Good Morning Jungle,
Massive Voodoo's year of the painter brings you another tutorial voting on this Thursday Morning.
Feel invited to vote your choice via comment. Which article should be up next week?
Voting lasts until Monday next week! These are today's options:
This article will grant you inside into Roman's paintjob on the beautiful, but also ugly Zombie-bust, named "Jessica".
For this article vote "Zombie" in your comment!
In this article you will see a project log of Roman's take on a 1:35 Military Model from Alpine Miniatures. See how it grew to become a special gift to the organisator of the recently held Scale Model Challenge.
For this article vote "Alpine" in your comment!
Some projects need their own transport box and Roman's "Last Light" is definatly one of that kind due its pure size. Find out how Roman build a truely sturdy transport box for this diorama and learn about the material and the steps you need to find and take.
For this article vote "Carry Box" in your comment!

Now it is up to you!
Your vote counts and can make the difference!
Massive Voodoo's year of the painter brings you another tutorial voting on this Thursday Morning.
Feel invited to vote your choice via comment. Which article should be up next week?
Voting lasts until Monday next week! These are today's options:
This article will grant you inside into Roman's paintjob on the beautiful, but also ugly Zombie-bust, named "Jessica".
For this article vote "Zombie" in your comment!
In this article you will see a project log of Roman's take on a 1:35 Military Model from Alpine Miniatures. See how it grew to become a special gift to the organisator of the recently held Scale Model Challenge.
For this article vote "Alpine" in your comment!
Some projects need their own transport box and Roman's "Last Light" is definatly one of that kind due its pure size. Find out how Roman build a truely sturdy transport box for this diorama and learn about the material and the steps you need to find and take.
For this article vote "Carry Box" in your comment!

Now it is up to you!
Your vote counts and can make the difference!
Zombie please
Zombie for me, Hargggg
Zombie :)
Carry box
I´ve seen this stunning miniature some days ago live and now I´m really keen in seeing the painting secret disclosed.
Braiins.... ah... Zombie please!
Zombie is my choice.
My vote goes for Zombie
Zombie please
Carry box
I say Zombie
Alpine please.
zombie please
Carry Box
Zombie please
Carry box please?
Zombie please
Zombie ;-)
Zombie ;-)