Good Morning Jungle,
today we will have a closer look on MV's recent release in collaberation with
Secret Weapon Miniatures.
In this Mu (Miniatures Unpacked) we will not unpack the bases, we will have a look on the different types which are on sale right now and we will explain to you how you can use them.
Will there be more?
Recently we had many questions about smaller ones, round ones and different themes as a lot of people do enjoy the style and the level of detail Raffa and Roman sculpted in these four base toppers.
Well, at the moment we only offer these four, but that does not mean we do not have more plans for the future!
Why Insta-Bases?
Why do you write articles on how to build unique bases, do basing classes to teach your MV students how to build better bases and now you bring Insta-Bases, why? Well, easy answer: Basing and spending time on a cool base is a great thing to do, but sometimes we also find ourselves in a project where we just want to paint up a miniature, rather quick, more focusing on the paintjob itself. For this the Insta-Bases are just perfect.
What styles do you offer now?
We have four different base toppers right now. Two are more fantasy-themed and two are more Sci-Fi/Post-apocalyptic-themed. We will show you the different bases now so you can see they are sculpted with a lot of joy, thoughts and detail by Roman and Raffa.
As you know they come in high quality resin and arrived unpainted at your doorstep. On these paintjobs by Roman please know that these are just examples. You can of course paint them as you like, for example:
How to use them?
Using the MV Insta-Bases is really simple. You can use these base toppers and glue them with super glue to a wooden or resin plinth. You can get resin ones at Secret Weapon Miniatures or you can grab a cool wood one at Sockelmacher. You can also glue them to your 40x40mm gaming bases.
Hey wait!
There is something different on this upper example? There is something build on top of the Insta-Base. Yes, right. We will have some future articles for you telling you how to easily use the MV Insta-Bases as a foundation for your own build-ups. Soon!
You can get your MV Insta-Bases here!
More articles ahead!
Stay tuned!
today we will have a closer look on MV's recent release in collaberation with
Secret Weapon Miniatures.
In this Mu (Miniatures Unpacked) we will not unpack the bases, we will have a look on the different types which are on sale right now and we will explain to you how you can use them.
Will there be more?
Recently we had many questions about smaller ones, round ones and different themes as a lot of people do enjoy the style and the level of detail Raffa and Roman sculpted in these four base toppers.
Well, at the moment we only offer these four, but that does not mean we do not have more plans for the future!
Why Insta-Bases?
Why do you write articles on how to build unique bases, do basing classes to teach your MV students how to build better bases and now you bring Insta-Bases, why? Well, easy answer: Basing and spending time on a cool base is a great thing to do, but sometimes we also find ourselves in a project where we just want to paint up a miniature, rather quick, more focusing on the paintjob itself. For this the Insta-Bases are just perfect.
What styles do you offer now?
We have four different base toppers right now. Two are more fantasy-themed and two are more Sci-Fi/Post-apocalyptic-themed. We will show you the different bases now so you can see they are sculpted with a lot of joy, thoughts and detail by Roman and Raffa.
As you know they come in high quality resin and arrived unpainted at your doorstep. On these paintjobs by Roman please know that these are just examples. You can of course paint them as you like, for example:
How to use them?
Using the MV Insta-Bases is really simple. You can use these base toppers and glue them with super glue to a wooden or resin plinth. You can get resin ones at Secret Weapon Miniatures or you can grab a cool wood one at Sockelmacher. You can also glue them to your 40x40mm gaming bases.
Step #01:
Take Insta-Base, glue it to your plinth or base of choice.
Use mucho superglue!
Step #02:
Now use some putty to fill that gap or much more simple:
Use superglue again on top of the gap and quickly fix that superglue with accelerator.
open gap
closed gap with superglue + accelerator
Step #03:
Now sand the edges and you will have a
wonderful display base that looks like one part in the end.
Hey wait!
There is something different on this upper example? There is something build on top of the Insta-Base. Yes, right. We will have some future articles for you telling you how to easily use the MV Insta-Bases as a foundation for your own build-ups. Soon!
Step #04
Paint up your base, paint your plinth black and in four easy steps you have some cool Insta-Bases ready for your miniatures:
You can get your MV Insta-Bases here!
More articles ahead!
Stay tuned!
You have finally made it and that's very cool!