Hi Jungle,
where does the zenital light come from?
Right, from straight on top of the miniature!
"Vielen Dank nochmal für den hervorragenden Kurs!!!
- Flo
Some days ago
in my hometown, Augsburg I was able to teach again.
This time my well known beginner seminar that gives insight into my way while painting. The class was in german language. Aimed at all skill levels and I was really happy to welcome 27 students from Germany and Austria.
With only five repeaters of the class it was a seminar packed with new people, which makes me a very happy teacher. It shows that there is still interest in seminars for students who are interested in growing on their own journey. Of course I do offer advanced topic classes and masterclasses, but in the end it comes down to this workshop to see new faces interested in telling stories with their figures and starting their journey to display painting.

The theory parts contain:
- Learn to see your world with different eyes
- Introduction into basing composition
- Learn how to feel harmony in different aspects
- Important contrasts for figure painting
- Explanation about how to paint a light situation on your figure
- Understand colour theory and learn how to use it properly
- Learn about different materials, their unique properties and learn to paint them
- Learn to lose fear of doing something wrong
- much more!
Our classrooom for the weekend in Augsburg!
"Vielen Dank für den tollen Kurs und das inspirierende Wochenende!" - Bastian
When it comes to basing I got to thank the supporters of this class who made the class wonderful due their help in sponsoring some of their products, beside my own crazy material collection:
This review is quite mixed up when it comes to photos. It will not follow the structure of the class.
Call it a freestyle review :)
Some projects before painting.
Primed black and white ...
"Ich wollte einfach kurz Danke sagen für ein intensives aber absolut großartiges Wochenende!
"Ich muss sagen ich hatte durch die Erzählungen von einem Freund ja schon eine hohe Erwartung an den Kurs - dennoch wurden die bei Weitem übertroffen! Gerade der durchdachte Ablauf und dass alles aufeinander aufbaut hat mir sehr sehr gut gefallen und mich gedanklich als auch technisch unglaublich weiter gebracht! Ich bin oft mit den Hunden in der Natur unterwegs aber so intensiv wie die letzten Tage habe ich noch nie meine Umgebung betrachtet. Da sieht man überall nur noch Farbverläufe, Schattierungsfarben, Strukturen usw. :-D Nochmals vielen vielen Dank für das tolle Wochenende, wir sehen uns sicher in einem deiner Kurse wieder!" - Stephan
Painting explanations starts :)
These photos above are in no way in a particular order :D
Thanks to Oliver and Bastian for sending over some more photos for the review.
Unfortanetely I did not take many photos on my own during the class as I was, well, busy with teaching :)
In depth explanations happened, but not much photos from it :)
Well, we all know it is about the photos of the projects and we got many of them.
Thanks to the gang of students of this workshop ...
thanks to my hand for messing up this group photo :D
The results of my students during the weekend ... I am always amazed of their uniqueness:
No hand this time, but wrong angle :D
Sorry for the blurry one over here! Ahhh!
Great, another one! Sorryio!
again I want to thank everyone attenting to this seminar.
It really made my heart jump with joy to hear your beautiful feedback and see you all learned a big deal of my way of happy painting and what it means for me and for you from now on. Like I said, everyone of us is on his own journey on growth and collecting experience. I am really proud of you!
Thank you all for your support in my teachings and art!
Keep on happy painting!
In the middle of May I will announce seminars for the second half of 2019! Stay tuned via your jungle blog!
where does the zenital light come from?
Right, from straight on top of the miniature!
"Vielen Dank nochmal für den hervorragenden Kurs!!!
Kurs ist m.E. nach eine wirkliche Bereicherung für alle
Miniaturen-Maler, die sich auf diesem Gebiet weiter entwickeln möchten.
Roman bringt alle Teilnehmer, egal mit wieviel Erfahrung, mit
hervorragender Didaktik und Methodik auf das nächste Level. Man sieht
über den Tellerrand hinaus und wird neugierig darauf neue Themenkomplexe
und Techniken selber zu entdecken.
eindrucksvoll ist es zu sehen, wie gerade wenige erfahrene Teilnehmer
binnen kürzester Zeit rasante Fortschritte machen. Daher kann ich diesen
Kurs besonders allen Einsteigern dieses Hobbys wärmstens ans Herz
Vielen Dank für das äußerst kurzweilige Wochenende voller wertvoller Erfahrungen!"
- Flo
Some days ago
in my hometown, Augsburg I was able to teach again.
This time my well known beginner seminar that gives insight into my way while painting. The class was in german language. Aimed at all skill levels and I was really happy to welcome 27 students from Germany and Austria.
With only five repeaters of the class it was a seminar packed with new people, which makes me a very happy teacher. It shows that there is still interest in seminars for students who are interested in growing on their own journey. Of course I do offer advanced topic classes and masterclasses, but in the end it comes down to this workshop to see new faces interested in telling stories with their figures and starting their journey to display painting.

The theory parts contain:
- Learn to see your world with different eyes
- Introduction into basing composition
- Learn how to feel harmony in different aspects
- Important contrasts for figure painting
- Explanation about how to paint a light situation on your figure
- Understand colour theory and learn how to use it properly
- Learn about different materials, their unique properties and learn to paint them
- Learn to lose fear of doing something wrong
- much more!
Our classrooom for the weekend in Augsburg!
