Final Entry Counter: 271
Out of competition: 31
Full Gallery of all entries:
Helly everyone,
it is about time. Finally Massive Voodoo challenges you again!
Sharpen your brushes, be creative and follow us in the endless space beyond your creativity!
- 1. Foreword
- 2. Challenge Rules & Judging Criteria & Judges
- 3. Challenge Timeframe
- 4. FAQ
- 5. Prizes & Fan Award
- 6. Supporters
You can find the challenge linked up to the main page of MV, right upper corner:

so far we did not imagine that 2020 start like this, but it did. On one hand it is really confusing times, but it also seems the universe wants us all to have more time in front of our brushes and paints.
You know that MV always creates special challenges for you, like the Easter Egg Challenge, Pinguins, Marie Fleur, the Mad Max Car Contests and more. You can find them here:
This time is no different.
With a small astronaut as your main character. Read more about it in the rules!
With the inspirational help
of my MV brother Josua Lai, Concept Artist Samaneh Rasoul (banner work) the sculptor Momo Pügerl and Mr. Lee's Minis we bring you another challenge that will make your creativity spark and that we are pretty sure that its gallery will enter miniature art history. I came up with the idea for such a contest a long time ago and had in my mind for long. When the idea took shape I did some drawings and contacted Momo for seeing this tiny astronaut sculpted in 3d:

Mr. Lee's Minis started production when things started to roll on and Samaneh created these beautiful banners that you all can see as an inspiration. Quite the flow in this, but still - reaching the point to announce this challenge - was in fact a challenge and took some time, but here we are now:
Be creative. Tell us your story to what far away planet, crazy situation or miracle your astronaut travels.
You can build dioramas, single bases, connect with other figures of every scale, add a gang of astronauts to your story and see no limitation in size or else whatsoever. You are also allowed to convert the Astronaut.
The only rule is:
This tiny astronout has to be involved at least once.
Get your astronaut in 15 mm set via Mr Lee's Minis:
You can take part with as many entries as you like, no limitation in numbers.
If you have great ideas you can win multiple prizes.
Submit your entry to
with a minimum of 3 photos from different angles, maximum 5.
Subject your email with: MVChallenge 2020 - *your name*
Feel invited to ask them via comment on the blog.
We will include them via the section #4 'FAQ'.

The full MV-Team of active Members will handle the judging work:
Josua, Hansrainer, David, Sebastian, Philip, Daniele and Roman.
All Members of Massive Voodoo are excluded from taking part in the competition. They can not win a random prize or a medal. All of them are allowed to take part in the "Fan Award" voting.
Judging Criteria:
The judges will look after your creative story-telling and your creativity. Secondly, they will look on technical painting quality and basing skills. All should be in balance in harmony.
The Challenge starts
15th of April 2020
and ends
November 23rd 2020 (Midnight Roman's time/Germany)
to give you all enough time to find the most interesting excuses to not take part in this time frame or to create amazing entries :)
We plan to have all the entries uploaded and judged until 15th of December 2020.
Ask your questions via the comments
- we include them here with our answers ...
Can I show work in progress photos of my entries?
Yes. Be free and make your friends join this too!
After sending my entry to you do I have to wait to show it elsewhere until the official challenge is over?
No. You can show it right away!
Am I allowed to enter my astronaut projects in other competitions before the Challenge ends or after?
Am I allowed to convert the Astronaut?
In the overall contest there will be three winners.
We give away one gold medal, one silver, one bronze.

The gold medal
winner also will recieve Roman's painted version of this little Astronaut:
and a sand art picture done by Manuel for this challenge:
The silver medal
winner will recieve Josua's painted version of this little Astronaut:
The bronze medal
winner will recieve this handpainted bust by Alfonso "Banshee" Giraldes, with a tiny added Astronaut by Roman, that is still missing as we are waiting for Astronaut restock :)
At the moment Roman and Momo are working on creating some metal pins with small astronauts to make everyone who takes part in the challenge recieve a pin for his bravery! Stay tuned! Work in Progress!
We were not able to manage that! Too many things happened recently (for example: Roman has to move unplanned as his landlord needs the flat) and funds and time for this idea were not available. We are really sorry!
Fan Award
As soon as the full gallery is up we want to invite you all to vote for your personal favourite. We will give out a fan favourite award that will consist of something we will show you soon! Everyone, even those out of competition (for example if one of the MV members takes part) are open for voting on the Fan Award. Stay tuned!
The winner of the Fan Award will recieve:
A sand art picture done by Manuel and one of Roman's limited and sold out Artprints:

A special prize will be added for the one with the most entries:
Mr Lee's Minis is dropping in a double book special: One of Roman's original Miniatureart Artbooks and one special book, a testprint that was used to find our way in the journey of book printing. It is different than the original and shows a lot of process.
Random Prize Pool
We will hand out random prizes to everyone who takes part in the challenge, via raffle.
Everyone can only win one randomly drawn random prize pool prize (<--wtf :d="" br="">--wtf>
3x Sets of Roman Lappat Miniature Art Postcards A

3x Sets of Roman Lappat Miniature Postcards B
MV-Team Member Sebastian adds this limited model:
Roman adds this model:

Journeyman-Miniatures adds this bust:

A MrLee's Minis suprise!

