Time machine back to the early months of 2018.
It was cold. Beautifully cold.
Welcome to another private coaching review.
Quite the things to catch up with on the blog, but the pace is good and life goes on.
On the other hand it also means, if the mood is right to write something, there is plenty of material.
This from Switzerland visited Roman in the MV studio
for a two day private coaching session. This wanted to learn to be more free while painting, to paint more instead of cooking color recipes. The main topic student and teacher agreed on was learning to paint atmosphere and contents from my Advanced Class. I am happy to predict the outcome of this seminar in the meantime and I am happy to know that it opens painters eyes to the magic that is outthere to understand and to be painted.
Main part on day one was theory. Tons.
We only started to prepare the bust with basic colors this first day. Theory is as important in understanding colors and how they play with eachother from application to harmony aspects.
This approached a model by Pedro Fernandez Works.
A sad looking Ogre. Timewise we did not finish the bust in the two day coaching, but tons of knowledge was gathered. From advanced color theory, a useful painting process order and painting techniques to in depth happy painting philosphy.
"In der Tat habe ich 2 wunderschöne und kreative Tage mit Dir verbringen dürfen. Der Kurs wird mir lange in Erinnerung bleiben." - This
A big thanks to This for two splendid days.
Not only the painting aspect was levelled up. Speaking from the perspective of a teacher I can say you always learn something new and refreshing yourself when spending two days together in the MV studio. We enjoyed some really deep conversations about life and I want to thank This for his wisdom he shared with me.
While This learned about painting, I learned about patience
and the meaning
and the meaning
of time.
Keep on happy painting!
Feel free to contact me for your private coaching!
I am quite packed up with dates for two day private coachings at the moment for the second half of the year of 2018, but might be able to find a spot for you. Of course plans for 2019 can slowly start too. I am looking forward to meet you in Augsburg and do some happy hands on painting with you. Additionally check back with the MV roadmap of weekend seminars to certain topics.
I am quite packed up with dates for two day private coachings at the moment for the second half of the year of 2018, but might be able to find a spot for you. Of course plans for 2019 can slowly start too. I am looking forward to meet you in Augsburg and do some happy hands on painting with you. Additionally check back with the MV roadmap of weekend seminars to certain topics.
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If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.
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