Aloa Jungle,
today I want to share with you another review of a two day private coaching I was teaching to Pascal some weeks ago. Pascal and I enjoyed great two days in the MV Studio and went in depth into making Pascal a better painter who understands much more about painting after the coaching.
Myself & Pascal

I soon want to give word to Pascal himself who described his coaching experience with me.
Two things I want to say at this point: Thank you, Pascal for trusting my teaching without being to another workshop of mine so far and thanks for the good chats about life and such. Secondly, I am always amazed what hands on teaching can do to painters. That is why I love it.

Pascal says:
"The experience of my coaching at Roman is difficult to put into words. But I'll give it a try.
I had no idea what to expect. Well, I already knew a little bit from reading the reviews and the reports from friends who had already attended a workshop at Roman. But I've never been to a Roman workshop and only knew his work.
But then why the coaching and not another workshop?
My first problem was that I was stuck on my trip as a Miniature Painter. On the one hand, my miniatures say well and I had a lot of experience with painting. But for me they didn't work as an overall picture. On the other hand, I did not progress in developing my own style.
Since these two problems are already relatively specific. So I thought that coaching would help me the best. So ass bomb into the cold water and off to Augsburg.

To my impression of coaching, of Roman and the time in the studio:
As I said, the whole thing is difficult to put into words. But I'm doing my best;)
From the time I arrived until the time I left, I never felt like I was attending a workshop or just being there to learn. I know that sounds strange, but personally it felt more like visiting a friend to paint for two days. Which is really strange because I really learned a lot in the two days and didn't know Roman before.
Even though we spent a lot of time with color theory, atmospheric formation and material science, I never felt bored or overwhelmed by all the knowledge that the novel shared with me. The calm and relaxed way of conveying these topics and the practical work really impressed me. Getting something told is one thing. But to convey the material in such a way that it can be used immediately and that it "clicks" in the brain with every work step, that is a skill that only a few really extraordinary teachers have.
At the end of the coaching, the bust was 95% finished and I was really overwhelmed by how good it looked. Also of the effect when you looked at it. It's amazing what you can get out of a miniature if you don't fix individual areas of the miniature and paint them according to a color recipe, but look at the miniature as a whole and adapt the colors to the environment and the lighting conditions.
The coaching got me out of my blind alley and gave me a real creativity boost.
Many many thanks again to you Roman for the great time, the great discussions and the help to continue my journey as a Miniature Painter. "
Thank you so much for such nice words, Pascal.
They will also arrive to the readers in german below the next load of photos ...
Pascal brought some of his cool models he did prior to the coaching and we took the chance to do some good photos of them:

German version of Pascal's Feedback:
"Die Erfahrung von meinem Coaching bei Roman ist nur schwer in Worte zu packen. Aber ich versuch es mal.
Myself & Pascal

Two things I want to say at this point: Thank you, Pascal for trusting my teaching without being to another workshop of mine so far and thanks for the good chats about life and such. Secondly, I am always amazed what hands on teaching can do to painters. That is why I love it.

Pascal says:
"The experience of my coaching at Roman is difficult to put into words. But I'll give it a try.
I had no idea what to expect. Well, I already knew a little bit from reading the reviews and the reports from friends who had already attended a workshop at Roman. But I've never been to a Roman workshop and only knew his work.
But then why the coaching and not another workshop?
My first problem was that I was stuck on my trip as a Miniature Painter. On the one hand, my miniatures say well and I had a lot of experience with painting. But for me they didn't work as an overall picture. On the other hand, I did not progress in developing my own style.
Since these two problems are already relatively specific. So I thought that coaching would help me the best. So ass bomb into the cold water and off to Augsburg.

To my impression of coaching, of Roman and the time in the studio:
As I said, the whole thing is difficult to put into words. But I'm doing my best;)
From the time I arrived until the time I left, I never felt like I was attending a workshop or just being there to learn. I know that sounds strange, but personally it felt more like visiting a friend to paint for two days. Which is really strange because I really learned a lot in the two days and didn't know Roman before.
Even though we spent a lot of time with color theory, atmospheric formation and material science, I never felt bored or overwhelmed by all the knowledge that the novel shared with me. The calm and relaxed way of conveying these topics and the practical work really impressed me. Getting something told is one thing. But to convey the material in such a way that it can be used immediately and that it "clicks" in the brain with every work step, that is a skill that only a few really extraordinary teachers have.
At the end of the coaching, the bust was 95% finished and I was really overwhelmed by how good it looked. Also of the effect when you looked at it. It's amazing what you can get out of a miniature if you don't fix individual areas of the miniature and paint them according to a color recipe, but look at the miniature as a whole and adapt the colors to the environment and the lighting conditions.
The coaching got me out of my blind alley and gave me a real creativity boost.
Many many thanks again to you Roman for the great time, the great discussions and the help to continue my journey as a Miniature Painter. "
Thank you so much for such nice words, Pascal.
They will also arrive to the readers in german below the next load of photos ...
Pascal brought some of his cool models he did prior to the coaching and we took the chance to do some good photos of them:

