Hello Jungle Painters,
it is time once again for a miniatures unpacked on your Massive Voodoo Jungle.
This time we are heading to the UK to a very young company called "Mr Lee's Minis" and will have a close look on their first release, a bust called "Handsome Jack".
The bust is sculpted by Arlen Pelletier.
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Write to jarhead(at)massivevoodoocom
Let's start, shall we?
First of all, Roman already painted this bust and enjoyed it. He was just doing the photos for the unpacking article and the model spoke to him: Paint me! That is a good sign, ain't it.
The miniature arrives in a plastic container, which keeps the miniature parts safe.You can have a look inside and on the backside you have a lot of background text to the series of "Wasteland Warriors", which is pretty cool. Only thing is missing is a promotional paintjob to inspire, but sometimes it is good to not force an idea on other painters.
Inside the box you find some cool stickers too.
For the packing aspect the miniature recieves four of five Voodoo points. It is a functional package, but compared to those other crazy companies who make a contest in who got the most fancy boxes this is pretty casual. The miniature is safe and that is most important. Nice addition are the stickers and the background story. Some people might ask for a promotional paintjob there, but that is just personal preference.
Unpacking the box - well, Roman had some serious issues opening it without a scissor - whatever - inside you find "Handsome Jack" as one resin piece. That is cool as it means it is a bust that can be prepared rather quick.
There is a character there, pretty cool!
The sculpt itself recieves three out of five Voodoo points. The bust is pretty cool and the sculpting work is nice too. While painting it up Roman enjoyed many areas on the bust. For future busts from this young company he would ask for sharper lines and wrinkles in the clothes.
To clean up the cast canals you just need a blade and a calliper.
On the bust itself mould lines are very rare. Roman found one on the backside of the bust. You can clean that up or if you know that you will paint it black, you can leave it.
The casting quality of the piece and the time you need to prepare it for painting is pointed out with five of five voodoo points.
Pinning was easy too. Preparing the drilling holes, drilling and pinning the bust to a plinth.
The bust is ready to be painted up now. This really went quick and it is always a joy if you can start right away.
Talking about the price of the bust now. The price for the bust is 20 £ + shipping. It's not supercheap for a bust this size, neither is it superexpensive. It's a fine price for a bust you can have a lot of painting fun with. Four of five voodoo points.
If you want to get yours write to mrleesminis@gmail.com!
Primed he already looks cool! That was the point where Roman had to paint him up!
You want to have your miniature unpacked by Roman?
Write to jarhead(at)massivevoodoocom
That's a pretty nice sculpt, but what throws me is "Handsome Jack" is iconic to the Borderlands franchise and somewhat misleading in this case.