Hi Jungle,
another project from the heart into reality ...
'Birch and Goat' ...
a project I created as a gift to someone I really, really like and she likes goats a lot...

The base was build with using many basing techniques explained in MV's basing tutorial area:
Small animals used are from the company "Busch", from their small animal set. The goat itself was brought to my attention by my friend Josua Lai as I was asking if he knew some sculpts of goats. It is from https://industriamechanika.com/shop/animals/94-sheep-goat.html
I really enjoy creating projects
that have a connection to my emotions.
They have a complete different flow and they grow from the idea itself. A reason why I can not and do not want to paint a regular orc or another barbarian these days. A lot of my creative energies are centered on illustrations these days via @romanlappat.illustration ...
Keep on happy painting!
Yours, Roman
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