Hello Jungle,
today it is time for another private coaching review.
This time I meet Felix for a two day private coaching in the MV studio in Augsburg, Germany.
Felix & Roman
Felix is an already experienced painter who seeked my tutoring as he explained to me that he feels kind of stuck. He wanted to step up his game and get to know more about painting atmsosphere, creating the dynamic BAM effect on a figure and he wants to learn an enjoyable approach on his work schedule. High goals.
Welcome, Felix!
First it was time for theory.
And in the meantime clouds were passing by.
Priming in process.
Theory that leads to brain-click-moments. Done by Felix.

Felix wrote some thoughts on the coaching:
"Hallo Roman,
Sooo jetzt ein kleines feedback, musste das erstmal alles sacken lassen. Was soll ich sagen?! Es war mit Abstand der beste Workshop den ich jeh besucht habe. Fühle mich nicht nur malerisch sondern auch menschlich nun um einiges "reifer". Kann gar nicht genau sagen was mir alles gefallen hat. Das Gesamtpaket war so überragend, kann ich nicht beschreiben.
Wie du vllt merkst bin ich schwer begeistert.
Werde nun als nächstes meinen Arbeitsplatz mal richtig einrichten und dann all meine Ideen/ Visionen mit einer Energie angehen die ich so noch nicht kannte.
Nochmals vielen lieben dank!"
and in english:
"Hello Roman,
allright, here goes a little feedback after it had time to settle down a bit. What can I say?! By far this has been my best workshop I have ever visited. Not only paintingwise I feel that I stepped up my game, but also in humanly terms. I can not tell you precisely what I did enjoy the most. The entire package was just phenomenal.
As you see I am totally impressed.
For the next steps I am going to prepare my workspace properly and then tackle my ideas/visions with an energy I did not know yet.
Many, many thanks!"
Well, I can only try to explain to you how proud I was as a teacher. It was my absolute pleasure to have you as my student, Felix and I am happy that you return home with fresh painting energies!
Felix's result of the two day coaching:
You want to support Massive Voodoo?
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.
Feel free to contact me for your private coaching!
Right now I am fully booked with two day MV private coachings until
the end of the end of February. All requests from now on will be planned from March on.
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