Good Monday Morning Jungle,
and what a glorious morning it is.
People used to dislike Mondays as it means the start of a new week and much work ahead of all of us.
Whay not make this Monday different and be energetic instead, happy, joyful and excited about a fresh new week that might bring you a smile around the next corner, if you smile yourself.
Allright, so much to the intro of this. The whole MV crew have something to tell you today.
MASSIVE VOODOO. Seven years now.
Time is flying by, but paint still flows regularly and happy painting spirits are high :)
Actually we even forgot the actual day of birth of this blog. Well, let's say we failed in checking back properly. We know its September so we will just celebrate it in this month.
to all our readers, supporters, friends and family who come here to the heart of the jungle to find some peace and inspiration.
OUR BIRTHDAY GIFT to Massi... uhm, you!
Massive Voodoo is a place were many of you drop by to calm the sounds of the city, the waves of the day and the sounds of work. Looking closer it is not this blog. It is the painting joy and relaxation you find at your workspace. The small palace of paint that we all share. A tiny dark corner, lid by daylight, with tiny brushes, tiny figures and tiny paints.
Even the world is changing fast Massive Voodoo stays the same and keeps up with traditions. To our first year of MV birthday celebrations we asked for a photo of your workbenches and we recieved tons.
On MV's second birthday we asked for it again and recieved not so many, but still great ones.
The third and fourth birthday celebration of the blog can nowwhere be found in the archives. The deep green jungle swallowed it beneath is canopy.
Fifth year was big as five is half to ten.
We gave you the MV's BANANALICIOUS 2 - Painting Competition. One of world's biggest miniature painting online competitons with 290 entries.
We also had a special Tutorial Voting action going on. Five years, man!
Last year - for MV's sixth birthday we renovated the MV studio and we had no gifts for you.
Workspace again it is.
We want to see your actual miniature hobby workspace, corner, table, garage or island. If you want you can clean it up or show it to us vibrantly just like it looks right now. For inspiration you can have a look on Roman's article about his workspace history.
One winner will have a chat with Raffa,
one person with Peter and one will have a chat with Roman for about 1 hour each.
The final date will be matched with the winners wish, individually with the one monkey you are skyping with. We can talk about Miniatures, your projects, about MV if you like, about the future of the hobby, about your ideas and visions, maybe bikinis or the beauty of it all - in fact whatever you like to talk with us about and we already guess that one hour is quite short.
You can participate if ...
- you are able to talk english or german (no need for perfect english as ours is bad also)
- have an acutal version of Skype installed and now how to handle
- you are a follower of MV, here at the blog or via facebook or whatever.
How can I win this?
We are again after a photo of your workbenches.
Show us your temple of colours, your place where you enjoy the hobby. Don't clean it up or prepare it for a photoshoot - just take it from the moment. Or clean it up and make a superstylish-hipster-black-and-white-photo. The three workspaces which will hit Roman's heart the most will win the Skyping. Roman is doing the judging and organisational matters of this and we keep it easy for the judging on our side. Roman's heart it is.
Write an email subjected with 3nd Birthday MV - workspace *your name* to jarhead(at)massivevoodoo(dot)com, deadline is Octobre the 15th 2016.
Your entry will be confirmed with an email by Roman. Not in seconds after sending it, but everytime Roman is doing mails.
For sure you can write whatever you like to your mail or here in the comments, like birthday wishes, some personal thoughts or more BUT please don't forget to add a photo of your workspace, only one photo please. All entries that miss one of these points will be disqualified. Here are four examples on how your entry can look like:

Let's go.
Happy Birthday MV!
To many more years of happy painting glory!
and what a glorious morning it is.
People used to dislike Mondays as it means the start of a new week and much work ahead of all of us.
Whay not make this Monday different and be energetic instead, happy, joyful and excited about a fresh new week that might bring you a smile around the next corner, if you smile yourself.
Allright, so much to the intro of this. The whole MV crew have something to tell you today.
Something important:
MASSIVE VOODOO. Seven years now.
Time is flying by, but paint still flows regularly and happy painting spirits are high :)
Actually we even forgot the actual day of birth of this blog. Well, let's say we failed in checking back properly. We know its September so we will just celebrate it in this month.
to all our readers, supporters, friends and family who come here to the heart of the jungle to find some peace and inspiration.
OUR BIRTHDAY GIFT to Massi... uhm, you!
Massive Voodoo is a place were many of you drop by to calm the sounds of the city, the waves of the day and the sounds of work. Looking closer it is not this blog. It is the painting joy and relaxation you find at your workspace. The small palace of paint that we all share. A tiny dark corner, lid by daylight, with tiny brushes, tiny figures and tiny paints.
Even the world is changing fast Massive Voodoo stays the same and keeps up with traditions. To our first year of MV birthday celebrations we asked for a photo of your workbenches and we recieved tons.
On MV's second birthday we asked for it again and recieved not so many, but still great ones.
The third and fourth birthday celebration of the blog can nowwhere be found in the archives. The deep green jungle swallowed it beneath is canopy.
Fifth year was big as five is half to ten.
We gave you the MV's BANANALICIOUS 2 - Painting Competition. One of world's biggest miniature painting online competitons with 290 entries.
We also had a special Tutorial Voting action going on. Five years, man!
Last year - for MV's sixth birthday we renovated the MV studio and we had no gifts for you.
Workspace again it is.
We want to see your actual miniature hobby workspace, corner, table, garage or island. If you want you can clean it up or show it to us vibrantly just like it looks right now. For inspiration you can have a look on Roman's article about his workspace history.
This is for you to win:
One winner will have a chat with Raffa,
one person with Peter and one will have a chat with Roman for about 1 hour each.
The final date will be matched with the winners wish, individually with the one monkey you are skyping with. We can talk about Miniatures, your projects, about MV if you like, about the future of the hobby, about your ideas and visions, maybe bikinis or the beauty of it all - in fact whatever you like to talk with us about and we already guess that one hour is quite short.
You can participate if ...
- you are able to talk english or german (no need for perfect english as ours is bad also)
- have an acutal version of Skype installed and now how to handle
- you are a follower of MV, here at the blog or via facebook or whatever.
How can I win this?
We are again after a photo of your workbenches.
Show us your temple of colours, your place where you enjoy the hobby. Don't clean it up or prepare it for a photoshoot - just take it from the moment. Or clean it up and make a superstylish-hipster-black-and-white-photo. The three workspaces which will hit Roman's heart the most will win the Skyping. Roman is doing the judging and organisational matters of this and we keep it easy for the judging on our side. Roman's heart it is.
Write an email subjected with 3nd Birthday MV - workspace *your name* to jarhead(at)massivevoodoo(dot)com, deadline is Octobre the 15th 2016.
Your entry will be confirmed with an email by Roman. Not in seconds after sending it, but everytime Roman is doing mails.
For sure you can write whatever you like to your mail or here in the comments, like birthday wishes, some personal thoughts or more BUT please don't forget to add a photo of your workspace, only one photo please. All entries that miss one of these points will be disqualified. Here are four examples on how your entry can look like:
Let's go.
Happy Birthday MV!
To many more years of happy painting glory!
Happy Birthday, Monkeys!
Hope for many Years with Great jungle-Content. 😊
Happy Birthday!
Thanks for all your help and inspiration :)
Happy Birthday! May you have many many more!
Happy Birthday Massiv Vooddoo. Hope you will have every Time bananas and Coffee ;-)
Happy Birthday and thanks for all the workshops which provided lots of motivation and inspiration!
Happy Birthday MV!!!!
Picture been send :)
yes h'ppy birthd'y MV!