Hey Jungle,
earlier this year I was able to teach an OSL, Object Source Light masterclass close to my Speedpainting workshop and finally I am able to write the review. These days I really miss hands on teaching and coaching. It has become something natural for me to teach and enjoy the progress and growth of my students that I really feel that something has been cut off recently due Covid-19. Well, it is what it is ...
Thanks to the miniatureart academy for helping to organise the workshops and offering their great studio for it!

Instructor: Roman Lappat
Duration: Saturdays (one day)
I usually do not teach masterclass seminars, but when I do these seminars focus on one subject, because they aim to teach you to master a certain topic. This Object Source Light (OSL) Masterclass
Main topics:
- Understand the principles of OSL
- Learn how to include them on different materials
- Learn about different time slots when to include these effects in your projects
Student level: All
Early in the morning when my students achieved their first OSL studies. I call them "basic knowledge" to understand the theory behind it, before we go deeper in how to apply advanced knowledge.
My first explanation piece!
Thanks to everyone who joined up for the workshop. You were such a cool group of students and I enjoyed every minute with you!
First round - basic understanding of principles of my students ...
"Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us Roman. It was a wonderful experience. It's awesome to learn from somebody so passionate for what he does. Keep being awesome." - Arturo
"If you are thinking about going to one of Roman's seminars stop thinking and go. You will learn from somebody who loves his work and will spread his love to everyone in the room. You will breath creativity from the very start. You will learn the "how" but most importantly the "why" of things and understand that to reach C you dont have to necessarily need to go through A and B.
I learned so much in one day that is hard to believe, not only about the topic for the day, also about painting, art, the correct mindset...
I wasn't the best student back in school, so when I learn so much it can only mean the teacher is pretty damn good. And a very cool guy, too." - Arturo
"Amazing teacher, i've learned a lot and it was so fun and so many good times, hope to repeat! t has been a wonderfull weekend “pinturero”. We wait for you next time!!!- Alberto

Hello Roman, I just want to say thank for the class (OSL) your enthusiasm is noticeable and your method is amazing. You know how to catch the student attention. Now I want to paint more and push even more my skills." - David
It was beautiful to see this bust again that I gave to Alfonso as a gift!
After lunchbreak we went deeper and learned how to implement OSL into a model with its normal colors. More intense OSL training ... and its results!
"Javo here.
I’m just wanted to thank you for your wonderful weekend masterclasses.
About the course itself I can simply say that you not only helped us understand
some core concepts in a fun and easy way; your seminars encouraged us to take
risks, to dare doing things outside of our comfort zone so that we could learn
from our own mistakes but always focused in having fun while painting.
Your approach to painting, how you understand our little form of art is something
I feel deeply connected to and I am thrilled i had the chance to take part of it
with you and my most amazing classmates. Other than that, I have been exploring OSL a bit more and I think that after your
seminar I have upped my game much more than I could’ve ever thought before.
I’ll make sure to let you know about my project whenever I finish if that’s okay. Thank you so much again and hope to see you soon either here again or over there." - Jav0
I want to thank you all! Such good memories about this weekend!
Hope you are all safe and stay healthy!
Keep on happy painting!
Yours, Roman
If you want to learn from me
in your very own private coaching session or if you want to visit a group weekend workshop, do not hesitate to contact me for further details via
I will be there for you and your personal growth as a painter!
You can find more information
about upcoming group workshops via this banner
about upcoming group workshops via this banner
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