Hello Jungle people,
another step by step drops in from a model that I have painted back in 2016.
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A barbarian model by Ares Mythology, called
Zorkh-Seth (somehow a confusing name for this guy) and a model that called out for me to paint it.
I heard the voice really strong and just started. Usually I take many photos during my painting process, with this one I was not able to do so because the vision was stronger than everything else.
What a grim guy! Grrr!

Well, I can not give you step by step insight in this project as I just did not take enough photos, but I want to write about something that makes this article stand out:
The vision.This is what
Wikipedia says about the word "vision" and what fits best to describe this articles content:
A strong vision or goal or idea is what you need to successfully push through ups and downs during a project. To keep your
motivation at a high level over a longer or shorter period. I often have these visions for a project. I learned to start only the ones I hear calling for my brush. Even with comissions. There is no sense in painting something where you know already in the beginning that you will not like to paint it. Fact.
The vision is my path while painting, not techniques or something else. I see a full picture in my head of the project that I paint. An idea that I thought on since I heard the call of the sculpt. This can take long or not so long. This vision or idea of its final look, guides me through color choices, basework, atmosphere and different materials and painting techniques. I paint to reach the goal that is my vision and it is easy to work like this - there are only two questions to yourself important:
- How do I reach my goal?
... and this question is answered by the second question:
- What do I see that I do not like and how can I tackle it?
Back to Mr. Nice Guy.
I had a strong vision for him, so strong that my first painting session of some hours lead me to an overall sketch of my vision. Fast slapping my sketch on the project. Freely, full of confidence. Why not?
I knew from my
studies of painting white that white is never white so my basework on the fur was everything else but not white and I somehow wanted that dark orange from the base all over my vision.
Bases are really important for me when it comes to find my vision. They are an extra guideline for my color choices. I work from rough to clean until I see my vision fullfilled.
After my first initial sketch I worked out large areas in terms of the colors I wanted to see there. Just following my final vision. Even the fur turns more whitish and highlights started to appear everywhere. Not thinking in technical terms while doing so, just following my vision. If I miss something here or there I place it. If I do not like something I change it. If I like something I push it a little further. Still the guy looks angry.
Non white turning to white.
Man he looks angry ...
Nipples are important too.
While I play project ping pong - always painting on several projects at once and let the muse and motivation guide and jump me from one to the other - it was time to see Zorkhi on the table beside others:
I realized many things while checking the above status of my work. I see my vision, but I miss more intense colors here and there, stronger shadows, stronger highlights, even tattoos ... so I placed this all:
Painting freely and following your vision not a pure technical approach made me a happier painter. A strong vision pushs me to an end of a model.
Recently I heard a friend tell me something like this: "I really like my models, but often I think the last 3% are missing!" ... Well, my answer was that I do not know about such things or stopped thinking and painting like this. I am not painting in percent. I just paint until I see my vision fullfilled. This is a very personal thing and I am sure everyone can do it. If you paint the same way this article is not aimed at you, but if you find yourself struggle during your projects as your only approach is a technical one, painting area by area by recipes you might have to start working before you actually paint and learn to read your visions.
My final vision for this project - more photos via
If you make your visions clear for yourself, you can read its content. It is something you can learn by yourself or by visiting me for a private coaching as I teach this in my topic atmosphere with much more insight and tools that help you find your vision. Blunt advertisment :D
If you have a strong vision of your project it will follow you during your days, even if you are not painting. You will think about it, even while not thinking about it. You will feel it and want to go back to your project as soon as the next click moment in your brain happened.
were the hell did you find your name? Sounds like long time digging for a bogey.
Keep on happy painting!
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