Hi Jungle,
as I am part of the NOVA Open Capital Palette Miniature Art Competition team this year again I do want to drop important information about it here that I just recieved via the NOVA Newsletter. If you do not know what the NOVA OPEN is, check this review of 2016's edition by your monkeys.
as I am part of the NOVA Open Capital Palette Miniature Art Competition team this year again I do want to drop important information about it here that I just recieved via the NOVA Newsletter. If you do not know what the NOVA OPEN is, check this review of 2016's edition by your monkeys.
Capital Palette, NOVA Open's Miniature Art Competition, is entering it's 5th year - and, like everything, NOVA Open, is growing bigger and better. Register now and your ticket will be waiting in your badge when you check-in, saving you time and helping NOVA Open keep lines to a minimum. Enter one of your best minis for just $5 - or as many as you like for $20.
The 2017 Capital Palette 3-judge panel is made up of artists well known by most in the hobby for their incredible work: Dave Taylor, Roman Lappat, and James Wappel.
They will award gold, silver, and bronze accomplishment awards for six (6) divisional categories based on the criteria listed in the primer.
They will award gold, silver, and bronze accomplishment awards for six (6) divisional categories based on the criteria listed in the primer.
In this open forum competition, there can be multiple gold, silver, or bronze winners in a category (or no winners), and each exhibitor's work is individually evaluated. The panel will select one model in each category as Best in Category winner, and one of those finalists as the overall Best in Show winner. The Medaling Ceremony will be held at 2:30 on Sunday afternoon.
Single Model, All Scales:
Any single figure model, in any scale, in any theme. Single figures on a display base may include ancillary models (i.e. familiars, animals, etc.) necessary to the setting of a scene, including a mount.
Bust, All Scales:
Any bust, in any scale, in any theme. This can include 1:1 scale busts, and "partial figure" busts that include a torso.
Vehicle, All Scales:
Any vehicle, in any scale, in any theme. This can include walkers (i.e. Dreadnoughts, Warjacks, etc.), cars, planes, tanks, ships, trains, etc.
Diorama: Any diorama, in any scale, in any theme.
Diorama entries are designed to communicate a story to the viewer. Dioramas can involve multiple models, as with a duel, or no models, as with an old shed out in a field.
Unit / Squad:
Any number of models, in any scale, in any theme, displayed as a cohesive unit. Entries in this category must be submitted on a single base to reduce model handling, and to better indicate that they are part of a single submission.
An original sculpture, in any scale, in any theme.
MORE AWARD CATEGORIES (require entry into Capital Palette)
Fan Favorite:
Attendees with a Day Pass, Convention Access Pass (CAP) or SuperNOVA Pass (SAP) are encouraged to cast their ballot for their favorite model. Vote at the Capital Palette booth on Sunday between 10am and 2:00pm.
Attendees with a Day Pass, Convention Access Pass (CAP) or SuperNOVA Pass (SAP) are encouraged to cast their ballot for their favorite model. Vote at the Capital Palette booth on Sunday between 10am and 2:00pm.
Every person who attends the NOVA Open will receive a Capital Palette ballot in their badges at registration. These ballots may be cast throughout the event and will determine the Fan Favorite award.
Best in Show:
One overall winner is selected by the judges from among the Best of Category winners.
Best Weathering Award:
Selected from among all models, in all categories, submitted in Capital Palette; sponsored by Secret Weapon Miniatures founder Justin McCoy. One model, from any category, will be selected based exclusively on the quality of the weathering, at the sole discretion of the award sponsor.
Massive Voodoo Award:
This award is selected from among all models, in all categories, submitted in Capital Palette; sponsored by Roman Lappat of Massive Voodoo. One model, from any category, will be selected based on creative expression, at the sole discretion of the award sponsor.
This award is selected from among all models, in all categories, submitted in Capital Palette; sponsored by Roman Lappat of Massive Voodoo. One model, from any category, will be selected based on creative expression, at the sole discretion of the award sponsor.
Best Lighting Awards:
These awards are sponsored by Powered Play, and will be presented to (1) Individual Capital Palette entry that demonstrates the best and most well executed use of lights on an entry submitted by Saturday night; and (2) Whole Army (including display board) entered Saturday night and Sunday morning.
Capital Palette winner prizes include a GREX Airbrush and Capital Palette's beautiful crystal obelisk.
The Best in Show winner qualifies for entry in CoolMiniOrNot Crystal Brush. They may choose between $100 in CoolMiniOrNot (CMON) store merchandise credit (credit does not include shipping costs and must be used within one year from date of Capital Palette win) or reimbursement by CMON for round-trip coach airfare from entrant's location to Chicago, Illinois, for the dates of the 2018 Adepticon.
REGISTER NOW - cut down on lines at the NOVA Open.
You bring the models, we will prepare the cabinets for you!
You bring the models, we will prepare the cabinets for you!

I am on vacation that week but have no money left to travel. Best of luck to everyone and don't forget the bid on all those glorious raffles! I wasn't able to contribute this year so i can actually bid XD