Nordlys Miniatures - one figure of choice!

Christoph drops this figure as a gift

Kensho Miniatures adds a beautiful SciFi bust, named 'Skylar'!

Abyssoul Miniatures sponsors one Faenir!

The MV-Studio found these old Rackham Dwarfs and adds them to the pool!

MiniWarPaint sponsors this boy on waterbuffalo and some bamboo for your diorama!

Orzol Studio adds this full diorama and a Dragon bust!

Orzol Studio adds this full diorama and a Dragon bust!
Orzol Studio adds this full diorama and a Dragon bust!
Ammo/MIG brings you one of their books "Encyclopedia of figures" #02

A donation from Botho, a very rare Games Workshop 75mm Inquisitor miniature:

If you want to support
this challenge with a small donation from your company or brand, please do contact Roman via: jarhead(at)massivevoodoo(dot)com for more information!
If you want to support
this challenge with a small donation from your company or brand, please do contact Roman via: jarhead(at)massivevoodoo(dot)com for more information!
Your brand/company will be included here with a link to your homepage.
Thank you!
You can also support us by dropping a jungle donation so we can ship out prizes, buy coffee to drink while creating the galleries and doing judging work, handling all the mails and such ...
Thank you!
Supported by:
MrLee's Minis
Massive Voodoo
Josua Lai Miniatures
Roman Lappat Miniature Art
Miniature Art Academy
Journeyman Miniatures
Momo Pügerl
Nordlys Miniatures
Christoph Klingshirn
Kensho Miniatures
MV-Team Member: Sebastian
Abyssoul Miniatures
Botho Nees
Oliver Schitthelm
Well, now it is time for you to spread the word and invite your friends to enter this beautiful challenge so we all can see as many creative journeys as possible.
What are you waiting for?
Go beyond your imagination!
You want to support Massive Voodoo?
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.
Yiippiieee. fiNALLY another fantastic MV challenge. Count me in!!
Wonderful. The tiny astraunaut seems to be already out of stock on Mr Lee's website though ��
@Anonymous.. they sell out very quickly.. but more are on route and will be on the webstore shortly. Thankfully the MV team are aware of this and have put a lengthy lead for completion.. so plenty of time still :D
Fantastic. Have been waiting for this to happen and that long time frame should let me come up with a ton of excuses.
Beat me to it. You must have gotten up early.
Do you know when the astronaut will be available on Mr Lee shop ? Today it is out of stock...
Eh ,,out of stock" ;/
MrLee Minis just said: ... they sell out very quickly.. but more are on route and will be on the webstore shortly. Thankfully the MV team are aware of this and have put a lengthy lead for completion.. so plenty of time still :D
Does astronaut conversion allowed?
@Alexey: Answered in the FAQ!
Mr. Lee has received stock of the astronauts, I just ordered mine.
Can't wait to take part on my first competition ever :)
Cool! @Tiago
Looking forward to your entry!
6 of us from the Zagreb miniatures painting club just ordered an astronaut for each. Really looking forward to painting him, I have a great idea in my mind. It's going to be my first diorama, decided to get good at painting around a year ago. Excited to see what people come up with!
Hey Ivan, this sounds totally awesome. We are looking forward to your entry and the ones of your friends! Cool!
just ordered my astronaut set :) just one question : how do we submit our astronaut once completed ? to Roman's email ?
can't wait to see all the entries :)
Hi Roman and Josua,
Thanks for doing this great challenge.
Just a quick question for the FAQ. How do we submit our excuses/projects when they are done. Only one photo? More? Or no rules? 😁
@Tobias & Kefran
Very good point indeed :D
Added to the text! Thank you!
Still out of stock... :/ Want to start. ;)
Yeay, in stock! :)
I recommend following Mr Lee's Minis Newsletter, they will be back in stock and when sold out, back in stock again. The newsletter keeps you up to date!
Just got my astronauts in, looking forward to come up with something fun and interesting for this one.
Quick question.
Once an entry has been submitted, is it okay to then enter it into other competitions before the MV challenge is over?
Yay! Enjoy! We are looking forward to your entries!
Yes. Will update the rules on this now!
Many thanks. Will check those out.
Hi! Can one purchase a STL file of the Astronaut instead of the miniatures? Or maybe get a STL with the miniatures? Thanks!
Unfortanetely not :/
Hi. Is it allowed to sculpt your own astronaut? Or does it have to be the model bought from MrLee? I had an idea of a totally different pose...
Hi Roman,
I tried to get a package of little astronauts but unfortenately they a are out of stock.
Du you know if they will be available again or where I can get some ?
Best regards
Just discovered this, I've started painting just a few months ago. I've soon put the order for the astronaut mini, I hope it's not too late to get it in time and prepare something decent :)
Go! Go! Go! Serena!! Go! Go! Go!
Submitted yesterday night XD Just in time :P
Hello, sorry can you clarify whether the fan voting is still open? This page says the 15th is the end of the scoring, but in the link the 5th December is mentioned. Can people still vote?
The Fan Award voting is closed. Please check back with this post, where we show the winner:
Thank you Roman! I missed the communication and I just found out I got a Duchess *__*
Well done to all the winners and thank you all for organizing this amazing event!
Happy to help! Just do not forget to sent me your postal adress for the prize delivery.