Hello Jungle monkeys,
time for a review on the first seminar that I was teaching this year in Augsburg, Germany.
My hometown, my beautiful Paradise City.
Many thanks to Peter who helped me organise this seminar. Without your help there would be so much chaos. It is weird, I know how much you like chaos and metal and beastman! Thank you my dear friend!
If you did not hear it yet: I will stick to Augsburg for the full year of teaching my seminars. I will not travel. I am in need to cure a travel-burnout to be able to enjoy holidays in the future. If you are interested in the upcoming teaching schedule for Augsburg and want to join a class to learn a big deal on miniature painting feel welcome to check back with the

More seminars for the follow up months are in preparation, but still need fine-tuning. Stay tuned and get informed behind the link above. You will not regret a visit to beautiful Augsburg, promised.
Now back to the subject ...
Review: Jar's OSL Masterclass
Teaching this seminar for the first time as a one day, eight hour class I was of course nervous. Even I so far thaught plenty of students on several occasions. It is always something refreshing and exciting to have a new teaching concept on a certain topic, when it comes to Miniature Painting.
I held this seminar as a test-run at last years NOVA OPEN in Washington, D.C.
and was astonished by my students's results. The class at Nova was shorter than the one I recently did as I always make new thoughts and improvements to my seminars :)
My students arrived on time as a full gang,
well not completly but everything happens for a reason, eh? As soon as we entered the venue - the old school were I used to learn on how to become a teacher - everybody was setting up and already brought some of their cool miniatures and cookies :)
I also brought some of mine of course.
The class started with a big theory block on Object Source light.
Thank you all for the great conversations, click moments and funny situations we enjoyed. Can you imagine what you can learn in eight hours if you only focus on OSL with good explanations and a fine curriculum in theory and practical exercises? Well, if not you got to join one of the future classes of this kind. Eight hours are a long time and if you focus on something in particular you will understand it properly.
Thanks to Sebastian and all the other students of this class who supported me with their photos of the class. I did not do many as I was quite busy with, well ... teaching:
... and answering really confusing questions here and there, but well I learned as a good teacher that there is no wrong question, just wrong answers, if you do not listen carefully.
Well, just kidding.
Thanks for the fun times, ladies and gentleman. All questions were properly answered or have been discussed to a satisfying result. Then we started painting. There were two tasks for each student: First to understand the principles of OSL in a sketch and then going deeper to include that sketch in everyone's individual workflow.

First round.
Understanding the principles of OSL. You might see figures double time in here as I was so bombed with photos after the class. Thank you all!

Well, good results for the first fun and a proud teacher in me raising his voice for some food and good talks. After lunch we came back for the second task.
Second stage of the class, was to integrate the OSL knowledge into a full paintjob. When do you include it and how? These questions were answered with my help and guidance. This was amazing to see how everyone's figures turned out for the short time we actually had for this. Amazing, ladies and gentleman.

One day, seven hours of seminar and everybody learned a big deal now.
Thank you all for a great day!
See you for future classes. Got some great concepts upcoming! Thank you all for your support and trust in me as a teacher. Wish you all some happy painting time and never forget, learning never stops!
PS: Seminar Roadmap 2018!
PPS: Or are you interested in a one and one private coaching with me?
time for a review on the first seminar that I was teaching this year in Augsburg, Germany.
My hometown, my beautiful Paradise City.
Many thanks to Peter who helped me organise this seminar. Without your help there would be so much chaos. It is weird, I know how much you like chaos and metal and beastman! Thank you my dear friend!
If you did not hear it yet: I will stick to Augsburg for the full year of teaching my seminars. I will not travel. I am in need to cure a travel-burnout to be able to enjoy holidays in the future. If you are interested in the upcoming teaching schedule for Augsburg and want to join a class to learn a big deal on miniature painting feel welcome to check back with the

