Hey Miniature Collectors and Miniature Lovers,
Roman is selling his german Golden Demon 2013 Slayer-Sword winning Diorama which includes 127 miniatures in a fierce battle about survival or extinction. You can find a step by step of the project here to have an insight in 450+ hours of work time.
Some say the most epic diorama ever made in miniature history, which won the Slayer Sword on Games Day Germany in 2013. Well for Roman it was fun, but mainly a huge amount of work, a big load of passion and effort. In the end the project went up to 450+ hours of work so please do not expect it to be a cheap seller.
If you are interested in more information about this piece please write an email to
for further information.
Hello really interested in the last light diorama. How much you looking at selling it for??
Please write an email to jarhead---at---massivevoodoo---dot---com for further information.
Wow, Last Light is going to be pricy. 4000 euros sounds about right, ~minimum wage for 450 hours.
At least 4000 euros. Which it TOTALLY DESERVES.
well I definately don't have the $ for it (even though I just love that diorama and would like to have it), but would be interesting how much was it.
4000 seems too lilttle so I think it's more than that.