This week's quick tip is about your painting water:
Clean it from while to while if you want to paint clean results on your miniatures. You can not paint clean colours if you use dirty water. If you paint dirty models you can stick with such dirty water, but believe us it always feels good to have some fresh water on your table.
Also make sure to proper clean your water container or glass, because if you don't some old color remains might swim in your water while you think you start fresh again and might stick to your brush. Later on you might recognize these remains confusing your paintwork and you.
Keep on happy painting!
Also it tastes better :D
Meine Katze hat die Angewohnheit aus dem Malbecher zu trinken, darum wechsle ich es täglich mehrmals. ;) Außerdem landet der Edelstahbecher ab und zu in der Spülmaschine.
Sag mal Roman, bist Du eigentlich wieder von Deiner Schaumstoff-Nasspallette weg?
Indeed, about the taste :)
"Sag mal Roman, bist Du eigentlich wieder von Deiner Schaumstoff-Nasspallette weg?"
Nein, nicht im Geringsten, nutze sie weiterhin, bin nur etwas größer gegangen im Format.