Hi everyone,
it took me quite the while to bring this up as the last weeks had been busy and well, yeah more busy.
I want to write about a great trip I did earlier this year to teach my first workshop ever in beautiful Switzerland.
Thanks to the help of Josua Lai I was able to teach a really cool Beginner Workshop in Bern with wonderful students! Thank you for your perfect help, hospitality and organisational help, Josua!

Well, let's start this review from the beginning, shall we!
My teacher equipment when travelling for this class!
The cat hast to stay at home, even she does not want to :)
I arrived some days prior to the workshop to spent some good time with my friend Josua in the beautiful city that is Bern.

"Besten Dank jedoch auch für das Halten des super Kurses. Ich denke gerne an die Kurstage zurück. Die Erinnerungen sind gemischt ;) (durchaus sehr positiv gemeint, Du verstehst, smile). Er war zwar sehr intensiv und hallte rein körperlich noch einige Tage nach :) Ich konnte aber sehr viel lernen, auch wenn ich sicher den einen oder anderen Tipp wieder vergessen habe, weil es irgendwann einfach "zuviel" wurde alles zu behalten (wie z.B. welche Farbe nimmt man nun schon wieder zum entsättigen von dieser oder jener Farbe...). Und je mehr man macht, desto mehr Fragen kommen hoch. Somit war es doppelt schade, dass der Kurs schlussendlich viel zu schnell rum war, und ich auch noch eher gehen musste. Was bleibt ist aber, dass ich mich nun leichter an Projekte ran traue da ich nicht völlig ratlos bin, wie man gewisse Ergebnisse erreicht, die man sich so vorstellt.
Ich stehe maltechnisch noch voll am Anfang, der Kurs macht aber
definitiv Lust auf mehr und ich würde mich freuen, den einen oder
anderen Kurs von Dir zu besuchen in Zukunft. Die Aufnahme in Deine
Facebook Student Group hab ich mal beantragt."
- René
- René

We meet on Friday and started the workshop with an evening full of theory and basing!

The theory parts contain:
- Learn to see your world with different eyes
- Introduction into basing composition
- Learn how to feel harmony in different aspects
- Important contrasts for figure painting
- Explanation about how to paint a light situation on your figure
- Understand colour theory and learn how to use it properly
- Learn about different materials, their unique properties and learn to paint them
- Learn to lose fear of doing something wrong
- much more!
The word 'beginner' might be confusing to many first time participants of this class.
It is not a class for 'only' beginners. In fact it is a class for every person, at every age interested in figure painting, whatever their experience level is.
'Beginners class' means here that Roman aka jarhead gives an introduction into his way of thinking while painting, in detail a lot of important theory is explained while doing a walk through Art History and is used in practical exercises. During the weekend you will not only learn to improve your painting skills, you will also learn the 'Why?' behind everything explained and with that you will be able to teach yourself in your own hobby future by just recognizing what nature has to offer.
When it comes to basing
I got to thank the supporters of this class who made the class wonderful due their help in sponsoring some of their products, beside my own crazy material collection:
On Saturday
- after a good night of sleep and too much color theory we worked our way through more theory and finished this close to lunch time when we primed our projects ...

"Der Kurs vom 31.01-02.02.2020 in Bern stand ganz im Zeichen einer Beginner Class.
jedoch zu erwähnen es war nicht der Beginn des Miniaturen bemalen
sondern der Beginn von einer neuen Sicht auf das Bemalen von Figuren.
der Grössten Meilensteine für mich war der Einsatz einzig von
Grundfarben zum mischen meiner Palette beim Bemalen meiner Demontette
(dies war mein Persönliches Ziel) was einerseits eine Herausforderung
andererseits auch schönes «Abenteuer» war.
waren zwei ein halb sehr intensive Tage, man hat viel neues gelernt,
man fühlte sicher jedoch nie im Stich gelassen sondern die ganze Zeit
gut geführt und Unterstütz. Genau für dieses Gefühl möchte ich den Kurs,
Roman und alle anderen aus dem Kurs sehr loben es war eine wahre
bin überglücklich mit dem Resultat des Kurses und stelle nun mit
Freuden meine erste nicht zum Spielen gedachte Miniatur in meinem Zimmer aus.
My students had to follow me through certain explanations and demonstrations to finish their base painting work until the late afternoon!
Explanation can look like this, but do not have to :D
We were able to enjoy a lot of different miniature projects that some students brought and shared, also some of my paintjobs ...
We painted late night on Saturday and met up early morning on Sunday to continue, tired but happy faces and I knew that everyone was on the right track to achieve my learning goals for my students ...

I want to thank everyone involved in this beautiful beginner class and the great vibes we shared ...

Results ...
First timers had to go through a demonette, while repeaters of the class were able to pull off their own ideas and I helped them on their way ...

After the workshop I spent two days of relaxation with Mr. Rosenbaum himself ...
Thank you my friend!
Thank you my friend!
And so I travelled home again ...
If you want to learn from me
in your very own private coaching session or if you want to visit a group weekend workshop, do not hesitate to contact me for further details via
I will be there for you and your personal growth as a painter!
You can find more information
about upcoming group workshops via this banner
about upcoming group workshops via this banner
You want to support Massive Voodoo?
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.
Great review! It was a pleasure to be there. I think i had even more fun the second time in the course.