a frozen winter. I decided to add a little paper boat on top and did some waves arround it. What i learned was that i have to be aware that not only the way i painted the underground could influence the atmosphere of my scene. And i bought a new portion of resin as the other is contaminated ;-)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Tq5vXk0wTk :)