Today I am is starting to teach
Jar's Advanced Class in Augsburg, Germany.
In german language still, but later this year it will be presented in english language.
Check the roadmap 2018 for details.
Here is a little info on the class via my curriculum:

Instructor: Roman Lappat
Duration: Friday/Saturday/Sunday (2.5 days)
My Advanced miniature painting class, a class that takes my students deeper into my brain, after the famous Beginner's Class.
The subjects are getting more complex in this class. It took me about three years to extract the concept out of my own learning process to make this class another eye opener for every miniature painter who wants to raise his skills.
Main topics:- Learn to paint atmosphere in a Miniature Project
- Learn to keep everything in your project balanced in harmony
- Doing a simple, but effective conversion to make your model unique
- Learn quick and effective rules creating amazing gaming bases
- Learn to paint skintones
- Learn to paint the colors 'black' and 'white'
- Advanced Color Theory
- Advanced Blending Techniques
- Advanced Happy Painting Methods
- and more!
Student level: AdvancedFor this class you should be prepared with an advanced skill level. You should know about zenital light,basic color theory, contrast range and how to create a blending.
Jar's Advanced Class in Blumberg, Achdorf, Germany
Jar's Advanced Class in Augsburg, Germany
If you want to know more about upcoming Massive Voodoo Seminars,
check the Seminar roadmap for 2018 and do not hesitate to join up!
Happy Painting awaits!
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