Hello Jungle,
well, well, well ...
The answer is simple: no!
Will it change?
The jungle seems a little empty these days and still a little noise is made here and there. Not by many monkeys these days as life keeps everyone in a thight grip.
I am still here :)
... but I also see Massive Voodoo losing some energies since the early days of 2018. Not in a bad way. Do not get me wrong. There are still so many tasks to do, so many plans made together as the MV Team and so many good vibes to spread, but time is missing for everyone. Somehow the blog has to grow older beside the men or man running it :D
I for my part decided that I can not held up the pace I did for several years with posting kind of daily.
Life, priorities and other things kept my heart and mind distracted and I decided to break my time I can put into the MV jungle down to one or maximum three blog posts a week. Depending on my mood. This is a routine I would like to run when posting alone in here. Once in a while there will be another monkey writing something I am pretty sure and also some guest monkeys will drop their articles. I am pretty sure.
The Massive Voodoo pace will change.
Therefore I have to put my mind on ease. With Massive Voodoo I always feel a little bit of anxiety and expectations on my shoulder as our readers might want more and more and more. In 2018 these expectations were not matched, even I tried to get up on my feet again and again or rise from the ashes as a phoenix.. I know that these expectations are not there. They are putting pressure on me from my inside. So I am going back to the thing I can do best: Open my heart to it to let it go.
I decided for my work and time I can put in Massive Voodoo that I will focus on the quality of blogposts again. This means quantity gets less, but quality rises up. This year we got two contests ready for you, already planned behind the curtains and soon to be announced. A lot of link ups and photo repairs have to be done in the tutorial section and workshop area. This will happen. In its own pace. Not with pressure from myself.
Still there are points to catch up with.
I want to excuse myself for the long waiting time on workshop reviews and mainly for still missing parcels from MV's 2017 challenge. I will sent these out this week. Priorites first, but I also have to skip some things I was trying to force myself to catch up with from the past, for example 75 tutorials and step by steps I could write right now of models I have painted in the last two years. I just do not find the time for putting all these out. I am pretty sure I will do one or two here and there when the muse for writing strikes me, but without it it just would be hollow and that is not what I write up.
My personal focus via MV
will be mainly on teaching, private coachings and workshops. This is what I can do best and what my 2do lists yell at me these days. So much to plan, organise and finish behind the curtains.
Once in a while I will definatly drop a finished model or a tutorial I am sure.
So, until then.
Stay tuned.
Do not expect too much :D
... but happy painting will be back!
You want to support Massive Voodoo?
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.
well, well, well ...
The answer is simple: no!
Will it change?
The jungle seems a little empty these days and still a little noise is made here and there. Not by many monkeys these days as life keeps everyone in a thight grip.
I am still here :)
... but I also see Massive Voodoo losing some energies since the early days of 2018. Not in a bad way. Do not get me wrong. There are still so many tasks to do, so many plans made together as the MV Team and so many good vibes to spread, but time is missing for everyone. Somehow the blog has to grow older beside the men or man running it :D
I for my part decided that I can not held up the pace I did for several years with posting kind of daily.
Life, priorities and other things kept my heart and mind distracted and I decided to break my time I can put into the MV jungle down to one or maximum three blog posts a week. Depending on my mood. This is a routine I would like to run when posting alone in here. Once in a while there will be another monkey writing something I am pretty sure and also some guest monkeys will drop their articles. I am pretty sure.
The Massive Voodoo pace will change.
Therefore I have to put my mind on ease. With Massive Voodoo I always feel a little bit of anxiety and expectations on my shoulder as our readers might want more and more and more. In 2018 these expectations were not matched, even I tried to get up on my feet again and again or rise from the ashes as a phoenix.. I know that these expectations are not there. They are putting pressure on me from my inside. So I am going back to the thing I can do best: Open my heart to it to let it go.
I decided for my work and time I can put in Massive Voodoo that I will focus on the quality of blogposts again. This means quantity gets less, but quality rises up. This year we got two contests ready for you, already planned behind the curtains and soon to be announced. A lot of link ups and photo repairs have to be done in the tutorial section and workshop area. This will happen. In its own pace. Not with pressure from myself.
Still there are points to catch up with.
I want to excuse myself for the long waiting time on workshop reviews and mainly for still missing parcels from MV's 2017 challenge. I will sent these out this week. Priorites first, but I also have to skip some things I was trying to force myself to catch up with from the past, for example 75 tutorials and step by steps I could write right now of models I have painted in the last two years. I just do not find the time for putting all these out. I am pretty sure I will do one or two here and there when the muse for writing strikes me, but without it it just would be hollow and that is not what I write up.
My personal focus via MV
will be mainly on teaching, private coachings and workshops. This is what I can do best and what my 2do lists yell at me these days. So much to plan, organise and finish behind the curtains.
If you want to join one of these seminars,
feel invited to check back with
Once in a while I will definatly drop a finished model or a tutorial I am sure.
So, until then.
Stay tuned.
Do not expect too much :D
... but happy painting will be back!
You want to support Massive Voodoo?
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.
Hey Roman, feel free to do so. I will follow the MV Blog still and I think many other follower will stay to.
By the way, even one Blog Post a week is much more than most of other blogs do, and Quality is better than quantity.
Take care for you and you passion.
Hey Roman, when life throws curve balls we just have to roll with them and do what we can. What ever content you feel like sharing will be well received and appreciated as the previous years of updates have been. To paraphrase a wise painter, we have to keep on happy living. If this means cutting back a bit then so be it
Dude. Feel free to do whatever your heart tells you. You've done more than enough for the painting and modelling community. I could not even get close to reach the gratitude you deserve for all the content shared and love spreaded. Life should treat you well my friend. Good people deserves good things and you have a place near the top. #Happypainting ��
Quality > Quantity. Always. Even if there will be one post per month I will be eager to read it. MV was my first source of information and inspiration when I got into mini (and happy!) painting and I will be more than happy if it will continue to do so no matter how often.
Keep up the great work. You do amazing things for the community and deserve all the bananas.
No need to pressure yourself. Everything you and the other guys here at MV did so far for the painting community is more than we could ever have asked for.
Continue in the pace that feels right to you and don't set too high goals for yourself.
Having attended three of your Workshops so far I think it's great that you keep your focus on those and keep up the high quality you always provide there - more power to you! :)
I'd like to take the opportunity and shout out a big thank you for all the work you already did for the community to keep us going forward. Thanks!
It may get lonely, but we’re still out here! You’ve taught a legion.
Hi Roman,
man merkt schon lange eine Veränderung, wenn man Dich und MV verfolgt. Den Roman, den ich 2013 kennenlernte, erkenne ich kaum wieder. Eigentlich schon seit 17 nicht mehr. Irgendwie scheint mir Deine Unbeschwertheit und wahnsinnige Energie abhanden gekommen zu sein. So richtig coole Projekte von Dir sah ich schon lange nicht mehr, als wenn die Malerei nur noch ein „9 to 5-Job“ für Dich wäre. Die Begeisterung über das „Püppchen-Malen“, die überall aus Dir sprühte, spüre ich nicht mehr.
Vielleicht liege ich ja auch falsch, aber ich denke das Zurückfahren (zu) vieler Baustellen ist trotzdem keine schlechte Idee. Klasse statt Masse ist auf jeden Fall besser. Irgendwann läufts privat auch wieder besser, dann kommt hoffentlich die Begeisterung zurück. ;)
Thanks for everything, you've done so much for our community. Even one post a week or two is more than we could hope for. Go follow your heart.