posted by roman, jarhead, kong

another one of my "Work-in-Progress-thought" post.
Lately a lot is happening and the jungle is pretty busy at the moment.
The Figure Art - Artbook is finally reaching its final steps (thanks to the guys helping us with the proof read), events like Painting Contests and Painting Classes arrive as life goes on and plans of the future months have to be made. We are so much looking forward to have the Artbooks ready for you soon and gone from our list of work. We are really looking forward what those who supported the campaign will think of the final product ...
I personally did not find much time during the last week to paint as planning the future and work at home kept us away from the studio. I finished another four of my Yu Jing Infinity gaming army figures. During the Painting Crusade in Brussels I started the base of the comissioned Ultramarine while demonstrating some "sketching":
I finally recieved my order of Red Box Games figures to bring my big project of the Fantasy Gang further. Did some small preparations on some figures but was kind of distracted because I wanted that order to be at place to execute further plans ...
I prepared a big figure, but he will be standing around primed for a while now as there is not a single space of time left to start him now. One cool Celtic guy from Pegaso Models.
I did finish two gaming Zombies lately. One as a gift for Carl, our last private practice student and one for a friend who will recieve a big parcel soon!
Oh well, yes. I did take some moments to paint on the Vampire lady by CMON. Truly a nice figure to paint but I am somehow uncomfortable with the sculpted face ... let's see how she will turn out in the end. Further progress is already made, click to enlarge:
Well, I am not sure if I did forget something. Do you know?
Whatever, be sure that future will be colourful!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes

another one of my "Work-in-Progress-thought" post.
Lately a lot is happening and the jungle is pretty busy at the moment.
The Figure Art - Artbook is finally reaching its final steps (thanks to the guys helping us with the proof read), events like Painting Contests and Painting Classes arrive as life goes on and plans of the future months have to be made. We are so much looking forward to have the Artbooks ready for you soon and gone from our list of work. We are really looking forward what those who supported the campaign will think of the final product ...
I personally did not find much time during the last week to paint as planning the future and work at home kept us away from the studio. I finished another four of my Yu Jing Infinity gaming army figures. During the Painting Crusade in Brussels I started the base of the comissioned Ultramarine while demonstrating some "sketching":
I finally recieved my order of Red Box Games figures to bring my big project of the Fantasy Gang further. Did some small preparations on some figures but was kind of distracted because I wanted that order to be at place to execute further plans ...
I prepared a big figure, but he will be standing around primed for a while now as there is not a single space of time left to start him now. One cool Celtic guy from Pegaso Models.
I did finish two gaming Zombies lately. One as a gift for Carl, our last private practice student and one for a friend who will recieve a big parcel soon!
Oh well, yes. I did take some moments to paint on the Vampire lady by CMON. Truly a nice figure to paint but I am somehow uncomfortable with the sculpted face ... let's see how she will turn out in the end. Further progress is already made, click to enlarge:
Well, I am not sure if I did forget something. Do you know?
Whatever, be sure that future will be colourful!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
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