Hey Jungle!
I am catching up with lightning speed, eh?
So much happens and I am still a little bit behind of it all, but just a tiny bit. I am closing in.
This time I got another review for you.
A review of a private coaching I had some weeks ago with Florian.
Two days with a very calm, relaxed and friendly guy I was looking forward too as I know Florian since several years now!
Florian and me |
His topic was special and can be summed up as:
"Why do some artist do what they do - colorwise - and why can they journey through the color wheel without making it look weird or stupid?" ...
Well, at least that was the question. So I asked Florian to show me some artworks to figure out what he means and Frank Frazetta popped up!
My goal for the coaching was to go in depth into color theory with Florian and then analyse some artwork by Frazetta with him to understand what Mr. Frazetta did there and maybe even finding out why.
Here is what Florian says about his coaching:
"A private coaching with Roman was on my
wish list for a very long time. However, thanks to the many workshops with
Roman, I've been pretty much where I want to be with my painting skills for
a few years now: I can implement my projects the way I enjoy it and I'm very
happy with the result at the end. Happy Painting! But one topic kept coming
to my mind, the practical handling of color theory and color concepts that
go beyond the standard complementary contrast. And at some point I also
realized that I could formulate my goal very vaguely at first. After all, I
want to learn this and can rely on Roman's experience. That's how it turned
out to be. The learning objective was generally "colors and their effect on
each other". As a theoretical introduction to this, the occupation with, or
the implementation of even more unusual color harmonies beyond complementary
(so also analog, triad, quadrad, tetradic ...). That was enough for me as a
guideline. If I could expand my understanding (and in the application) of
colors with it, then my goal was achieved.
So the coaching started long before the actual appointment. Roman asked me clever questions to understand my topic and goal. I was also given a small homework assignment. Roman wanted a selection of images in advance to get an idea of where I was having trouble with color anlyses. For the coaching he had prepared a handout with theory and practical exercises. Unfortunately, I was in poor health, so we even had to break off early. However, Roman adjusted perfectly to me, so that even the shortened appointment felt more than round for me. Although I didn't feel unmotivated before the coaching, I am more motivated now than I have been in a long time. I can hardly think of anything else but a new project where I now want to implement what I learned."
- Florian
In german:
"Ein privates Coaching bei
Roman stand schon sehr lange auf meiner Wunschliste. Allerdings bin ich dank
der vielen Workshops bei Roman seit einigen Jahren mit meinen Malkünsten
ziemlich genau da, wo ich sein möchte: ich kann meine Projekte so umsetzen,
wie es mir Spaß macht und ich bin am Schluss sehr zufrieden mit dem
Ergebnis. Happy Painting! Ein Thema kam mir aber immer wieder in den Sinn,
der praktische Umgang mit Farbtheorie und Farbkonzepten die über den
Standard Komplementärkontrast hinausgehen. Und mir wurde irgendwann auch
klar, dass ich mein Ziel auch erstmal sehr unkonkret formulieren kann.
Schließlich möchte ich das erst lernen und kann auf Romans Erfahrung
vertrauen. So war es dann auch. Lernziel war generell „Farben und ihre
Wirkung untereinander“. Als theoretischer Einstieg dazu die Beschäftigung
mit, bzw. die Umsetzung von auch ungewöhnlicheren Farbharmonien über
Komplementär hinaus (also auch Analog, Triade, Quadrad, Tetradisch
...). Das reichte mir als roter Faden. Wenn ich damit mein Verständnis (und
in der Anwendung) für Farben erweitern konnte, dann war mein Ziel
Das Coaching fing also schon
lange vor dem eigentlichen Termin an. Roman stelle mir geschickte Fragen, um
mein Thema und mein Ziel zu verstehen. Eine kleine Hausaufgabe bekam ich
auch. Roman wollte im Vorfeld eine Auswahl an Bildern, um sich Bild davon zu
machen, wo ich Schwierigkeiten mit der Farbanlyse habe. Zum Coaching hatte
er ein Handout mit Theorie und praktischen Übungen vorbereitet. Leider war
ich gesundheitlich angeschlagen, so dass wir sogar vorzeitig abbrechen
mussten. Roman hat sich aber perfekt auf mich eingestellt, so dass sich auch
der verkürzte Termin für mich mehr als rund angefühlt hat. Obwohl ich mich
vor dem Coaching nicht unmotiviert empfand, bin ich jetzt so motiviert wie
schon lange nicht mehr. Ich kann kaum an etwas anderes als an ein neues
Projekt denken, bei dem ich das Gelernte jetzt umsetzen möchte."
- Florian
Thank you for your kind words about the coaching, Florian.
Unfortanetely we had to end the coaching earlier as Florian had a cold and was not in best condition for work of focus. Nonetheless, we both - I do not lie when saying this - discovered many sparks and click moments of how to paint like Frazetta and discovered a very fresh approach to mixing colors and painting them on your figure. It is still crazy and feels good and Florian and I decided to meet again in 2022 for the second part of this coaching.
Keep on happy painting, Florian!
Best Wishes,
If you want to learn from me
in your very own private coaching session, do not hesitate to contact me for further details via
Write me an email and we can make it work!
If you are interested in a private coaching session or the actual news on workshops, please read:
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