Time for another review on MV.
This is review #91
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Today we will look closer on a project called "Lord of the Jungle".
This model is part of an actual running kickstarter called Legends of the Jungle by
Hector Moran and little-rouge.com.
This Mu will take us deep in the jungle.
We will have a closer look on the diorama to the left, the Lord of the Jungle. As the Kickstarter is already running you can see how well prepared the team behind the curtains work. The sculpts are done by Hector Moran in 3D and we have one of five prototype casts in hand, here for the review.
We were informed that final packing of the models is not done yet, so we unpack it from a rather uncommon box. We were also informed that prototype means this is not the final cast. They still want to improve some minor things here and there.
Massive Voodoo's Roman also will play a small part in this Kickstarter Campaign. Here is why. Roman's words:
"After Monte San Savino Show I had some deep talks with Oliver Posvek (little-rouge), a friend of mine from Graz and also a part of the Kickstarter campaign “Legends of the Jungle” by Hector Moran:
I really got drawn to this project and also backed it today. Why? Well, I love to support new things in our miniature world. My heart is with projects about animals, we definatly need more of these on the market. Animals are the key to make it possible that I can show models to my mum and she understands them. If I show her an undead samurai ogre she does not understand. I would love to see more people understand the joy of our miniature hobby and I think animals are the key to this.
And I like jungle. And I will paint my version of the Lord of the Jungle too. It will be a wild ride, I will mix kits, I will give him a beard and testicles, I will cut the base in pieces and I will paint it with maximum jungle atmosphere. This will happen as support in a PDF guide for the “Legends of the Jungle” Kickstarter. Well documented and wild like true jungle should be. If you want to read this and maybe do a jungle diorama yourself this project is definatly something you should not miss.
Another good news is the recent update on the Campaign itself. The Team of Legends of the Jungle received so much good feedback out of the community and rebuilt their pledge system, now with even a 54 mm option, instead of only 75 mm. Their stretchgoals are now easier to reach and I think we all can help together to make this come to life.
Support them here and feel the jungle!
Important is that you ask questions via the comments if some might appear to you. They will be answered frequently and steady. For more animals and projects who push forward to the good idea and heart! Sharing means caring! - Roman"
Roman's not so secret sketches on how he wants to cut the base in pieces and beard and testicles. This will be definatly a very interesting guide and a tall jungle base. Please know that Roman will also include some words of his project plan and thoughts in this review.
Ok, let's unpack it!
Like said this is not the official box the models will be delivered in after the Kickstarter. This is how the prototype was delivered to Roman. Mega big box.
Everything safe and sound. Wohauw!
Two Characters in this diorama and a big jungle base.
The scale of this review is the 75 mm version. We start with the human part in the Lord of the Jungle diorama. It is very obvious who is represented here. There can be only one true Lord of the Jungle and he wears a loincloth. A really cool face with character greets Roman while unpacking, but
Roman thinks: "Why is that guy - living in the jungle beside apes since he was two years old - not wearing a beard? Who is he shaving for? Is there a secret monkey love going on and she tells him to shave with a sharp stone? Where are the scars then from learning it? I will give my best to sculpt a beard to my version. Maybe they can even add one to the Kickstarter as a free add-on for everybody who gets the Lord? A beard to glue to the face, optional. :D

As you can see the hair shows a little rest from the resin cast, if this is just on the prototype we can not tell, but we hope that not too much work is needed on the delicate hair parts later on. The overall quality of the other parts is really, really good for a prototype.
Arms full of muscles, but the photo is a little bit too bright so we see no contrast. Damn it. The open hand looks ace and the one closing around the liana looks good too.
A Lord of the Jungle without legs would be eaten very fast ... well, by actual anything, ants, tigers, birds, monkeys. His legs look as ripped as his overall body ... seems jumping from liana to liana is quite the good workout.
Megaripped. Ok, no one wants to see the Lord of the Jungle with a bavarian beer belly. This guy is working out, running and jumping through the jungle like he lived there ... wait, he does.
Roman thinks: "Lord of the Jungle, loincloth, nothing under it. I will change this in my version. Sorry for upcoming explicit visual content, but realistic, I mean c'mon.
The Lord of the Jungle's only weapon, a small stone knife,
that has to be attached to his left leg.
The parts fit very well in this prototype and we do not think they change this in the future to the worse. Really good fitting quality.
In full size ... right now without liana.
He looks like ready to jump,
still observing and staring the jungle visitor in the eyes. Who moves first?
Let's have a look on the Gorilla.
Still we are asking the question who of these two is the real Lord of the Jungle. Would the real Lord please stand up?
The Gorilla arrives in five parts. Two legs, two arms, one main body.

Again it is already obvious how good the fitting will be. Everything is ready to be glued together. A big advantage of 3d sculpts I guess. They also certainly so far have a different look compared to the traditional sculpting. It is hard to point a finger to what it exactly is, but they do look different. Not bad. Different. This cast also shows no mould lines at all. We hope this will stay like that and not only for the prototype. Wonderful.
Roman thinks: "I love Gorillas, but in my vision I see the Lord up in the trees with his liana and the gorilla will not fit into this idea. I think about using the cat out of the second Kickstarter diorama."
The Lor... no, the Gorilla and its main body.
Looking really good from both sides.
Let's add arms and legs ...
Why does the gorilla stand so awkward? It is because he fits prefectly to the groundwork ...
The base arrives in one huge piece. Groundwork and a tree are the option to place the two in the jungle. The look is very jungly and we think you can add great atmosphere to it with paint and additional plants on the ground.
Roman thinks: " For my version I will not use the groundwork and have to take the tree as a start to build up a bigger tree. Oh my gawd!"
Both together on the base, checking for interesting volumes in black and white ... the vision of the bearded jungle man takes shape, plus testicles.
Explicit visual content incoming ... oh why :D
Sharing means caring!
Support them here and feel the jungle!
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