Good Morning Jungle,
as active painting is not happening from my side at the moment I realized that many other creative things are happening in my brain. Of course, some, related to miniature painting. I decided to let spring also hit home in the Massive Voodoo jungle and will hit the jungle with different ideas of blog posts. If I am not painting much these days does not mean the jungle has to be silent as the jungle in my head ain't quiet itself.
FYI: You find me writing posts these days under my personal account on Massive Voodoo, not the MV Team account. Through all the upcoming Kong Fu I am going through in the next couple of weeks I did not see it would fit writing in the words of the team. Official MV announcements and such will drop in from my side by using the MV team account.
You will find future book reviews also linked up to MV's Miniature Unpacked area.
A book review of
Art of Asura
publised by Singapore publisher Basheer Graphics Book.
Asura online is a MMORPG game, looking awesome. I do not play.
I got in contact with the strong impact of the visuals of Asura with a cinematic trailer of Asura Online that inspired me on youtube:
Miniature related, of course:
I am really happy to have this project on my table soon, but the process of a paintjob does not start with glueing the model. It starts much earlier, in the mind, thinking, brainstorming and finding a vision.
Allright, book review.
Opening this book felt wonderful as it is a beautiful hard cover thingy and screams quality. Additional to this - together with my vision and miniature project ahead - it hit me that I home.
The book that I got is printed in english language. 288 pages strong.
There is a lot of explanations to the different races and characters in the book, many with chinese names of course, which make a full fast understanding of the story not so easy for me, but without a doubt the visuals and artworks in the book are more than impressive.
Also very inspiring for the miniature painter are the landscape concepts. They do look like three dimensional bases and have a special unique inspirational touch to them.
Black and white pages also included.
288 pages full of character and concept design that makes the worlf of Asura come to life.
I really enjoy this book and my inspirational juices are seething. I am definatly sure that this book will influance my project plans for Sun Wukong. Stay tuned, I will keep you posted about updates on this. Recently I found something from China on a local flea market. I will show it soon to show you how this inspires me for the basework of this model.
This book is a great artbook.
Also check a review to this book on,
that made me buy it myself.
as active painting is not happening from my side at the moment I realized that many other creative things are happening in my brain. Of course, some, related to miniature painting. I decided to let spring also hit home in the Massive Voodoo jungle and will hit the jungle with different ideas of blog posts. If I am not painting much these days does not mean the jungle has to be silent as the jungle in my head ain't quiet itself.
FYI: You find me writing posts these days under my personal account on Massive Voodoo, not the MV Team account. Through all the upcoming Kong Fu I am going through in the next couple of weeks I did not see it would fit writing in the words of the team. Official MV announcements and such will drop in from my side by using the MV team account.
You will find future book reviews also linked up to MV's Miniature Unpacked area.
A book review of
Art of Asura
publised by Singapore publisher Basheer Graphics Book.
Asura online is a MMORPG game, looking awesome. I do not play.
I got in contact with the strong impact of the visuals of Asura with a cinematic trailer of Asura Online that inspired me on youtube:
Miniature related, of course:
I am really happy to have this project on my table soon, but the process of a paintjob does not start with glueing the model. It starts much earlier, in the mind, thinking, brainstorming and finding a vision.
Sun Wukong, the Monkey King by Limbo Miniatures.
photocredits Limbo Miniatures
Allright, book review.
Opening this book felt wonderful as it is a beautiful hard cover thingy and screams quality. Additional to this - together with my vision and miniature project ahead - it hit me that I home.
The book that I got is printed in english language. 288 pages strong.
There is a lot of explanations to the different races and characters in the book, many with chinese names of course, which make a full fast understanding of the story not so easy for me, but without a doubt the visuals and artworks in the book are more than impressive.
Also very inspiring for the miniature painter are the landscape concepts. They do look like three dimensional bases and have a special unique inspirational touch to them.
Black and white pages also included.
288 pages full of character and concept design that makes the worlf of Asura come to life.
I really enjoy this book and my inspirational juices are seething. I am definatly sure that this book will influance my project plans for Sun Wukong. Stay tuned, I will keep you posted about updates on this. Recently I found something from China on a local flea market. I will show it soon to show you how this inspires me for the basework of this model.
This book is a great artbook.
Also check a review to this book on,
that made me buy it myself.
Very cool! The main artist here is a guy named Fenghua Zong from China, who is one of my favorite artists. His DeviantArt is:
I had no idea he was involved in a video game, this is awesome!