Hey Jungle,
it has been quiet on this particular voodoo front.
Now it is time to roll up the sleeves again concernig the slowly growing MV Zombie Community Project, that Bene and Roman started. You can find the introduction and the first update behind the following banner:

Update #01
You want to support Massive Voodoo?
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.
What has happend thus far?
We recieved more and more Zombies and we are thankful. We are still painting some of ours once in a while and the overall amount of Zombies is drasticly growing. Thanks to everyone who is helping us.
what we learned from the start to now is:
This is a project that needs patience and patiently we do it. The hordes are growing, thanks to all your help.
First we want to thank Kevin and his cool wife. Kevin for sending us some of his painting Zombies to make the Community horde grow bigger and his wife for great stickers and handmade envelopes. So cool! Many thanks! Everybody in the MV Studio went crazy about them!
Kevin's Zombies by Zombicide.
Many thanks to Andy for handing us over some of his painted Zombies during the Duke of Bavaria. Oh dear, that photo is shaky. Zombies by Mantic Games.
Thanks to David for handing us over one Red Box Games Zombie.
We heard roumors from the french connection that their Zombie Kids gang (how cruel) is growing. We did not recieve them yet as they still wait for some additional ones before they sent them over. from left to right by : Nicolas, Yannick, Désiré, Nassim and Dimitri.
Thanks to Sebastian who did sent us the one Zombie with the headshot conversion you can see in the middle back of the following photo.Also another one from Matthias dropped in.
We got some more, already included on this board, we got a big box of many Zombies from Christoph - a full Zombicide Infected Box - slowly we are bringing them to the base. Why are they not included in full force yet? Well, they were painted straight and many in the same colors. We are very thankful for the amount of Zombies we did recieve in this box, but decided to give everyone of these a small "pimp up" by painting one additional color to them to make them more unique in the masses. This takes time.
So let's check how the numbers rise. First, the community board:
Bene's Zombie board:
Roman's Zombie board:
We are so happy for your help. This will grow epic in the end and we are already slowly reaching the first 100 Zombies for our project. Only 400 left to go. Oh my god!
Lucky MV Jungle we already know of some more models already on the road and we want to thank everyone who helps us with it. Bene and Roman started to make some concept on their base plans already - slowly growing, but with patience:
You can check back with the initial post about this project here and get all information what we are up to: Click!
We all love to paint Zombies, are you with us?
Thanks for the support to:
Erik, Germany
Jannick, Germany
Matthias, Austria
Sergio, Spain
Chris, Germany
David, Germany
Sebastian, Germany
Martin, Germany
Andy, Germany
Kevin, USA
David, Germany
Nicolas, France
Yannick, France
Désiré, France
Nassim, France
Dimitri, France
Sebastian, Germany
Christoph, (where are you from?)
*place your name here*
Keep on happy gnaarrggllll!
Best Wishes
Roman & Bene
it has been quiet on this particular voodoo front.
Now it is time to roll up the sleeves again concernig the slowly growing MV Zombie Community Project, that Bene and Roman started. You can find the introduction and the first update behind the following banner:
Update #01
You want to support Massive Voodoo?
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.
What has happend thus far?
We recieved more and more Zombies and we are thankful. We are still painting some of ours once in a while and the overall amount of Zombies is drasticly growing. Thanks to everyone who is helping us.

what we learned from the start to now is:
This is a project that needs patience and patiently we do it. The hordes are growing, thanks to all your help.
First we want to thank Kevin and his cool wife. Kevin for sending us some of his painting Zombies to make the Community horde grow bigger and his wife for great stickers and handmade envelopes. So cool! Many thanks! Everybody in the MV Studio went crazy about them!
Kevin's Zombies by Zombicide.

Many thanks to Andy for handing us over some of his painted Zombies during the Duke of Bavaria. Oh dear, that photo is shaky. Zombies by Mantic Games.

Thanks to David for handing us over one Red Box Games Zombie.
We heard roumors from the french connection that their Zombie Kids gang (how cruel) is growing. We did not recieve them yet as they still wait for some additional ones before they sent them over. from left to right by : Nicolas, Yannick, Désiré, Nassim and Dimitri.
Thanks to Sebastian who did sent us the one Zombie with the headshot conversion you can see in the middle back of the following photo.Also another one from Matthias dropped in.
We got some more, already included on this board, we got a big box of many Zombies from Christoph - a full Zombicide Infected Box - slowly we are bringing them to the base. Why are they not included in full force yet? Well, they were painted straight and many in the same colors. We are very thankful for the amount of Zombies we did recieve in this box, but decided to give everyone of these a small "pimp up" by painting one additional color to them to make them more unique in the masses. This takes time.
So let's check how the numbers rise. First, the community board:
Bene's Zombie board:
Roman's Zombie board:
We are so happy for your help. This will grow epic in the end and we are already slowly reaching the first 100 Zombies for our project. Only 400 left to go. Oh my god!
Lucky MV Jungle we already know of some more models already on the road and we want to thank everyone who helps us with it. Bene and Roman started to make some concept on their base plans already - slowly growing, but with patience:

You can check back with the initial post about this project here and get all information what we are up to: Click!
We all love to paint Zombies, are you with us?
Thanks for the support to:
Erik, Germany
Jannick, Germany
Matthias, Austria
Sergio, Spain
Chris, Germany
David, Germany
Sebastian, Germany
Martin, Germany
Andy, Germany
Kevin, USA
David, Germany
Nicolas, France
Yannick, France
Désiré, France
Nassim, France
Dimitri, France
Sebastian, Germany
Christoph, (where are you from?)
*place your name here*
Keep on happy gnaarrggllll!
Best Wishes
Roman & Bene
So cool. Love seeing the progress on that particular project. So many great looking zombies. Can't wait for the next update!
Cool to see it growing.
But where are my Zombies? Have you left them in Ingolstadt ?
Best wishes
Hey Luckyblack Tomcat,
well, I do not think that we left them behind. Can you give us a small heads up on what you actually gave to us and to whom you gave them? Roman or Bene? Was it the Zombicide Box with several painted inside? We are really sorry for this incovinance, but we are sure to soon know where yours are. Roman will check back with Bene as soon as we got an update from you. Sorry. Best Wishes, Roman
PS: Maybe we mixed you up with Christopher, who gave us a full box of some Zombies. Oh dear. Soon we will know more ...
I gave Bene the box with some Malifaux Ladys and a Zombie card inside.
But nevermind...
Wish you a good time.
Roman: Hah! I saw them recently at Bene's table. They are definatly in the studio, but as it looks no photo taken yet. We will take them in the next update. Sorryio for the inconviniance ... ouchy!
Sorry, Lucky! Soon!
Hey Lucky,
sorry that we forgot to add your zombies to the recent update. That´s my fault as I had them at home for a long time and just forgot to inform Roman about taking the picture.
We make sure to add them to the next update for the project :).
Best wishes
Hey, no problem...
I only was wondering.
Best wishes and stay tough while painting zombies.
Meiner ist schon seit Start der Aktion bestellt und wurde längst geliefert, aber zum Malen komme ich erst wieder im Herbst. Zu viel Arbeit im Moment... :/