More seminars for the follow up months are in preparation, but still need fine-tuning. Stay tuned and get informed behind the link above. You will not regret a visit to beautiful Augsburg, promised.
Now back to the subject ...
Review: Jar's OSL Masterclass
Teaching this seminar for the first time as a one day, eight hour class I was of course nervous. Even I so far thaught plenty of students on several occasions. It is always something refreshing and exciting to have a new teaching concept on a certain topic, when it comes to Miniature Painting.
I held this seminar as a test-run at last years NOVA OPEN in Washington, D.C.
and was astonished by my students's results. The class at Nova was shorter than the one I recently did as I always make new thoughts and improvements to my seminars :)
My students arrived on time as a full gang,
well not completly but everything happens for a reason, eh? As soon as we entered the venue - the old school were I used to learn on how to become a teacher - everybody was setting up and already brought some of their cool miniatures and cookies :)
I also brought some of mine of course.
The class started with a big theory block on Object Source light.
Thank you all for the great conversations, click moments and funny situations we enjoyed. Can you imagine what you can learn in eight hours if you only focus on OSL with good explanations and a fine curriculum in theory and practical exercises? Well, if not you got to join one of the future classes of this kind. Eight hours are a long time and if you focus on something in particular you will understand it properly.
Thanks to Sebastian and all the other students of this class who supported me with their photos of the class. I did not do many as I was quite busy with, well ... teaching:
... and answering really confusing questions here and there, but well I learned as a good teacher that there is no wrong question, just wrong answers, if you do not listen carefully.
Confusion Level risin'!
Well, just kidding.
Thanks for the fun times, ladies and gentleman. All questions were properly answered or have been discussed to a satisfying result. Then we started painting. There were two tasks for each student: First to understand the principles of OSL in a sketch and then going deeper to include that sketch in everyone's individual workflow.

First round.
Understanding the principles of OSL. You might see figures double time in here as I was so bombed with photos after the class. Thank you all!

And cookies for those who weren't on a diet :D
Well, good results for the first fun and a proud teacher in me raising his voice for some food and good talks. After lunch we came back for the second task.
Second stage of the class, was to integrate the OSL knowledge into a full paintjob. When do you include it and how? These questions were answered with my help and guidance. This was amazing to see how everyone's figures turned out for the short time we actually had for this. Amazing, ladies and gentleman.

One day, seven hours of seminar and everybody learned a big deal now.
Thank you all for a great day!
Pls ignore the cigarettes. Even they might create a tiny OSL at night, they are not good for your health!
See you for future classes. Got some great concepts upcoming! Thank you all for your support and trust in me as a teacher. Wish you all some happy painting time and never forget, learning never stops!
PS: Seminar Roadmap 2018!
PPS: Or are you interested in a one and one private coaching with me?
The "copyright" notice is just ridiculous!!!
First of all a painting technique is not something that can be patented/copyrightable/trademarked. These techniques exist since centuries... techniques like glazing, drybrushing etc... Just because you use a combination that works for you does not means other can not teach a similar method. Didn't you learn glazing miniatures from someone else? Didn't you learn drybrushing from someone else ?
Anybody knowing your technique can teach it to someone else. It's completely unlike recasting which is :
- allowed (at least for sure french law) for personal use
- forbidden for commercial use. It's like reselling copies of manufactured product, which is counterfeiting.
Your saying is like saying:
I will teach you to draw, but you can not teach others to draw.
I'll teach you to read but you can't teach others to read.
Someone can not duplicate some course supports that you have developped (printings, books) or use a recording of you. But that stops there.
Is that dog you use for coloring techniques a creation of your own ? If not, then I hope you payed the right to use it for your commercial activities of teaching.
I'm really suprised to see such a attitude on this blog. Teachers always work to improve, and part of that is taking other courses... not only practicing the craft. Sharing with others by teaching, is really something that makes you grow the understanding of your skills and finally mastering a craft.
Just saying you are not allowed to pass a knowledge to someone else just because you, Roman Lappat, painted during 10 years is just... ridiculous.
I'd like to see your claim of intellectual property on painting techniques hold up in court. Absolutely ridiculous. And what would be the point of someone contacting you to use your so-called intellectual property, in whole or in part, for commercial use? A payoff?
Hey Anonymous, thank you for your feedback on this. I recently had this discussion over on Instagram and answered a lot of messages there in the comments:
Together with everyone bringing in constructive feedback I am able to rewrite this as it was not clear enough:
I am not claiming painting techniques as my own or the theory behind painting. My claim is about the way how I explain something, how I teach, the ways I explain something in my seminars. It is a different way than monkey see, monkey does as I studied to become a teacher. It took me quite the years of teaching to break information I am not claiming property on into teaching schedules and teaching methods. I do not like to see them used by others without my permission. For example, if I write a big handout to a seminar and see the exact teaching methods used by another figure painter who also teaches. I will be more precise on this as I wam working on details with a lawyer as we speak.
Thanks for the not so constructive feedback though. I will rewrite this and be much more precise. Thank you!