Hey Jungle!
As the new year starts I am still a little bit behind with catching up with reviews.
I think this is a good sign - it means a lot of things are happening and keeping me busy.
I got one really nice memory to share with you today:
A two day private coaching I had with Andrew
His learning goal in short:
Paint better and faster gaming Miniatures for his #wargames.
I picked him up with learning a happy painting workflow based on
atmospheric observations, pushed him through technical content and broke
this knowledge down with him again to make him understand all my
thoughts while I speedpaint a gaming miniature in 15 Minutes.
This was Andrew's learning goal:
Main Topic:
- visualising a painting plan
(a vision) with including
atmosphere (helps to achieve a
happy painting flow big time)
- technical improvement on the
way, increasing knowledge of
zenital light and contrast use
while learning more about the
"color" works
Side Topics:
- Skintone Variations and when
to include them
- Bravery while painting that
leads to easy and beautiful
And it was a joy to teach him, even though our two days were intense as ... well, yeah.
This is what Andrew says about his coaching:
"I was happy and excited to meet Roman and to get master-painter wisdom from him. I didn’t have specific expectations, but I knew that there would be something important and eye-opening. And I was not mistaken at all!
These 2 days were intense but I had so many “klick”-moments ((c) Roman), when my sporadic unorganised knowledge and experience came all together with new missing “bricks” of wisdom and knowledge that Roman carefully shared with me. These all came with both theory and practice supporting each other in a perfect balance. I did a lot of things I haven’t done before at all, e.g. super-smooth colour transitions, work on colour saturation, mixing of specific colours from miniature paints from just primary colours, actual painting on paper (I haven’t done it since early school!!!). Well, I am a very happy miniature painter now :)
And I must mention the atmosphere in the studio - Roman makes you feel that you are not on a private coaching with miniature painting rock-star, but like you’re at home with your good old friend who is showing you new tricks and answers on any questions you can come up with. And I am very grateful for that. Now I feel loaded with new tools and I’m plotting already, how exactly to apply them in my endless projects.
Thank you Roman and I’m sure I’ll test your wisdom again as soon as I have a new bag of questions :)
- Andrew
Thank you for two beautiful days with a lot of #happypainting!
Thank you for your will to learn from me!
It has been my pleasure!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes,
If you want to learn from me
in your very own private coaching session, do not hesitate to contact me for further details via
Write me an email and we can make it work!
If you are interested in a private coaching session or the actual news on workshops, please read:
You want to support Massive Voodoo?
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.
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