Hi Jungle,
catching up with many private coaching reviews from 2022.
Man, time flies and I am not getting faster (younger) :D
After the Monte San Savino Show 2022, Kyle from Canada was heading to Augsburg and dropping in the studio for a two day private coaching. As I know him online since a while, got to meet him in person in Italy for the show it was really nice to get to know him even more during these two days.
Kyle and I tackled a very interesting topic:
- Roman's (my) understanding of the color green
- Light dabbling in a forest/jungle
This is what Kyle said:
what is Coaching with Roman Lappat? It is being welcomed into a nicely
equipped studio and told to feel at home. But more importantly it is
to be taken under the wing of an extremely experienced and calming
individual who wants nothing more than to see you thrive under his
Roman’s studio is amazing, the art on the walls
(including an original Patricia Sancho), his art, funny posters, student
artwork/personal collection. It's a kind of mecca and a reflection of
the holder of the studio. Eclectic taste, but it is all amazing.
Roman I had a very specific plan, to learn the secrets to his greens,
and if he was up for it and thought we had time, to study dapple light.
He thought this was fitting, so off we went.
Roman’s lesson
plan is incredibly structured. this leads to a smooth explanation and
no need for backtracking. He even has a good set of exercises to test
the student. He will place your level and adjust from there to see where
he needs to build to take you where you are going. This is the level of
structure that I, as a professional, would come to expect when I engage
someone for professional level services. There’s also some weights if
ever just need to blow off some steam, you can go pump some iron. A
nice touch.
Sure the world kind of fell apart when we started to
really consider dapple, but that was expected. It was great to work
through the issue with another painter, opposed to alone. It felt a bit
like we both needed that to see it through at that point as there were
definitely some doubts in the room. We got through it, and out the
other side with smiles.
At the end of the day, I did learn the
greens of Roman Lappat, and have a very good dapple sketch to finish. I
left with a very good feeling. Momo even joined us to paint on day two
and it was nice to meet her. I was happy to leave a small piece of
myself in the studio, as a piece of that place will remain in my mind
for some time. To see Roman’s works in the flesh and good light, to
study and dissect them. "
- Kyle
Thank you for the nice two days spent, Kyle!
Keep on happy painting!
Fully booked with Private Coaching lessons until June 2023.
If you are interested in your private coaching for a later date: I setup a list of interested people and will contact these first - in the order of the list - when new dates get availaible.
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