"Vielen Dank für den tollen Kurs und das inspirierende Wochenende!" - Bastian
When it comes to basing I got to thank the supporters of this class who made the class wonderful due their help in sponsoring some of their products, beside my own crazy material collection:
This review is quite mixed up when it comes to photos. It will not follow the structure of the class.
Call it a freestyle review :)
If you want to join one of my seminars,
feel invited to check back with
feel invited to check back with
Some projects before painting.
Primed black and white ...
"Ich wollte einfach kurz Danke sagen für ein intensives aber absolut großartiges Wochenende!
bin noch immer etwas geflasht von den ganzen Eindrücken und laufe seit
zwei Tagen durch die Gegend und erfreue meine Umgebung und insbesondere
meine Freundin mit wirrem Gerede von zenitalem Licht, Pferdehintern und
cremigen Farben. ;)
so voll beladen mit Theorie, neuen Perspektiven und Techniken fürs
Malen wird es sicher eine Zeit dauern das Gelernte in Ruhe sacken zu
lassen und am Maltisch auszuprobieren. Was das Wochenende für mich aber
zu einem besonderen Erlebnis gemacht hat, war die Art und Weise mit der
du den Kurs geleitet hast. Vielen Dank für deine ansteckende Freude am
Malen, die Fähigkeit andere zu begeistern und die Geduld mit denen du
uns die Inhalte verständlich, humorvoll und auf unglaublich sympathische
Art vermittelt hast!
Mir hat das Wochenende so viel Freude bereitet, dass ich gerne erneut einen Workshop von dir besuchen würde."
- Christian
"Ich muss sagen ich hatte durch die Erzählungen von einem Freund ja schon eine hohe Erwartung an den Kurs - dennoch wurden die bei Weitem übertroffen! Gerade der durchdachte Ablauf und dass alles aufeinander aufbaut hat mir sehr sehr gut gefallen und mich gedanklich als auch technisch unglaublich weiter gebracht! Ich bin oft mit den Hunden in der Natur unterwegs aber so intensiv wie die letzten Tage habe ich noch nie meine Umgebung betrachtet. Da sieht man überall nur noch Farbverläufe, Schattierungsfarben, Strukturen usw. :-D Nochmals vielen vielen Dank für das tolle Wochenende, wir sehen uns sicher in einem deiner Kurse wieder!" - Stephan
"My start…
When I subscribed to MSV VDO beginners workshop, I had nearly no expectations. I like the evenings of playing with good friends some games, I just got never caught up in their passion of painting the figuers with which we were playing (and also not completely alike in the games themselves, because sadly I’m some kind of a bad loser :D)
think, two or three years ago, my friend Olly participated in the
beginners workshop with Roman the first time. I really admired the
creative bases he build from now on and how he used different elements
of nature (stones, sand, little pieces of wood…) to create them. As
queen of self-critizism I never found the starting point for trying it myself.
So, when Olly told me, he would like to repeat the workshop, I thougt:
„Hey, I heard so many great things about that Roman-guy, perhaps that’s
my opportunity to jump in and learn from the very beginning how to do it
right. Why not?“
And I have to admit, I really made here the right decision! (Although I got a little bit nervous, when I realized, I was indeed the only person with absolute no experiences, because I didn’t want to hold the others back or something.) (But) I was part of a great group of very kind and encouraging people and I learned from Roman a lot about colours, contrasts, techniques of painting und base-building, but most important – thanks to his inspiring teaching – I learned to seperate conceptually the art of painting minis from the nessesity to use them for playing. I really love the idea of telling a story with them.
And I have to admit, I really made here the right decision! (Although I got a little bit nervous, when I realized, I was indeed the only person with absolute no experiences, because I didn’t want to hold the others back or something.) (But) I was part of a great group of very kind and encouraging people and I learned from Roman a lot about colours, contrasts, techniques of painting und base-building, but most important – thanks to his inspiring teaching – I learned to seperate conceptually the art of painting minis from the nessesity to use them for playing. I really love the idea of telling a story with them.
because of Romans constandly repeating, that we’re on our own journey,
I’m hopeful of overpowering my perfectionism (or at least I will try :D)
and daring to start a (new) project.
So, thank you very much for giving an insight of your knowledge and skills and most of all for your inspiration and confidence J
All the best"
Painting explanations starts :)
These photos above are in no way in a particular order :D
Thanks to Oliver and Bastian for sending over some more photos for the review.
Well, we all know it is about the photos of the projects and we got many of them.
Thanks to the gang of students of this workshop ...
thanks to my hand for messing up this group photo :D
The results of my students during the weekend ... I am always amazed of their uniqueness:
No hand this time, but wrong angle :D
Sorry for the blurry one over here! Ahhh!
Great, another one! Sorryio!
again I want to thank everyone attenting to this seminar.
It really made my heart jump with joy to hear your beautiful feedback and see you all learned a big deal of my way of happy painting and what it means for me and for you from now on. Like I said, everyone of us is on his own journey on growth and collecting experience. I am really proud of you!
Thank you all for your support in my teachings and art!
Keep on happy painting!
If you want to join one of my seminars,
feel invited to check back with
feel invited to check back with
In the middle of May I will announce seminars for the second half of 2019! Stay tuned via your jungle blog!
Thank you so much for this article. This article was exactly what I was looking for. You gave so much useful information in this article that I can really use right now. I am going to study this article and use every ounce of information that you shared. Thank you