Hey Jungle Painters,
sometimes I am able to paint on canvas. Only sometimes, because most of my creative energies run into my miniature projects. Recently while I painted canvas with my god-children I prepared a bigger canvas for a painting.
Then I started painting what I planned for the canvas...
And finished it ...
After it was done, I took the public train with the canvas under my arm and still colourful hands and arms and delivered it to a friend, who has it on his wall already. I hope he will enjoy it and when he might get bored of it on his wall I get it back and maybe hang it in the studio myself or sell it ...
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
sometimes I am able to paint on canvas. Only sometimes, because most of my creative energies run into my miniature projects. Recently while I painted canvas with my god-children I prepared a bigger canvas for a painting.
Preparation, just colours...
Then I started painting what I planned for the canvas...
And finished it ...
After it was done, I took the public train with the canvas under my arm and still colourful hands and arms and delivered it to a friend, who has it on his wall already. I hope he will enjoy it and when he might get bored of it on his wall I get it back and maybe hang it in the studio myself or sell it ...
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
Wow that is just so cool. I love that you can transfer you skills to 2D :)
Moin! Witzig zu sehen wie sich das Bild entwickelt.
Diese "Spritzer" die sich in Deine Bilder ziehen - gelb von unten bei dem aktuellen Bild (und später mehrfarbig links oben), rot bei dem Portrait direkt dahinter auf der "Staffelei", rechts in rot beim weißen Clown und selbst beim Banner für den Bananalicious-Contest (großartige Sache übrigens - vielen Dank dafür!!!).
Sind diese "Spritzer" ein besonderes Stilmittel Deiner Malerei, eine Laune, eine Zufallstechnik die Dir gerade "gut reingeht" oder ein probates Mittel um größere Flächen aufzubrechen?
Was ja witzig ist, dass die beiden Kinder das auch schon "abgekupfert" haben.
Schönen Sommer noch - gerne auch mal brütend heiß!
Thanks, happy that you like it!
Puh... keine Ahnung was das mit den Farbspritzern auf sich hat, die rutschen mir einfach so raus.