posted by roman, jarhead, kong
Ay, ay, the sun burns away my brain and so I do something bad again -
I post something and maybe Matt's Slayersword Diorama will drop from the main page. Oh no!! Such an idiot you might think - but hey, thanks to Robert - you now can find Matt's great post forever linked to the horizontal navigation bar: Media-->Galleries-->Matt
Don't you forget to know about it!
I am again writing at the Painting class report and guess it is finished soon. Meanwhile - Work in Progress (WIP):
Ay, ay, the sun burns away my brain and so I do something bad again -
I post something and maybe Matt's Slayersword Diorama will drop from the main page. Oh no!! Such an idiot you might think - but hey, thanks to Robert - you now can find Matt's great post forever linked to the horizontal navigation bar: Media-->Galleries-->Matt
Don't you forget to know about it!
I am again writing at the Painting class report and guess it is finished soon. Meanwhile - Work in Progress (WIP):

Happy Painting to you all!
The Joy of Painting seems back on track :)
Looking good, have you used your airbrush to start it all off?
Also, is that a real ladybird on that pic?
Yeah ! that's what I asked myself too. Is it real or did you put it there Roman ?
Nice birdy btw, one of the nicest GW models imo. Curious to see what you make out of him.
Yeppa, i did start overall with the airbrush to bring some main colours on the model. Now i am working on the single parts, but i already hate myself for painting the rider on top of the birdy - gnarrrglll...
The ladybird is real, yes - we have tons of them here at the moment and this one took a rest on my base - seems i have done a good realistic job :D
here's one for you guys ever getting to that international workshop done! i'd be happy to travel.