Well, better late than never, eh?
Good Morning Jungle. Today we want to look a litte more back in the past, exactly into this years summer and with some private coaching ahaed we thought it is a good time to review the last private coaching we had with Matthias.
Matthias is pretty busy and we kindly asked him to write some words about his time and his topic in the jungle - it took him a little while, but we are thankful that he did. Maybe he just recieved too much sun during our days in Augsburg.
We know Matthias from a beginner's class in Aachen and he also took part in our first BÄM² in Aachen, so he is no newbie to the way we work and we were really looking forward to see him with the topic we talked about: Basing and getting to know the mighty Airbrush.
From now on we won't lose any more words from our side, but let Matthias tell you what he was up to:

"Ok, better late than never, right?
After finishing university I thought I had earned something for myself and in early June I hit the road south to enter the jungle. Though my orientation skills were not up to the task I wandered a bit through Augsburg without orientation under the merciless sun.
When I finally arrived, a bit late, at the beautiful jungle-oasis, called Massive Voodoo, I first took a sip of water and rested in front of the fan on the sofa. Me regaining some strength we talked a bit about the last details what I would like to achieve during my private practice session. During the last year I always had the feeling that my painting skills are improving but my basing is far off. Though shortly before I ventured to Bavaria the basing Workshop was announced I was too lazy to change the subject or to drive twice to Augsburg and stayed with the basing theme. Getting some inspiration from pictures and the parts available from the stocks and the help of my two apes, I started building the substructure for my base. Though I learned that you should not try to handle a slayer sword and a box full of parts at the same time, the box tends to fall down…

The idea was that the sorceress summons her minion to defend her dungeon against some foes. So, after finishing the substructure I had to shape a lots and lots of stones. Raffa showed me very well how to shape them and to what I had to tend my attention to. After this, to be honest, tiresome work, it came to give the base some live, adding dirt, candles, the undead minion and other stuff. Here Roman gave me a good insight how to make it not only realistic but also appealing to the eye. Maybe the most important part for me. Finishing my work with some paint from the airbrush I felt pretty satisfied with the result, taking a lot of inspiration, new knowledge and good memories from my days in the jungle.

So thanks to Roman and Raffa for two fun and inspirational days in their little jungle and for making me feel like home from the first moment on!
So, I have a couple of questions...
#1 what material did you sculpt the stones with?
#2 what tool did you use to sculpt the stones?
#3 the plaster arc, is that Hirst Arts and if yes what mold did you use?
@Koen D
There will be a couple of answers:
#1 BeeSPutty Plastic
#2 Different sculpting tools, so many that is not possible to tell which one exactly
#3 Frankly, we have no idea. One day at a painting class we recieved a big box full of plaster parts from a participant as Workshop sponsoring. This piece was in it too, but we do not where it comes from ...