German version of Pascal's Feedback:
"Die Erfahrung von meinem Coaching bei Roman ist nur schwer in Worte zu packen. Aber ich versuch es mal.
Ich hatte keine Ahnung was mich erwartet.
Naja gut ein wenig wusste ich schon durch das Lesen der Reviews und die
Berichte von Bekannten, die schon einen Workshop bei Roman besucht
hatten. Aber ich war noch nie bei einem Workshop von Roman und kannte
nur seine Arbeiten.
Aber warum dann das Coaching und nicht ein anderer Workshop?
Mein erstes Problem
war, dass ich auf meiner Reise als Miniature Painter festhing. Zum einen
sagen meine Miniaturen zwar gut aus und was das Malen anging hatte ich
schon einiges an Erfahrung. Aber sie funktionierten für mich nicht als
Gesamtbild. Zum anderen kam ich nicht in der Entwicklung meines eigenen
Stils weiter.
Da diese beiden Probleme schon relativ
spezifisch sind. Daher dachte ich, dass mir ein Coaching am besten
weiterhilft. Also Arschbombe ins kalte Wasser und ab nach Augsburg.
Zu meinem Eindruck vom Coaching, von Roman und die Zeit im Studio:
Wie gesagt das ganze ist schwer in Worte zu packen. Aber ich tue mein bestes ;)
Ich hatte von der Zeit meiner Ankunft bis
zum Zeitpunkt meiner Abreise nie das Gefühl an einem Workshop
teilzunehmen oder nur da zu sein um zu lernen. Ich weiß das klingt
komisch, aber es fühlte sich persönlich mehr an als würde ich einen
Freund besuchen um zwei Tage lang zu malen. Was echt seltsam ist, da ich
wirklich eine ganze Menge in den zwei Tagen gelernt habe und Roman auch
vorher nicht kannte.
Auch wenn wir viel Zeit mit Farbtheorie,
Atmosphärenbildung und Materialkunde verbracht haben, hatte ich zu
keinem Zeitpunkt das Gefühl mich zu langweilen oder von dem ganzen
Wissen, welches Roman mit mir geteilt hat, erschlagen zu werden. Die
ruhige und gelassene Art von Roman diese Themen zu vermitteln, sowie das
praxisnahe Arbeiten haben mich wirklich begeistert. Etwas erzählt zu
bekommen ist die eine Sache. Aber den Stoff so zu vermitteln, dass man
diesen gleich anwenden kann und es bei jedem Arbeitsschritt „klick“ im
Gehirn macht, das ist eine Fähigkeit die nur wenige wirklich
außergewöhnliche Lehrer besitzen.
Am Ende des Coachings war die Büste zu 95%
fertig und ich war echt überwältigt wie gut sie aussah. Außerdem auch
von der Wirkung wenn man sie ansah. Verblüffend was man alles aus einer
Miniatur rausholen kann wenn man nicht einzelne Bereiche der Miniatur
fixiert und sie nach Farbrezept anmalt, sondern die Miniatur als ganzes
betrachtet und die Farben Umgebung und den Lichtverhältnissen anpasst.
Das Coaching hat mich aus meiner Sackgasse rausgeholt und mir einen richtigen Kreativitätsboost gegeben.
Vielen vielen vielen Dank nochmal an
dieser Stelle an dich Roman für die tolle Zeit, die tollen Gespräche und
die Hilfe meine Reise als Miniature Painter fortsetzen zu können. "
Pascal's final result of the coaching was achieved
on his first bust ever:
Thank you for the cool two days, Pascal!
Keep on happy painting!
If you want to learn from me
in your very own private coaching session, do not hesitate to contact me for further details via
Plans for sessions in the first half of 2020 are in the making. I will be there for you and your personal growth as a painter! Know that the first half of 2020 is filling up with private coachings already.
You want to support Massive Voodoo?
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.
Pascal's final result of the coaching was achieved
on his first bust ever:
Thank you for the cool two days, Pascal!
Keep on happy painting!
If you want to learn from me
in your very own private coaching session, do not hesitate to contact me for further details via
Plans for sessions in the first half of 2020 are in the making. I will be there for you and your personal growth as a painter! Know that the first half of 2020 is filling up with private coachings already.
You can find more information
about upcoming group workshops via this banner
about upcoming group workshops via this banner
You want to support Massive Voodoo?
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.
Excellent review for you!
Thank you, Matt!