Good Morning Jungle,
time for another article out of the voodoo caves.
This time Roman takes you on a journey through one of his recent base build ups.
We hope you enjoy!
Well, let's go - this time rather quick without further blablubb. I go through that base build up with my thoughts I actually made while building it up. In the order of my actual thoughts. Bam! Bam!
I did choose to build up a fantasy base themed with forest, mountain rocks and maybe some old statue or column inside. I prepared stuff for my brainstorm:
Back a little while I did some flags or whatsoever out of Magic Sculp and this stuff is of course rather hard right now, but I decided to maybe use it as I like it structure on the edges. You can do even do a cloak in the wind, like Mati explains here.
These are remains from baked BeesPutty I recieved while I finished sculpting up my Ogre Bust.
I like to use it for stones once in a while. If you break it you get interesting and cool shapes.
I prepared some small animals I might use. They are from MiniSocles and are just wonderful.
While preparing all that stuff I found some heads I will never use for models. I collect them and put them to my big collection of heads to write the greatest article about painting different faces in the future. One day, maybe.

Skulls. I am not the biggest fan of too much skulls on a base, but once in a while one is fine. For 28 mm projects I love the skulls from Origen Art.
Even found 1:72 scaled Spartan shields and had a quick thought of making one to a dwarf shield, but well she looks more like a slayer and slayers do not use shields. They seek glory in death, no shield needed here.
Some statue and column stuff. You can use all kind of models as statues.
Well, material prepared.
I want to start. Superglue, cork and off we go ... let's see where this will lead me.
That piece of BeeSputty was too big, removed in an instant.
Ouh Ouh superglue my good old friend! I am still a believer of the saying: "You can fix every problem in the world with just enough superglue!" We can discuss this in the comments if you like. I am ready ;)
Bam! Bam! Bigger parts, medium parts, smaller parts. Bam! Bam! Superglue!
I did not go to any statues or columns yet, but realized I was missing roots.
And I wanted to see the miniature on the base too. So I pinned her with a drill.
I placed some roots here and there. Superglue for the win. I also added some soil instead of sand. Just a little bit. A skull was placed too, but very hidden, can you find it?

As we have a studio plant now I decided to bury him.
No prayer to any god was spoken, but a moment of silence was held.
As the female Slayer was not cleaned up yet, I prepared her this way.
I even used my dremel and an essay from Raffa to polish her prominet skin areas. This sounds naughty :D
I drilled the base and checkded back with the pin.
In the end I glued three little birds to the base as a homage to Bob Marley. This is my message to youhhooouuuu! After priming her black with the GW can, I started to prime her with the Airbrush and then went over to brushwork. Well, but that is no concern when we speak about the base here.
Well I prepared way too much stuff that I did not need in the end. I put it away again and put in the boxes. Sometimes it's like that. I planned to have the base rather green in the end so a lot of nature stuff will happen there. Superglue rules and I need too much of it all the time.
Soon you will see the finished paintjob on this model. This is actually the model that will be painted on my first of MV's Jar's Advanced class, happening in February in Graz, Austria. More about this soon. Hasslefree is supporting this class and the model we paint up changes from class to class. Really cool, eh?
If you want to read more basing articles follow this link!
More soon!
Keep on happy basing.
Best Wishes
time for another article out of the voodoo caves.
This time Roman takes you on a journey through one of his recent base build ups.
We hope you enjoy!
Well, let's go - this time rather quick without further blablubb. I go through that base build up with my thoughts I actually made while building it up. In the order of my actual thoughts. Bam! Bam!
Miniature by Hasslefree:
I did choose to build up a fantasy base themed with forest, mountain rocks and maybe some old statue or column inside. I prepared stuff for my brainstorm:
Back a little while I did some flags or whatsoever out of Magic Sculp and this stuff is of course rather hard right now, but I decided to maybe use it as I like it structure on the edges. You can do even do a cloak in the wind, like Mati explains here.
These are remains from baked BeesPutty I recieved while I finished sculpting up my Ogre Bust.
I like to use it for stones once in a while. If you break it you get interesting and cool shapes.
I prepared some small animals I might use. They are from MiniSocles and are just wonderful.
While preparing all that stuff I found some heads I will never use for models. I collect them and put them to my big collection of heads to write the greatest article about painting different faces in the future. One day, maybe.

Skulls. I am not the biggest fan of too much skulls on a base, but once in a while one is fine. For 28 mm projects I love the skulls from Origen Art.
Even found 1:72 scaled Spartan shields and had a quick thought of making one to a dwarf shield, but well she looks more like a slayer and slayers do not use shields. They seek glory in death, no shield needed here.
Some statue and column stuff. You can use all kind of models as statues.
Well, material prepared.
I want to start. Superglue, cork and off we go ... let's see where this will lead me.
That piece of BeeSputty was too big, removed in an instant.
Ouh Ouh superglue my good old friend! I am still a believer of the saying: "You can fix every problem in the world with just enough superglue!" We can discuss this in the comments if you like. I am ready ;)
Bam! Bam! Bigger parts, medium parts, smaller parts. Bam! Bam! Superglue!
I did not go to any statues or columns yet, but realized I was missing roots.
And I wanted to see the miniature on the base too. So I pinned her with a drill.
I placed some roots here and there. Superglue for the win. I also added some soil instead of sand. Just a little bit. A skull was placed too, but very hidden, can you find it?
Strange moment I had while getting the soil out of my soil box: There was a dead bug without a head.
As I do never kill I have no idea what happened here. Even more strange. It is the soil box I also use at my classes. So I was really corious what my students might have thought while finding this strange body.

As we have a studio plant now I decided to bury him.
No prayer to any god was spoken, but a moment of silence was held.
As the female Slayer was not cleaned up yet, I prepared her this way.
I even used my dremel and an essay from Raffa to polish her prominet skin areas. This sounds naughty :D
I drilled the base and checkded back with the pin.
In the end I glued three little birds to the base as a homage to Bob Marley. This is my message to youhhooouuuu! After priming her black with the GW can, I started to prime her with the Airbrush and then went over to brushwork. Well, but that is no concern when we speak about the base here.
Well I prepared way too much stuff that I did not need in the end. I put it away again and put in the boxes. Sometimes it's like that. I planned to have the base rather green in the end so a lot of nature stuff will happen there. Superglue rules and I need too much of it all the time.
Soon you will see the finished paintjob on this model. This is actually the model that will be painted on my first of MV's Jar's Advanced class, happening in February in Graz, Austria. More about this soon. Hasslefree is supporting this class and the model we paint up changes from class to class. Really cool, eh?
If you want to read more basing articles follow this link!
More soon!
Keep on happy basing.
Best Wishes
Love it😉
Once again very cool knowledge sharing here. Thx Jar'
Once again very cool knowledge sharing here. Thx Jar'
I like it and some tears for the nicht ;-)
Nicht =bug
lovely work, just saw it on PnP, makes me feel engerised to build a base for barbarian dude thats been sitting on the shelf in the nude. . no paint
Thanks for your feedback, gents.
Pillbugs don't have a separate 'head' it's just part of the body. He probably lived in the soil wherever you collected it from. Might have already been dead when you got it. Would be around for a while if it was all dry. RIP, bug!
Where did you acquire these columns?
I have a Minotaur mini from Reaper and I wanted to make a base in ancient Greek theme. I can`t seem to find any columns like these in stores.
There you go: