MV wishes Merry Christmas
Today the Massive Voodoo Team wants to wish all of our readers, family and friends a Merry Christmas. The monkeys are swinging back to the deep jungle for a well deserved christmas holiday.
After a crazy and intense year we want to thank all of you for the support and the love we are receiving through comments, emails and personal encounters. We will be back in 2018 with more awesome stuff, till then it can be a good and healthy thing to recap the year. Try to be thankful for what you have, smile more than usual, try to be the best version of yourself. Enjoy family and friends, give yourself a break from the internet and social media, enjoy the moment and have a wonderful time.
Your Massive Voodoo Team
Liebe Voodoos
Vielen Dank und auch euch eine tolle Weihnachtszeit mit euren Lieben und einen Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.
Mange tak for endnu et fedt male år og rigtig glædelig jul til hele Jungle-holdet fra Danmark! 🌲 (Thought we could give this post the international twist 😀)