Roman and Peter finally managed to fill the calender with a lot of dates for weekend seminars in 2018. There will be one big change regarding the location of the classes:
All classes in 2018
will be held in Augsburg, Germany.
This decision might trigger a lot of questions or not...
... but we gave it plenty of thoughts: First, holding classes in other cities with all necessary seminar equipment requires a huge investment in time and energies in terms of travelling and also Roman is a much better teacher if he is not exhausted from travelling. In addition, we have a venue in Augsburg which is perfect in all teaching aspects and has a good (and cheap) hotel right next to it with a two minute walking distance. So, we think that we can host German and international guests in a proper way and ensure an ideal enviroment for learning, if you consider to travel to learn from Roman.
Beside full weekend in depth seminars to a certain topic, Roman will also offer new class concepts, like one day classes with a specific topic. All seminars will be offered in German and English language.
Quick overview
- here are the dates and topics for 2018. Red are upcoming seminars,
green are the ones in the past. Check for the reviews on the green ones.Update:
You now can find so far enrolled student numbers behind the seminars.
All seminars in Augsburg will take place as soon as we got up to three students!
13 January (1 day): Object Source Light Masterclass (in German)Review2 - 4 February (3 days): Beginner class (German)(Download PDF)Review23 - 25 February (3 days): Basing class (English) (Download PDF)Review9 - 11 March (3 days): Beginner class (English) (Download PDF)Review16 - 18 March: Basing class (German) (Download PDF)Review7 April (1 day): Zombie Speed Painting Masterclass (German) (Download PDF)Review28 April (1 day): OSL Masterclass (English) (Download PDF)Review12 May (1 day): Painting a Space Marine Masterclass (German) (Download PDF)Review29th June - 1st July (3 days): Beginner class (German) (Download PDF) 17/25Review13th -15th July (3 days): Advanced class (German) (Download PDF) 8/12Review20th - 22th July (3 days): Beginner class (English) (Download PDF) 8/16Review3rd - 4th August (2 days): Material Masterclass (German) (Download PDF) 9/12Review5th -7th October (3 days): Advanced class (English) (Download PDF) 6/12Review in preperation27th-28th October (2 days): Color Theory Class by Alfonso Giraldes (English)Review in preperation
16/16 waiting list: 5
organised by Roman & Alfonso. Important PDFs for students:
Introduction Alfonso Giraldes
Tools & Material & Student guide
to sign up write an email tojarhead---at---massivevoodoo---dot---com
INCOMING:- 23rd - 25th November (3 days): Beginner Class (German) (Download PDF) 28/32 (0)
- 1st December (1 day): Zombie Speed Painting Masterclass (German) (Download PDF) 19/20 (0)
- 14th - 16th December (3 days): Basing Class (English) (Download PDF) 8/12
If you have any questions or want to sign up please send a mail to Roman:
See further seminar describtions below or via PDFs.
Thank you!
Thank you!
And very important: NOVA OPEN 2018
Roman is teaching seminars in the US again this year. Only at NOVA OPEN 2018.
Including his first ever 2.5 days of Beginner Class overseas - do not miss this chance:
Also check back with the other great seminars NOVA OPEN brings you in 2018:
So many good teachers ready to level up your skill!
In the next weeks we will follow up on this with individual announcements of the seminars and detailed informations via PDFs. We will link them all up in this roadmap and have detailed seminar explanations below soon. More dates will follow for the second half of 2018. Stay tuned in and find this roadmap linked up to your left screen area- look for this banner:
One more concept of a seminar
is in the making which might be interesting for some of you: Roman will hold a seminar for teachers and Miniature Painters that teach and want to learn more about the teaching aspect of this field to make their seminars an even greater experience for their students.
For your information:
If you are travelling far for one of these classes and want to spent some extra days with an even more in depth learning experience, you can also consider a private coaching session with one of your monkeys. Only available as long as time slots are available. Discounts on private coaching possible if you are booking a weekend class too. Speak with us!
If you are interested in joining a class,
please send an e-mail with your name and address to Roman via
jarhead--at--massivevoodoo--dot--com. He will confirm your reservation as soon as possible (please wait at least 4-7 days) and provide any additonal information you might need.

Instructor: Roman Lappat
This MV class gives you insight into Roman's way of painting and basing, his thoughts, the background of his inspiration and a lot of fun and happy painting. This class aims at beginners and advanced painters, but also pros are welcome. More Information on MV's Jar's Beginners class?
Classes in 2018:
- 20th - 22th July (3 days): Beginner class (English) (Download PDF)
- 26th - 28th August (3 days): NOVA OPEN - Beginner Class
- 24th November (1 day/3 days): Beginner Class (German) (Download PDF)

Jar's Advanced Painting Class
Instructor: Roman Lappat
The follow up class to Roman's famous MV's Jar's Beginners Class. You want to go deeper? Here is the place to learn. Main topic: Atmosphere! Intense study on technique, light/shadow, skintones, the color black, the color white and much more!
Classes in 2018:
- 5th -7th October (3 days): Advanced class (English)

Instructor: Roman Lappat
In this MV class Roman takes you deeper into basing. No gaming bases. What makes a good display base? Learn more about composition rules you can put to use while basing, learn different focused material aspects on the subject: "After the postapocalypse, nature returns".
Classes in 2018:
- 14th - 16th December (3 days): Basing Class (English) (Download PDF)
Jar's Material Masterclass
Instructor: Roman Lappat
This is an in depth two day seminar that takes you deep into understanding many different materials, to analyze them and extract their properties into your painting work. Most important in this class are the questions: "Why?" and "How?". This seminar will help you step forward big time in your knowledge about painting in general and in small scale.
Instructor: Roman Lappat
This is an in depth two day seminar that takes you deep into understanding many different materials, to analyze them and extract their properties into your painting work. Most important in this class are the questions: "Why?" and "How?". This seminar will help you step forward big time in your knowledge about painting in general and in small scale.
Classes in 2018:
- 3rd - 4th August (2 days): Material Masterclass (German) (PDF coming soon!)
Jar's Speedpainting Masterclass
Instructor: Roman Lappat
Roman usually does not teach masterclass seminars, but when he does: These seminars focus on one subject, because they aim to teach you to master a certain topic. In this class it is all about speed, efficency and zombie hordes.
Instructor: Roman Lappat
Roman usually does not teach masterclass seminars, but when he does: These seminars focus on one subject, because they aim to teach you to master a certain topic. In this class it is all about speed, efficency and zombie hordes.
Classes in 2018:
- 1st December (1 day): Zombie Speed Painting Masterclass (German) (Download PDF)
Jar's OSL Masterclass
Instructor: Roman Lappat
Roman usually does not teach masterclass seminars, but when he does: These seminars focus on one subject, because they aim to teach you to master a certain topic. In this class it is all about light sources from objects and about the "how to" and "why" you can transport these into your projects.
Instructor: Roman Lappat
Roman usually does not teach masterclass seminars, but when he does: These seminars focus on one subject, because they aim to teach you to master a certain topic. In this class it is all about light sources from objects and about the "how to" and "why" you can transport these into your projects.
Classes in 2018:
- non planned at the moment
Jar's Space Marine Masterclass
Instructor: Roman Lappat
Roman usually does not teach masterclass seminars, but when he does: These seminars focus on one subject, because they aim to teach you to master a certain topic. In this class it is all about the glory of Space Marines. Roman will teach you to convert your own Primaris Marine and shows you all tricks on his disposal on creating epic heroes.
Instructor: Roman Lappat
Roman usually does not teach masterclass seminars, but when he does: These seminars focus on one subject, because they aim to teach you to master a certain topic. In this class it is all about the glory of Space Marines. Roman will teach you to convert your own Primaris Marine and shows you all tricks on his disposal on creating epic heroes.
Classes in 2018:
- non planned at the moment
NOVA Open Convention:
Multiple English language classes!
Roman is planning on teaching at NOVA 2018 again.
Information will be added when available.
Roman is planning on teaching at NOVA 2018 again.
Information will be added when available.
VIEW Roman´s Lappat Nova Open 2017 Seminars:
Also check for all the seminars, not only Roman's - the NOVA OPEN 2017 brings you a great lineup of miniature painting instructors. See you in the seminars in D.C.!
- 26th - 28th August (3 days): NOVA OPEN - Beginner Class
- 30th August (1 hour): NOVA OPEN - Introduction into Display Painting
- 31st August (4 hours): NOVA OPEN -Creating a story and compositon with miniatures
- 31st August (3 hours): NOVA OPEN - Dramatic Lightning
- 1st September (1 hour): NOVA OPEN - Introduction into Display Painting
- 1st September (3 hours): NOVA OPEN - Dramatic Lightning
Picster's Conversion and Sculpting Class
Instructor: Raffaele Picca
This MV class is Raffa's Conversion- and Sculpting class for Beginners and Advanced Sculptors. Learn everything important to convert with fun and sculpt with joy! Leave all that fear behind!
Classes in 2018:
None scheduled at the moment.
Excellent, Party time 😁😁 (we just had a Wayne's World rerun)
Anyway, looking forward to OSL and basing 👍.
Will there be Airbrush courses again? That would be awesome.
Good morning you lovely Gentlemen!
I am qute interested in Roman's OSL and Space Marine Course. Preferably in German. Unfortunately both lack the PDF. Is this a mistake? Can we expect one soon?
I'd beed to know the price, place and contents to make a decission.
Kind regards
Hey Michael,
at the moment I wait for Roman to finish the texts for the PDFs :) So, the documents will follow, soon. The place will be the same as for all classes (have a look at the other PDFs).
Perhaps I missed it, but which mini will we paint in the OSL workshop?
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all painters 🤗🤗
Be surprised. Two figures :)
Hallo Roman, ich hatte vorgestern unter der angegebenen Mailadresse nach einem Platz für den Malkurs 2.4.-4.4. gefragt, aber es kam keine Antwort. Bin ich vielleicht im Spamfilter gelandet? Falls noch etwas frei ist, würde ich sehr gerne mitmachen. Viele Grüße, Gerhard
Hallo Gerhard, danke fürs Nachhaken. Unter dieser Mailardresse geht Peter ran, der mir bei der Kursorga zur Seite steht. Peter hat diese Woche einen neuen Job begonnen und kam bestimmt noch nicht dazu Dir zu antworten. Ich bitte um etwas Geduld :)
Is the 24th November 3 Day beginner German or English? Its listed as both in the two different areas.
German. Thanks for the hint, Jon!
Ok, maybe next year then ;)
Thanks for letting me know.
Hello, when do you plan to have a roadmap for 2019?